Sun God Marvel

Chapter 253

Looking at the Old Lady who was kneeling on the ground begging, Zhou Yi squinted and took out the pyramid containing the Holy Blood. The trace of divinity from Lilith in the palm of his hand began to agitate as he approached the pyramid.

And the holy blood in the same restless also. The moment Lilith’s divine nature approached, the pile of holy blood began to surge wildly. It slapped the walls of the pyramid desperately like a wave, even if it was blocked by the radiance emitted by the Glyph of Archangel above. Every time I was stopped back, I would tremble like a wounded cub. It still did not stop this restlessness.

It wasn’t until Zhou Yi put away Lilith’s divinity in his hand that the holy blood in the pyramid gradually recovered from the restlessness.

“So, the so-called holy blood is just a prop to bring Lilith back to the world, not something that can make Vampire not afraid of the sun’s sacred relic.” The sight before him disappointed Zhou Yi again. Up. Both hopes have fallen into the empty space, and it won’t make people feel happy no matter how they think.

“Yes, Your Majesty. Vampire is a creation of the queen born in the sea of ​​red blood. Unless she has the protection and blessing of the queen. Otherwise, they are impossible to walk in the sun.”

Old Lady responded to Zhou Yi. She heard what Zhou Yi wanted, so she told him implicitly how to achieve his wishes.

Hearing her answer, Zhou Yi squinted and solemnly asked.

“You know what I want, if your answer is false. You should also know what will happen!”

“I have no falsehoods, Your Majesty.” Old Lady answered with a trembling head, buried in own. And then, Zhou Yi stood up. He released Selena, and Selena immediately stood behind him obediently.

“I can promise you to help Lilith escape the seal. Now, you can tell me where the seal is!”

Looking at Zhou Yi, he agreed so easily. Request, the old lady didn’t know whether it was joy or sorrow. She knew very well in her heart that Zhou Yi definitely had another plan. A trifling made Vampire not afraid of the sun’s conditions, and it was impossible to satisfy him. But she couldn’t stop him, she couldn’t even communicate and discuss.

Because as a servant, she is impossible to be the owner. Only Lilith oneself can absolutely pay what price. This is a transaction between Lilith and Zhou Yi, and it is also something that mortals cannot be involved in.

even more how Lilith has already made up her own determination.

Under the two God’s orders, Old Lady can only choose to obey. She stood up, took out a handful of powder from oneself’s pocket, and sprayed it in front of oneself. The scarlet powder emits a faint red light in the air, and then suddenly emits a peng sound, blowing up a cloud of smoke.

With the appearance of this cloud of smoke, Old Lady began to recite the incantation of mouthfuls.

Compared with other Witch, the incantion of this Old Lady is much shorter, but it is much harder to read. Each syllable has dozens of varying vibrato and turning tones. It sounds dizzy, not to mention memory.

However, since Old Lady used this difficult to remember incantion, naturally it is because this incantion has its unique advantages. Not only is it fast, but it is very effective. The cloud smoke has not dispersed yet, incantion has played its role.

It made Yunyan begin to gather towards a point, and soon turned into a misty eye. Suddenly, the eyes of real objects are almost entirely composed of smoke, and only the pupil in the center is a misty illusion of light and shadow.

“Look, Dear Your Majesty. This is Lilith Your Majesty’s Land of Sealing!” After casting the magic, Old Lady reached out and pointed at the center of the pupil, and suddenly the familiar things began to appear in the shadows. image.

The first image that appeared was the Victor Mansion where Zhou Yi they are currently based, and soon the images inside began to change. The vision was out of the range of the mansion, floated into the air, and kept shifting in one direction.

Countless buildings, villages and towns dazzled from the world, and then large tracts of plains, woods and mountains appeared in the horizon.

After a few minutes, even the mountains and rivers disappeared. A blue sea began to appear in the image. This means that Vision has separated from the land of United Kingdom and has come to the open sea. And this is not over yet.

The scene in the field of vision is getting faster and faster, blue, yellow, gray, green, so everything has become blurred, and the ordinary person can only see the change of color and see at all I don’t know the extent to which specific things appeared inside.

This situation continued until the entire screen was suddenly stopped, and the illusion in the horizon suddenly slowed down. The clear vision once again appeared in the illusion. It was an extremely dangerous mountain range, and the entire mountain range seemed to be wrapped in countless dense forests, like a dragon with scales and armor, Bone Armor and thorns. And looking deep down the mountain range, you can vaguely see that in the deepest part of the dense forest, an old castle that looks gloomy stands there.

The rest of the mountain range is still sunny, but when it comes to the castle, it becomes dark. It’s almost like being in the darkness. This makes the castle look very weird.

Seeing this old castle in the dark, Zhou Yi has the answer in his mind. He has determined that the castle is Lilith’s Land of Sealing. At the same time, Old Lady’s magic also pointed out that the castle is the end point of magic.

So he immediately stretched out his hand, and the divine power surged along his arm and penetrated into the void in front of him. And when he opened and closed with his hands, a black, completely flat, two-dimensional crack appeared in front of him.

That was the space tunnel that was torn apart when he used the divine power while using the void mystery that oneself had understood. At this time, Zhou Yi, with the change of mentality, is already not in, afraid of losing control of his divine nature. He arbitrarily wielded his own power, and arbitrarily constructed an almost impossible void.

Suddenly seeing such a thing in front of oneself, not to mention Selena, even Old Lady, who has lived for more than six hundred years, was shocked. They looked at the weird existence in front of them with fear, for fear that oneself would be sucked in accidentally.

And their fearful appearance was caught by Zhou Yi, which only made him feel amused.

Without stopping to explain to them, Zhou Yi just grabbed Selena abruptly and walked towards the void opened by oneself.

This behavior made Selena startled, she immediately pulled Zhou Yi’s sleeve to stop his crazy behavior. However, Zhou Yi didn’t expect Zhou Yi to just stretch out his hand and hold her into the rift without waiting for her to exert her strength.

One step forward, their silhouette immediately disappeared in place.

And watching this new god take the oneself servant into the void rift like this. Old Lady can only follow along with a frown. However, she was not as casual as Zhou Yi, instead she carefully took out the materials while walking, and read incantion.

Smoke and a layer of extremely dim-looking glow wrapped her tightly like a shield. It was only then that Old Lady mustered up the courage and walked into the rift.

As soon as it entered the rift, the world turned around. There is no up, down, left and right, no East, South, West, North. The sense of confusion that all concepts of direction and position are lost makes the mind feel nauseous and nauseous. Even the Old Lady, who has lived for six hundred years, is no exception.

Although the journey in the rift did not even last for an instant, the Old Lady who had just been down to earth couldn’t help but squatted on the ground with a green face.

This tragic situation made me stand aside, the unfathomable mystery watched by Selena, who was protected by Zhou Yi throughout. Under the protection of Zhou Yi, her feeling is not as obvious as Old Lady. In other words, she had come to this strange place before she felt anything.

The place where they are now standing is near the castle they just saw in the misty eye. There is less than a hill in the middle. Standing here, they can even look directly at the castle not far away.

Facing the castle, Zhou Yi frowned. He has already felt the divine power here, and in his senses, the divine power escaping here is very weak. Weak to the point of dissipating. How weak is Lilith? This question suddenly appeared in Zhou Yi’s mind.

He has begun to worry that such a weak Lilith has no value in being rescued.

But anyway, since people have already come, they always have to try. Thinking of this, Zhou Yi said to Selena.

“I have felt where Lilith is. I will take a step first, and you will bring she herself to follow!”

Selena is nodded, and the Old Lady on one side just endured Live own retching, want to say something. Zhou Yi’s shadow has disappeared in front of him.

“Your Majesty…” said to the air, Old Lady’s face was difficult to look immediately after seeing the situation clearly.

She is not worried about the guards in the castle, but about the owner. If there is no oneself to persuade Lilith and Zhou Yi to clashed, it would be a great crime for her.

“Quickly, we follow. We must not let them have any conflicts.”

Old Lady worried about the deterioration of the situation and said to Selena hastily. And Selena complexion changed, she immediately set up Old Lady, and ran towards the opposite castle.

But how could their physical body and mortal flesh be faster than Zhou Yi’s super speed? When they just started, Zhou Yi had already arrived in the heart of the castle, beside the blood pool where Lilith was sealed.

As soon as he approached the blood pool, Zhou Yi felt agitation from the forbidden holy blood in the pyramid held by oneself. More violent than ever before, the holy blood surged and even knocked the crystal-like walls of the pyramid one after another fine crack.

Not only the Holy Blood is restless, even the pool is restless. The clear pool water was rolling, and billowing smoke came out like a hot spring. At this moment, the stone bricks laid on the side became like gold bricks made of pure gold, and began to show a strange luster.

Layers of text and symbols appeared on these golden bricks. Those texts looked like Hebrew, but they looked older and had more incredible power. Zhou Yi can already feel a force similar to him surging in these golden bricks.

Not even just the gold bricks, even the pyramid in his hands began to change.

The angel sculptures above showed a bright glow, and a layer of white flames suddenly appeared around the pyramid.

The flame seems to want to burn Zhou Yi’s palm. Of course, no matter how the flame surging, it cannot achieve this goal. Not to mention burning him, even lighting Zhou Yi’s cuff can’t be done.

It burned in vain until the angel statues on the four walls suddenly turned into brilliance and poured into the golden bricks in front of them.

The hymn began to echo in the air, and a bright beam of light penetrated the weird night here. Shining on the pool, Zhou Yi faintly saw a silhouette falling from the beam of light.

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