Sun God Marvel

Chapter 260

The fifth and final use of this capability.

When the Lord spoke loudly to Zhou Yi such a spell, a very harsh ice crack appeared in his depth of one’s soul. Jehovah’s face remained calm, but his heart was suddenly startled. That was the sound of cracks in his power.

Among all his powers, there is only one power that can happen this way, and that is causal power. The curse can’t distort reality, but makes the reality backlash to the root of his power. And when his power can’t bear this kind of backlash, the current situation will happen.

This power can no longer be used. If it continues to be used, perhaps this extremely precious causal power will most likely collapse and be completely shattered.

For this ability, Jehovah spent countless efforts and time, and it was only by chance that it was completely engraved on the own power. If it is lost here, it will be a fatal loss to Jehovah.

Although causation cannot be used, he also uses other means. As a God, causal power is not his all.

I saw him immediately waving his hands, turning countless holy lights into a rushing torrent, rushing towards Zhou Yi along the gate of heaven.

At the same time, countless angels shouted and killed them, flying out of heaven along the torrent of light. These angels are Intermediate angels who serve in front of the seat of God. They possess a divine force far above the ordinary. In terms of battle strength alone, they are not inferior to some powerful Mutants. There are as many as 3,000,000 such angels in front of the seat of God.

They are brave and fearless warriors, for the glory of God. You can even ignore own life at all. Of course, a large part of this is because their lives were originally given by God, Jehovah. They are the creations of Jehovah, the tools in his hand. Therefore, the life value is not worth cherishing is really a meaningless question for them.

Jehovah only gave them life, but did not give them the emotion that life should have. The value of their existence is only to serve Jehovah, so it is meaningless to consider the value of life.

And it is such a thing, when they rush out of heaven in droves, they also have a terrifying momentum of covering the sky and the sun, and the mountains and valleys. Because they are too many, too many. Too much, all the angels are flying. To the extent that you can’t even see anything other than them.

Even Zhou Yi, who has turned into a Ming king, has a tingling feeling all over his body when he sees so many angels flying over. That kind of visual impact is the same as the mosquitoes and flies that are hiding the sky and covering the earth rushing towards you. Even if it may not happen, it is enough to make anyone feel like have one’s hair stand on end.

Faced with this situation, Zhou Yi dare not let all these Intermediate angels spring out of heaven. So he immediately rushed forward and hit the gap between heaven and this World with a punch. The hand, which is wider than the tallest building in the world, became a fist and swung out with an unmeasured and unpredictable power. The screaming wind instantly turned into a roaring storm, and the raging fire was even more engulfed. In it, swept away with the posture of hiding the sky and covering the earth.

Before the fist strikes, the fist wind comes first. In just a moment, countless angels were strangled by this strong wind and divine fire, leaving only the remnant feathers and flying ashes in the sky. And in this ashes, there are dots of light rising up. And began to fly toward the depths of heaven.

That is the soul of an angel. Jehovah can give life, but he cannot create souls. All the angels were transformed from believers who ascended to his heaven after bathing in his baptism. Therefore, when they die, they will naturally become pure souls. Fly into heaven again.

However, only a few can fly back. Because most of the souls that have come into contact with the Shenhuo in Zhou Yi’s fist wind have died with their bodies. The rest are just a very lucky few. And even these lucky ones can’t escape the next disaster.

Looking on Zhou Yi’s left ear, the big black snake transformed from Lilith suddenly gaped, sucking hard at those souls. Suddenly, an invisible air current surged, entangled the souls that were still flying, and got in along Lilith’s growing mouth.

Thousands of angel souls were sucked into the abdomen by Lilith. And this scene immediately made Jehovah see that even his eyes were about to be squeezed out by the anger in his heart.

That is the pure soul that he has spent countless hours and countless hearts in to select from the dead human believers. Now it’s all cheaper, Lilith, the damn female demon. This made him almost furious. However, despite the resentment in his heart, he now has no way at all.

Lilith is an ancient Goddess of life. The life and soul part of her power is much stronger than that of Jehovah. So in this respect, she has priority over Jehovah. even more how, now at this time. Jehovah has no extra time to compete with Lilith for control of these angel souls.

Because, Zhou Yi’s incarnation of King Ming’s powerful punch has hit the edge of heaven.

The endless torrent that gushed out of the sea of ​​light was punched through the middle hole by him. The endless Hongguang suddenly turned into two halves, and rushed from under King Ming’s chest.

For an ordinary person, the light that is hot enough to evaporate is nothing but a breeze and warm humidity for Ming Wang who manifested from the soul of Zhou Yi. Not only could it not hurt him, but it also gave him a comfortable touch.

At the same time, when these radiances rushed past King Ming’s body. The golden light wheel behind Ming Wang immediately turned. The endless divine light spewed out, stirring up the surrounding clean white light sea, and then was absorbed into the light wheel.

The absorption of the light wheel is completely endless, so that the flood of light rushing from heaven has not receded far from the side of King Ming, but it was completely absorbed into the own body. .

This scene fell in the eyes of Jehovah, but it was a robber behavior similar to Lilith. And for such behavior, Jehovah was more helpless than Lilith, because the light wheel was too weird. All the holy light will be completely swallowed as long as it gets close to it. She couldn’t even stop the holy light, let alone pull her teeth out of her mouth and snatch the holy light back from her mouth.

Furthermore, Zhou Yi’s punch has already hit heaven.

Amid the rumbling and shattering sound, Jehovah only felt that his entire heaven trembles. The temples built in the depths began to collapse in the earthquake-like shock, and large tracts of void began to appear in the heaven, swallowing everything that was affected by the surroundings.

Countless angels were affected by air waves, broken spaces, or flying divine fire, and died in front of Jehovah.

That kind of feeling is like the snow in the sky hitting a surging heat wave. Nothing is left just as soon as you touch it. To some extent, there is indeed nothing left. Under these circumstances, the affected angels couldn’t even keep their souls, and they were completely wiped out in an instant.

Faced with such a punch, everyone was shocked by his formidable power. Especially the Lord. He was completely stunned by the damage caused by this fist. King Ming’s this fist not only wiped out countless angels, but also caused Jehovah’s Divine Kingdom, his heaven to be irreparably damaged.

In other words, an independent dimension was destroyed by Ming Wang this fist, and it caused irreparable damage to a certain part. And this is the fact that Jehovah absolutely did not want to understand, and even now he cannot believe it.

Is this really just a new god, is it really just a God with his real name just condense? Throughout the life of own and all the gods on Earth, Jehovah can also guarantee that he has never encountered such a terrifying guy. Only…

Thinking of this, Jehovah immediately remembered the heavenly Gods who had descended on Earth 10,000 years ago. Thinking of the fiasco of the entire Earth God System at that time. Those guys, like King Ming in front of him, are such terrifying giants.

Is this guy’s God person not the person of planet God, but the person of the universe God? As soon as this thought came out, it immediately made Jehovah shake. He found that oneself seemed to have found the truth, but it was a truth that oneself absolutely did not want to believe.

In the sky suddenly came the voice of hong long long. That is the vice-prince of the kingdom of heaven. Seraphim Michael used his own divine power summon to produce countless meteorites, straddling the endless space and hitting King Ming.

These days flaming meteor once represented the majesty of God. In the biblical story, the two cities of Sodom and Amora were completely destroyed by Seraphim sounded the trumpet of dooms because they attracted the wrath of God and called the endless sky flaming meteor.

And now, this represents the reappearance of the flaming meteor of Divine Punishment. But what is manifested is the powerlessness of God.

Countless meteorites fell on King Ming and immediately made a loud hong long long sound. Although this sound was terrifying, it played little role in Ming Wang’s body, which was larger than the broadest mountain range. Even many meteorites were burned into powder by the flames of his whole body before they approached Ming Wang’s body. There are not many that can hit him. And these few meteorites fell on King Ming’s body, except for oneself all split up and in pieces, it has no meaning for King Ming. Even a trace of burning pain will not exist.

The flaming meteor is nothing but a fire star to Ming Wang. Michael is just a bigger fly. The best option is to kill the nasty flies.

Ming King didn’t do anything, just puffed up his mouth and blew in the direction of Michael. The strong wind that exploded immediately, with the sky full of fire, gushed past like a Fire Dragon.

Michael wanted to hide and escape, but at this time he could hide where and where. The Fire Dragon came in an instant, and the Void God of King Ming locked Michael’s existence. Apart from being swallowed by Fire Dragon, he had no other choice.

Although he is light and shadow, facing the heavenly God fire full of divine nature, there is only a dead end. In an instant, the light and shadow faded away. After the Fire Dragon, there was only one bright soul left in place, Michael’s soul.

The Lord did not have time to feel distressed and surprised. Lilith, who has been waiting for a long time, has already emerged from the lightning snake. She swallowed Michael’s soul suddenly, and then flew back to King Ming’s earlobe.

Leave only the Lord’s cry of pain to everything in front of him.


The voice was desperate and helpless. No one would have thought that this would be the master of heaven, the supreme, omniscient and omnipotent God.

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