Sun God Marvel

Chapter 245

“How is it possible, how is it possible. How is it also God in this world?” The speaker muttered to himself in shock, ignoring the great loss of the Dark Council at this time.

The soaring flame not only burned down the castle, but also turned many Vampires stationed in the castle into fly ash when they saw its dazzling radiance. At the same time, the blood moon in the sky also disappeared under the impact of the flame, and this was the biggest loss of the Dark Council.

The blood moon in the sky is an illusion created under special circumstances. For this illusion, the Witchs of the Dark Council spent centuries and countless human and material resources. This is a manifestation of their magical ability and a symbol of the majesty and power of the Dark Council. But now, there is nothing left.

Many Witches have been panicked all day long, and Vampire is almost extinct in the castle. However, the Speaker of the Speaker completely ignored these circumstances, and went straight to the depths of the castle. In front of the blood pool.

The blood in the blood pool had already started pouring, at the moment when the speaker came in. The majestic female voice heard words from the billowing blood.

“What the hell is happening here, I feel my strength is diminishing. And there seems to be a familiar aura. Has any friend visited here?”

A woman’s voice is very casual, but only those who know her know how much dissatisfaction lies in her words.

The old castle shrouded by the blood moon is her only shelter in this world. Now the blood moon has begun to disperse, and this means that if she doesn’t do something and so on, she will soon fall into a long deep sleep.

Even if she has an endless life, but if she has been asleep like this. In fact, what is the difference with Death? Therefore, it is completely conceivable how bad she feels if she does not want to enter such a desperate situation.

“Your Majesty, we are looking for the guy who stole your holy blood. But he didn’t expect his identity to be unusual. I suspected him, maybe…” On the ground, whispered to the woman behind the blood pool to report the situation. But when she said that own conjecture, she immediately hesitated.

God is the existence of Power Infinity. People like her dare not say anything about God easily.

“What is possible, why didn’t you say it?” The woman behind the blood pool keenly noticed the change in the mentality of the speaker of own. She was afraid of oneself, but she seemed even more afraid of the guy who appeared suddenly. Thinking of this, she felt even worse. “My grand speaker, you hesitated so much, are you trying to hide something from me, or are you planning to betray me?”

Hearing this, the grand speaker immediately lowered his body. For this, oneself is given everything, and oneself can be deprived of all existence at any time. She couldn’t help feeling fear.

“My queen, I have absolutely no intention of betraying you. It’s just that my guess is too terrifying, and I dare not say it.”

Listen to her excuse , The queen behind the blood pool quietly fell silent. The surging blood also seemed to become irresistible with her silence. The speaker knew she was thinking. For this reason, she was even more afraid to make any noise to disturb her thoughts.

“If you say you dare not say it, it means you are aware of what kind of existence the other party is. My grand speaker, you have served me how many years.” After a long time, After the blood pool, the woman’s voice came again. She didn’t directly ask the speaker what was in mind, instead she asked a completely unrelated question.

I don’t know what the queen is thinking and so on, the speaker has no dissatisfaction. She still crawled on the ground and answered respectfully, not daring to make any mistakes.

“Six hundred years, my queen.”

“Six hundred years, Anvina. You have served me for six hundred years.” The Queen’s voice Become far away and ethereal. Instead of calling her identity, she called out a name that had not been used for many years. “You have been making an all-out effort to serve me for six hundred years. From a small Witch to the current speaker of darkness, the head of Witch. You are my longest and most loyal servant. From you From the day I wake up from the seal, you have never let me down. And now I want to ask you one thing, Anvina. For your master, are you disappointed?”

“I have never had this idea, my queen. Everything about me is given by you. You are my only God!”

“But I am very disappointed with myself, Ann Vina! It’s been six hundred years, and it’s been six hundred years since I awoke. I have never stepped out of this pool.” At this point, the queen’s voice suddenly became high-pitched.

“I am the queen of the blood-red sea, Goddess of the night and the earth, the patron of all dark creations. I am a great God, not a prisoner, nor a person who can only be kept in a seal forever Demon. It’s been six hundred years, and I’ve waited for six hundred years. I can’t stand this kind of prisoner’s life anymore.”

Watching the blood in the blood pool follow the red sea queen’s The words rolled frantically, and the speaker Anwei Na suddenly changed her face. She was not in the coowering, but suddenly raised her head and persuaded loudly.

“Your Majesty, as long as we do everything according to plan. You can get out of the seal right away. Please don’t be impulsive, we still have hope.”

“Hope, my grand speaker. Tell me what is your ability to take back my holy blood from a God?” Upon hearing this, the queen sneered. “I have smelled that God in the air. The divine aura, which is more fierce and brighter than the Lord, this aura even reminded me of my old friend-Ra. Faced with this kind of existence, tell me you How sure are you?”

Hearing this, the speaker bowed his head deeply. She did not dare to deceive the own God, but also did not dare to tell herself that she was not even a little sure about it. She must remain silent, and only in this way can she look less incompetent.

“Go, Anvina. Take my will and orders to find the God. Tell him my existence and bring him to me. Whether he helps me out of trouble, It’s still an end to me. I’m tired of it and don’t want to wait any longer.”

As this order was issued, the blood in the blood pool began to flow quickly Pour back. The scarlet blood became clear. If it weren’t for the smell of blood still in the air, no one would have thought that there would be a scene of blood pouring in just now.

As the speaker who knows everything, An Weina knows very well in her heart. This is the reason for the divine force of the Red Sea Queen to decay. The Dark Council was built for centuries, and the magic used to offset the seal was destroyed by the golden fire. And this has led to the re-strengthening of the seal power. The divine force of the Queen of the Red Sea is no longer enough to support her always appearing in this world.

At the same time, as she said, she was tired.

Because she was tired of this invisible seal, she began to force oneself to do a multiple-choice question, life or death. There are only two answers to this choice, and she is obviously not going to give oneself a third choice. She even put all her choices on this newly-emerged God.

No one can understand the current mood of the Queen of the Red Sea better than the Speaker, and it is precisely because of understanding that she has difficulty making a decision. Regarding the choice of the queen Your Majesty, she is worried. But in the end, as the most loyal servant, she chose to obey his orders.

“Everything is your will!” She sighed long and decided to accompany the owner to start this crazy gambling.

At this time, London, the residence of the Victor family.

Zhou Yi sits on a majestic chair while playing with the pyramid in his hand. A weird smile appeared on one side.

An act recklessly demon just wanted to attack his soul directly, and naturally this demon paid a very heavy price. The divinity permeated in Zhou Yi’s soul and the raging Supreme Yang Divine Fire not only caused him to return without success, but also chased him along with his traces.

Although this is just an instinctive counterattack from his divine nature, for a trifling demon, it is also an absolutely unbearable terrorist attack. As expected by Zhou Yi, this demon had completely disappeared from Oblivion. But at the moment of his death, Zhou Yi’s divine power fed back a message to him.

In a corner of this World, there is also the existence of God. Although very weak, Zhou Yi’s divinity still keenly felt the divine power that was completely different from oneself.

For Zhou Yi, this is the real gain.

He has been searching for knowledge about God and also exists for a long time, and now he seems to have finally found an existence that can confuse oneself.

I have to say, this is really a very rare fortune. But now there is another question, where is that God?

The information sent by the divine nature is very limited. Zhou Yi can only feel that it is a dimensional space that exists outside of Earth, and it seems to be a man-made product. But where exactly this space is, he couldn’t detect with his half-hearted God skills.

However, maybe that God will come oneself. Seeing the holy blood surging in the pyramid in his hands, Zhou Yi’s smile grew stronger. And this smile made Emilia also Selena couldn’t help but shiver.

Only those who have seen the horror of Zhou Yi will know how dangerous this guy is. But precisely because he is too dangerous. So for the Victor family that is on the brink of destruction, it has become the best chance to comeback.

Fight for everything, make a bet. The Victor family may not be able to re-emerge in the alien. Of course, there is also a premise in this, that is, Zhou Yi is willing to accept them as his vassals.

This is a matter for which the answer is not yet known. But both Emilia and Selena, who had already been greeted by her, firmly believed that oneself had this ability to let Zhou Yi accept their allegiance. Even if they give everything.

In the anxious hell.

A cloud of ashes wrapped in golden flames fell on the ground. As soon as it landed, the golden sacred fire spread across the barren land, and began to burn endlessly everything it touched.

As a sacred fire that is a sexual representation of Sun God, this golden flame is full of light and Annihilating Everything Evil Power. And hell, a place full of sin, is no different from an oil field exposed to it. Even a little bit of evil can burn day and night, even more how accumulated here are the endless evil accumulated by millions and millions of years.

So the flames went up wildly, and in a short time it turned into a prairie fire, hiding the sky and covering the earth, with great power. They rushed like waves, devouring everything that oneself touched, whether it was the land of hell or the demons living on it. As long as it is swallowed by this flame, everything will be turned into ashes and robbery in an instant.

This is the Calamity Tribulation of hell. If no one stops it, it will even become the end of hell.

But how could no one stop it?

The flame continued to rush, until two figures appeared in front of the flame.

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