Sun God Marvel

Chapter 244

The demise of the Shadow Man not at all gave Emilia this Vampire too much touch, and she didn’t even know what happened. But for a group of people far away in Europe, the news is surprisingly surprising.

Looking at the black crystal in front of oneself bursting suddenly, countless fragments fell to the ground and quickly turned into ashes. The eyes of a group of guys wrapped in a large cloak suddenly showed horror and inexplicable expression.

“The shadow assassin is dead, how is this possible?”

He was talking about a middle-aged man with very deep facial features, scarlet eyes and fangs around his mouth. Fully showed his Vampire identity. Seeing his clothes and appearance are very elegant, will know when you see it, he is a guy who pays attention to image issues.

And now, he doesn’t seem to care about the image of own at all, he saw that he looked towards a group of women sitting facing oneself in disbelief. He even started yelling and dancing.

“Is it because you Witch made a mistake. My shadow assassin, my Satsuma. How could it just die like this!”

Hear this, no matter what The people around him or the Witches whom he blamed all showed sympathy for him. The Shadow Assassin Summer is one of the most loyal subordinates of the Vampire Great Elder who occupies three seats on the Dark Council, as well as his closest lover.

The two people relied on weird methods and excellent tactics to grow a Vampire family as a member of the council little by little. Walking hand in hand all the way, after countless wind and rain, there has been no change in hundreds of years. Such feelings and tacit understanding made countless insiders admire.

But now the Shadow Assassin Sommer is dead. It is understandable that Great Elder expressed such despair.

Many people began to sympathize with his experience. The pain of suddenly hearing the absence of a loved one would indeed make people’s sanity completely collapse.

“Your Excellency Great Elder, the sorrow and change. The soul crystal has never gone wrong, you should know it.” Facing the call sign of Vampire Great Elder, some people sympathized, but there are still others indifferent.

A Witch coldly responded to what he said just now, obviously in her opinion, even if there is a big problem in the relationship of others, it is not qualified to question own professionalism.

Listening to Witch telling the truth that everyone has confirmed, Vampire Great Elder could no longer bear the pain in his heart. He was loudly roared, sharp claws protruding violently on his five fingers, and his arms became bat wings. Then it flew out of the castle like a black shadow.

“Where is he going?” Someone asked, watching the crazy Vampire Great Elder disappearing into the night. But no one wants to answer his question.

Some of them are reluctant to answer, while others are indifferent. Losing the Shadow Assassin, this Vampire Great Elder is actually equivalent to losing half of its power. He is already sitting in an unstable position, so the rest of these people will naturally not put him much in their eyes.

“Great Elder looks a little bit overwhelmed, let him be quiet for the time being. Let’s see how we can deal with this difficult opponent.” A voice suddenly sounded, giving this thing Set the tone. No one dared to oppose this order.

It is the head of Witch who speaks, and he is also the speaker of the Dark Council. She is the most powerful of all present, and the one trusted by their Queen Your Majesty. The combination of power and power made no one here dare to refute her.

She first glanced at the silent Vampires, then glanced at the own cronies. The silhouette hidden in the cloak began to make an old voice.

“Vampire Clan also other means?”

“We have nothing to do, Lord Speaker.” A Vampire bowed and replied in a low voice.

“Then, my Witches. Do you have any ideas?” She turned her head to her own cronies again. Those Witches who looked mysterious and weird whispered to her and gave her an answer.

“Maybe we can try to curse him, Lord Speaker.”

“Very good, then use this. If it doesn’t work, we will think of other ways.” After thinking about it, I felt that this method was feasible, so I was nodded to the own Witches.

Soon, a group of Witches came forward. They drew a strange pattern on the ground. This pattern is like a large number of geometric figures entangled together, and it looks a little dizzy. After drawing the pattern, the Witches stood all around the pattern, and said to it the incantion that no one understood.

Using the blood of Black Cat and the pattern drawn on the ground by unknown powder, the Witch’s incantation began to exude a coquettish red radiance. With the advent of radiance, the Witches collectively cut the owner’s wrist, allowing own blood to drip onto the radiance line.

As soon as the blood fell to the ground, it immediately turned into a green flame. The surging flame swayed in his posture, which looked even more strange.

At this time, the Witches quickly grabbed feathers, lizards, toads, insects, etc. from own, and threw them into the flames. These things disappear without a trace as soon as they enter the flame, neither as if they were burned to ashes, nor as if they were hidden by some blindfold. On the contrary, it is more like an invisible thing hiding in it, and then quietly swallowing them.

As these things completely disappeared, Green’s flames suddenly rose, and a strong red began to glow in Yan’s heart. The flame was rising, and a sulphur smell came out of the flame. And this also means that the curse magic of this High Rank has taken effect.

The pattern is the way the summon demon communicates with it. Witch’s blood is the source of guarantee and mana. The bits and pieces are not only the Magical Artifact of Witches, but also the vicious incantion of the cursed. When all these conditions were fulfilled, the devil came and accepted the cursed contract. He will become the perpetrator of the curse, torturing the cursed person, and at the same time harvest his soul at the end as his own reward.

Witch’s ceremony has reached the end, and then only the information of the cursed person is needed to complete the last remaining steps of the ceremony.

At this time, someone handed over a drawing, which depicts Zhou Yi in great detail. At the same time, someone else took the black crystal ashes that had just been broken.

Crystal is the Life Source stone of the shadow assassin Satsuma. At the moment Satsuma died, it also recorded the aura that caused Satsuma’s death. With the appearance and aura’s feeling, the demon who accepted the contract can find the existence of the target.

Witches put these things in the cursed array, and the flame immediately supported these two distinct things to the center of the array like a pair of big hands. The dark laughter sounded from the array, and this also meant that the curse was completely achieved, and the demon began to act.

Hearing this laughter, the Witches who cast the spell looked at each other and laughed. What they are doing now is just waiting for the final outcome.

For centuries, Witchs have used this method to kill many powerful guys. Among them, there are some priests and knights with formidable strength, and even those who have been crowned with holy names are no exception. So they are very confident in the own curse.

The unpredictable and strange power of the Witches will once again deter the entire council and extract more rights and resources for them. This is what they are about to get, and even the speaker sitting high on the throne had never doubted it.

However, things did not develop as they thought.

Time passed by minute by minute, but the magic array did not at all change as they thought. According to the usual practice, this time the array should have transformed the vision of the devil, and began to show them how tortured by the cursed. But now, no natural phenomenon appears on the magic array.

This gave the speaker an ominous premonition. She is the most powerful person in Witch, and she has the deepest understanding of this curse magic among all the people present. And if there is no movement for such a long time, it is already extremely abnormal.

The devil who signed the contract will not break the contract casually. The will of the King of Demoness is monitoring the implementation of the contract. If there is a problem, it can only be on the cursed person. But what can go wrong with a cursed guy?

She was still thinking, and suddenly, there was a change in the magic array.

A flash of light appeared in the center of the magic array. This made the Witches who had been waiting a little anxiously probing their heads, wanting to see what happened inside. They thought it was a message from the devil, but the facts were totally different from what they thought.

In the flame, a ferocious demon illusory shadow first appeared, and then a group of golden flames spread at the speed visible by naked eye. The green fire is soaring, it seems to want to stop the spread of golden flames. But they couldn’t stop this obviously more magical flame at all.

The lower body of the demon illusory shadow has been completely swallowed by golden. He was roaring loudly and wailing. Let all Witch around him hear the pain in his voice. But this was of no use, the flames rose extremely quickly, just a few breaths. It completely swallowed the devil’s body, and at the same time completely prevented him from making any more sounds.

The devil is dead? Almost all Witch asked such questions in their hearts. They had never encountered such a weird thing. You know that the guy who can be cursed by summon is not an ordinary character. Even in hell, they are also a first-class powerhouse. Far from being the existence that those so-called exorcists can resist.

How could such a guy die like this, and still die so strangely in front of them?

The flames were still rising, and the speaker suddenly showed a hint of horror in his eyes. The weird sight in front of her reminded her of some secrets that ordinary people don’t know, so she hurriedly yelled to the own Witches.

“Danger, turn off the magic array.”

Witches don’t know what happened, but out of instinct, they immediately executed the order of the speaker. But it was too late.

The golden flame immediately rose up, like a fire dragon of pure gold rising into the sky. The raging flames not only brought fatal heat, but also the unimaginable amount of Holy Force.

The Witches on the side of the magic array were burned to the point of no ashes. The radiance that the flames burst out is extremely fatal to Vampire present. As if a huge sun suddenly appeared in front of them, any Vampire who dared to face the Heavenly Dragon fire turned into a roar of flying ash.

For a time, the entire Dark Council seemed to be in another world. Extremely hot, extremely bright, also extremely desperate.

The speaker finally wanted to understand who they were facing. But when she thought of it, she felt desperate. Because it was a God walking in Human World, and against God, this was definitely something she had never thought of.

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