Sun God Marvel

Chapter 242

Zhou Yi doesn’t know what kind of orders are flowing from the gloomy castle. He didn’t even know the existence of this castle. However, just like the conspiracy in the ant nest under your feet, does it really matter to a person? The answer is naturally obvious.

As if forgetting what happened at night, Zhou Yi lived a normal life like an okay person.

Living in mother’s villa, enjoying the deep care from mother. Occasionally attend some banquets organized by the upper class of the United Kingdom with Zhou Lan and act as the limelight. As the director of the board member of the Corona Group, he has naturally become an existence that many people flatter. However, Zhou Yi’s attitude is also very clear.

He said that oneself just came to take a vacation and did not want to be disturbed. Using this as a shield naturally dispelled many thoughts that people shouldn’t have. Rank and status determine who owns the initiative. Unfortunately, the United Kingdom in Sun setting on the western mountains really can’t find anyone who can take the initiative from Zhou Yi.

So Zhou Yi was very comfortable with the following days. Rest, visit London, and occasionally chat and drink tea with Susan who comes to visit. Simple but fulfilling, to a certain extent, it was a pleasant life. But only Zhou Yi knows that oneself is not at all oneself so casual.

He still has a purpose, because he has been waiting for news from Vampire. Seriously, he doubted whether Selena was working for him seriously. Because until now, he has not received any news. And just one day, when he was ready to inspect the work. The news from Selena came over.

Emilia has appeared, which is good news for Zhou Yi, because his patience is almost exhausted. Solving this problem as soon as possible is the most important thing he has in mind right now.

Night fell and Zhou Yi left the own room. Came to the place notified by Selena. A mansion that looked empty. It is said that this was once the residence of the Victor family, of course, now only the dead Nether Soul resides here.

Whether Vampire has a soul, Zhou Yi doesn’t know, this is the authority of the god of death. And Zhou Yi did not have the urge to talk to Ms. Death.

I found Selena outside the mansion, Zhou Yi immediately appeared next to her.

“Where is Emilia?”

Although Selena was a little surprised by Zhou Yi’s sudden appearance, she still suppressed the panic in her heart. Pointing to the inside of the mansion, she whispered.

“Elder just returned, I think she has discovered the problem in the family.”

“Very well, let’s go.” Zhou Yi grinned and took the lead. Walk in the direction of the mansion. “I don’t have time to spend like this.”

When she heard this, Selena immediately changed her face. Having seen Zhou Yi’s power, she was very worried, worried that oneself, the remaining clansman, would accidentally anger him. His lack of patience means that he does not have much tolerance now, and once there is something wrong with both sides. She couldn’t imagine the consequences.

“My lord, I’ll show you the way!” She hurried to the front of Zhou Yi, begging in a low voice while walking toward oneself’s former home.

As for the small idea in her heart, Zhou Yi laughed let her take oneself into this big house.

The original splendorous and majestic mansion is now dull like a ghost house. Not to mention the lights, not even a little sound. Emilia is not an idiot, she discovered an anomaly in the family when she returned. So she cautiously, even with her confidants, was ordered to hide.

As if they never came back. If you hadn’t been paying attention to the movement in the mansion, you would know that they have returned. Selena did not believe that there would be people in this empty house.

She took Zhou Yi and walked deeper and deeper into the depths of the house. This is where the Elders sleep and transfer power. And now, there is no one here. Elder was killed in the old days, and only one Emilia survived. Thinking of this, Selena couldn’t help feeling depressed.

But the sad mood cannot interfere with her actions, she knows what oneself is doing now.

One-knee kneels was directly in the middle of the hall, and Selena said loudly in Vampire’s language to the empty hall.

“Emilia Elder, I’m Death Walker Selena, I’m here to report to you what happened here.”

She just finished talking, the entire group has been They came out of hidden corners in the hall one after another, holding weapons in their hands and staring at Zhou Yi and Selena cautiously. Until a woman stands out.

This is a beautiful woman who is wearing a silver and black low-cut evening gown with ancient ornaments on her neck. She pushed away the guard in front of her, walked straight to Selena, and said to her.

“Selena, I remember you. Victor’s favorite child. Now, tell me everything you know.”

“Yes, Emily Ya Elder. It’s like this. We were attacked by the Dark Council, and the Council ordered the Victor family to be wiped out. Both Elders have been killed, and there are not many people left in the family.” Selena lifted up. Head, tells everything oneself knows. As soon as these are said, to the heart of Vampire, it is like terrifying an earthquake.

Not only those ordinary Vampires some lose one’s head out of fear, even Emilia Elder’s face also shows fear. Don’t expect her to be majestic in front of Selena, dominating everything. This is just in Victor, if she is put in front of the Dark Council, she is nothing, not even better than a dog.

The Victor family is just one of the countless members of the Dark Council family, and it is the most special and weakest type. Otherwise, it will not be wiped out by the Dark Council.

So when such a blockbuster was quietly detonated in her heart, Emilia’s face began to turn bright and dark quickly.

She gritted her teeth and then asked.

“Why, why did the council do this?”

“Because they are looking for something called holy blood. By the way, is it in your hands?” This At that time Zhou Yi suddenly stepped in. The bitter drama of the Victor family has nothing to do with him, he just wants what oneself wants.

Looking at the human male who suddenly intervened, Amelia narrowed her eyes. She at first thought it was just a human slave, but now it seems that it is not like this. She stepped back quietly and asked coldly.

“Human, who are you? Why do you appear here?”

“Me!” Zhou Yi stopped Selena’s action to speak, but stepped forward abruptly Appeared behind Emilia. “You can look at me as a collaborator, or as a picker. I always come for that thing. As long as you give it to me, we can talk about everything!”

“Stay away from Elder, human.” The surrounding Vampires did not see Zhou Yi’s movements at all, but found him suddenly appearing next to the master of oneself. This made them immediately turn pale with fright, and quickly turned the spear tip to point at him.

But Zhou Yi doesn’t want to play with these weak guys. The telekinesis swung down like a heavy hammer, but knocked down all the people who pointed the gun at him to the ground in an instant. Occasionally, there were bullets that misfired, but it had no effect on him.

Holding a bullet that was shot towards Emilia, Zhou Yi said with a smile in her horrified eyes.

“Now, you can tell me whether that thing is in your hands. Would you like to give it to me.”

The sight in front of me seems to be beyond Emily Ya’s cognition. She wanted to step back in surprise, but Zhou Yi had hugged her waist from behind her. She was already unable to retreat, even she could feel the power of terror on the arm that surrounded her. As long as oneself moves, what comes is a terrifying result.

“Who the hell are you?” Asking this question again, Emilia was already shaking. “Are you a member of the parliament?”

“The parliament? Of course not, my asking price is very expensive, but any cat or dog can not be moved.” In Emilia’s ears At the same time, Zhou Yi laughed in a low voice. “You can call me Raiders of the Raiders. Of course, my hobby is these strange treasures. If you are willing to give that thing to me, I have never been able to save your lives.”

“Holy Blood ?” Emilia gritted her teeth and went through all the pros and cons in her head. Then she found out in frustration. Apart from making this transaction with Zhou Yi, she didn’t even have much choice.

If they lose their family, they become wild dogs without a family. In a heterogeneous world full of cannibals, their fate can be imagined. even more how right in front of him, the darkest force, the Dark Council, has opened its mouth and locked its target on them. Maybe a few days later, in this world will not have traces of their existence.

Unless, someone is willing to shelter them. Thinking of this, Emilia turned her head and glanced at Zhou Yi who was smiling strangely behind her. But she quickly rejected the idea.

Zhou Yi may be strong, but in her eyes it is not strong enough to be against the Dark Council. The Vampire Elder of those ancient clans, and also the Witches who master black magic are dangerous and terrifying existences. She didn’t think a human being so young could fight against these people.

So she thought about it and said so.

“Even if I give you something, you can keep it for a while. Don’t forget, the Dark Council is also staring at this thing. In their eyes, even you are probably not that big Question.”

“So, you are not going to give me things, but you want to give the Dark Council a way to survive!” Zhou Yi sneered. “Don’t forget, your own life is in my hand. Now thinking about the future, is it too early.”

As he said, he reached out to Emilia The white neck strangled her throat forcefully. The feeling of suffocation instantly made her struggle in pain.

At this time, she realized that the person behind her was no better to deal with than the council. They are two lions hunting, and oneself is nothing but the meat under their claws. The choice is not hers at all.

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