Sun God Marvel

Chapter 252

“Failed, failed?”

Looking at this Vampire, who had just been brought over from another family, after drinking the blood of Covinus , Still turning into fly ash in the sun. The Victor family members immediately whispered to each other.

This is the fifth experiment, and the results are obvious. The so-called Blood of Covinus seems to be only useful for this group of Vampires of the Victor family. For Vampire of other families, the effect is far less obvious than that of the Victor family. Of course, let alone bathing in the sun.

For Zhou Yi, this conclusion actually proves that the blood of Covinus is far less useful than oneself thought. Similarly, for Serana, its use is probably extremely limited. Because Zhou Yi knows very well that Serana and the Victor family have nothing to do with each other, so let alone use it to fear the glory of the sun.

The blood of Corvinus has no meaning anymore. But this is only for Zhou Yi who has a special purpose. For Emilia and Selena, this thing is still of great significance. In their view, the role of this thing is far more than this.

Seeing the desire in their eyes, Zhou Yi gave the last blood of Corvinus to Selena and Emilia, and then he propped his chin, lightly instructed.

“Emilia, you will be responsible for supervising him in the future, and you will kill them directly without allowing any Vampire to approach him. Understand?”

” Yes, Your Majesty!” Emilia replied very simply because it was exactly what she thought.

The gift that is swayed at will can not reflect its precious value at all, and the things that do not show the value will not be able to win the loyalty of others even if they are rewarded more. Failure to control the source of Covinus’s blood will only make life in the Victor family feel strange. It will only make the situation worse.

When Zhou Yi put the control of this thing in her hands, the situation was different. She will make it the secret treasure of the family. Without absolute loyalty and contribution, it is absolutely impossible to obtain such a gift. She will use this to rebuild a new order.

And what kind of rights she will have in control of this thing is an imaginable thing.

Amelia began to laugh at oneself’s future power. But Selena quietly stepped into the light. For her, being able to walk into the sun is obviously more important.

Looking at Selena’s face still with an unbelievable expression, she walked back from the sun to Zhou Yi’s back almost completely in a trance. Zhou Yi laughed and jerked her past her. He held her in his arms.

This immediately made Selena startled, and it made her wake up immediately. When Zhou Yi came in front of so many people, her heart was almost scared. She was already very thin, and she started to struggle almost immediately. But no matter how she struggled, she was impossible to break free from Zhou Yi’s embrace.

So in the end, she can only accept her fate.

Seeing that Selena was not resisting, Zhou Yi immediately smiled and kissed her on the cheek. Then she said to Emilia, who was almost flaming in her eyes.

“Emilia, are the people from the council here?”

Zhou Yi’s love for Selena made Emilia jealous, and also made all the women present A green light appeared in Vampire’s eyes. It is a great honor to be so favored by their monarch, but Selena’s performance does not seem to be the same. In this regard, they can’t wait for Selena to pull it off and oneself up to replace it.

Although Emilia is not jealous to such a degree, she actually has a lot of jealousy in her heart. But she knew very well what oneself should strive for, and what oneself should not even think about or touch.

So she concealed oneself’s inner jealousy very well, but quietly lowered her head and replied to Zhou Yi.

“My Your Majesty, the chairperson of the Dark Council has come to London. And is waiting for your call at any time!”

“They are quite interesting. Forget it, let Come here. I’m waiting for them.” Zhou Yi waved his hand, as Zhou Yi ordered.

In his order, Emilia retired calmly with a smile. She wants to convey this order to the parliament in person, and at the same time to show her own status to the parliament. If you want to have greater rights, you must step out of the clan. Facing the parliament is her 1st Step to capture power. Only by letting the council remember that oneself is a minister of King Ming Your Majesty, can she completely stand firm in their world.

As a woman who fights for power. I have to say that Emilia is a very good woman. Her plan is meticulous and extremely efficient. Before long, Zhou Yi saw a group of ugly-faced guys being brought in by her.

Don’t think about Zhou Yi, but also know that these people from the council must have been given a lot of expressions by Emilia. At the same time, it is also certain that they must have remembered the difficult woman Emilia.

However, even if the faces of these people are ugly, the anger in their hearts is raging. It didn’t look like he wanted to attack. Especially their leader. An Old Lady who looks a bit older has a calm and composed expression on her face from beginning to end. Only when she saw Zhou Yi, her face changed drastically.

That is a very complicated expression. There are shocks, fears, worries, also decidedly. If it weren’t for Zhou Yi to confirm that oneself is the first time he saw this Old Lady, he must have thought that there is a very twisty and bizarre story between them.

But Old Lady quickly converged on all oneself’s expressions. Without any introduction, she walked in front of Zhou Yi, prostrate oneself in admiration and knelt at his feet. At the same time, he held up his hands and said as if worshipping.

“It is my honor to be able to pay homage to your radiance, the supreme one walking in the world. I am the attendant of the Queen of the Red Sea, the Guardian of the Goddess of the Night, and Ayesha of the Daughters of the Earth. Only my master, Lily Silk lady Lord Wang, I offer my most respected greetings to Your Majesty.”

Said Old Lady, a little divine radiance began to emerge on her body. This is naturally not her power, but from the existence behind her. This divinity was brought into his palm by Zhou Yi, and he quickly felt the message conveyed to him by the divinity.

That is the proof of the identity of the divine master. God witnesses the differences between each other and confirms the identity of each other by branding his own identity on the divine. And the role of this divinity is to fully inform Zhou Yi of the identity of its owner, so that he can understand who oneself is facing.

It has to be said that this is a rather identifiable existence.

The queen of the sea of ​​life and blood, God worshipped by ancient Šumer and Babylonians. Goddess, Lilith who controls the night, the earth, fertility, secrets and desires.

She is also Goddess Beriti of Assyria, the demon Bharat called by the Canaanites. It is the ancestor of Vampire and the King of Demoness worshipped by Witch. She is a demon, the embodiment of love in the Seven Original Sins. One of the Ruler of Hell, is also the lover of Satan and the queen of demons.

God’s identity is also the source of God’s power. Every title of Lilith represents her power and power. It also represents her history and her past, her once nearly great glory.

Compared with her, Zhou Yi’s identity is almost like nothing.

However, Zhou Yi is not depressed, because compared with these ancient Gods, he does not think that own power will be weaker than them, even more how, the legend that belongs to him has just begun.

Thinking of this, he chuckled. Gathered the divinity from Lilith in his hands. At the same time, he said to her servant.

“Go ahead and tell me. Lilith asked you to visit me.”

It is a disrespectful act by a mortal to call the name of God, and a crime to blaspheme God . But God doesn’t have to care about this at all. Compared with the surrounding Vampires who hear Lilith’s name and are trembling with fear, Zhou Yi’s calm is almost the biggest natural phenomenon.

He first patted oneself with Selena’s stiff body in his arms, and then looked at the Old Lady below with his eyes as blazing as flames.

Seeing Zhou Yi’s eyes, Old Lady was in a trance as if she saw a golden sacred fire lingering all over, with a frenzied face looking down at oneself from the endless clouds. In an instant, the boundless greatness of the giant and the smallness of own Infinity formed a violent impact, stirring up waves like an earthquake and tsunami in her heart.

She can only lower her body again, and express oneself’s respect for the greater in a way that is almost parallel to the ground.

“Great Your Majesty, Lilith Your Majesty asks me to tell you a request. But before that, I would like to ask if you can drive away these mortals. Let the secret of God not fall into the ordinary “

“Emilia!” Zhou Yi gave an order, and Emilia immediately respectfully took everyone back from the hall.

Selena wanted to stand up too, but was lapped by Zhou Yi and had to sit in his arms again.

“Go ahead, Lilith’s servant. There are no outsiders here anymore.”

Zhou Yi’s love for Selena shocked Old Lady. She didn’t dare to disobey Zhou Yi’s meaning, and immediately lowered her head and said.

“Yes, the great Your Majesty. Lilith Your Majesty asks me to tell you about her existence. She is waiting for you at Land of Sealing. Whether you release her or destroy her. She welcomes you.”

“Land of Sealing, release, destruction?” Recalling the words that Lilith’s servant had just said, Zhou Yi narrowed his eyes and said frivolously. with a smile.

“So, Queen Lilith Your Majesty is sealed! Come on, tell me the reason for everything. I am interested in this story.”

Heard here , Old Lady clenched her hands. Zhou Yi’s words were equivalent to letting her uncover the humiliating history of oneself God, and she wanted to refuse. But neither Zhou Yi’s will nor the order from Lilith could not allow her to refuse. So she can only calm down her own feelings and speak slowly.

“Queen Your Majesty was sealed because of her failure to fight against his gods and evil. More then 2000 years ago Queen Your Majesty fought against God and the Lord and fought over the desert and the sea. Queen Your Majesty lost to the power of the Lord God, and was defeated by him, and fell into the mortal world.”

“The Lord sealed the queen with his own power and sealed her together with the hell she ruled under the earth. In the mountains. Only one hole is left for the queen to watch the changes in the world.”

“Queen Your Majesty is unwilling to be imprisoned by the Infinity seal. She opened her own heart and exhausted it. With the power of her hell, the holy blood in her heart was sent to the world through the seal. She wanted to use the holy blood to cut open the seal and return to the world. But the angel of the Lord, Legion, discovered the movements of Queen Your Majesty.”

“The Archangels sealed the holy blood so that it can only fall in the commonplace. Similarly, this also cut off the hope of the queen’s return. Because of the decay of power, the queen can only fall asleep. Until six hundred Years ago, a Witch discovered the place where Queen Lilith was sealed.”

Speaking of this, Old Lady stood up. Looked towards Zhou Yi with eyes full of prayer.

“Great Your Majesty, I am the Witch. Here, I beg you to help Lilith Your Majesty, open the seal and let her return to freedom. I am willing to pay for Witch’s acknowledge allegiance, Just ask for your help.”

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