Sun God Marvel

Chapter 261

As a god, he actually made such a voice. Then you can fully imagine how helpless he is now.

In this short period of time, his heaven was opened, and his angel Legion was reduced by one third. His lieutenant also completely fell Oblivion. The most important thing is that he has nothing to do with the guy who caused it all.

The unfavorable balance has completely tilted to his side. But even if he catches everything with own, he cannot restore the balance to balance.

Furthermore, Zhou Yi at this time is still on the other end of the balance, Infinity emphasizes his own weight!

The King Ming, who towered into the sky, suddenly reached out and grasped the void, stretching out his own arms as if he was supporting two doors. With the strength of his arms, the whole heaven began to shake. That was he was using his own Void Power, tearing the space dimension of heaven.

No matter how people beautify heaven, no matter how they imagine heaven will be a perfect world. Can not conceal its essence. After all, it is a different space dimension, a different space dimension that is indistinguishable from those hells.

It can be sealed, broken, and even destroyed. Therefore, for King Ming, who holds the secrets of the void, heaven is not a solid thing. At best, it’s just a bigger glass house.

Almost immediately, fragments of cracks appeared in heaven. It is not simply a trace left by the tearing of the earth, but a void gap directly connected to the endless void.

And as long as they are touched by these void gaps, they are all sucked into the void in an instant. It is truly infinite in infinite, enough to incarnate Devouring All Living Things. So even heaven is falling apart under the power of the void.

As the ruler of heaven, Jehovah has absolute control over this dimension. The spatial rifts that appeared in heaven were not a problem for him. The real problem is that compared with King Ming, who has been creating rifts, his cleaning speed is not faster than King Ming.

Countless rifts were cleared out of own heaven world by him, but almost immediately, countless rifts appeared in heaven. He has tried his best, but he can’t change the reality that own heaven is being swallowed by the void.

even more how, at this moment, King Ming has already waved his fist enough to collapsing the heavens splitting the earth and hit the Lord.

Looking at the fist as huge as a mountain and as powerful as a comet from the sky, the Lord gathered his own divine force through his teeth.

The light and the holy fire are all entangled together, forming a fist in heaven that is not much inferior to King Ming. And met the fierce and powerful punch of King Ming and greeted it.

The two big hands immediately collided, and Jin Yanteng’s Iron Fist immediately smashed the big hand composed of light and holy fire. Countless light chips and fire stars burst out, causing immeasurable damage to the heaven under the big hand.

The streamer shredded the palace and the earth like a lightsaber, and scattered sacred fires fell on the ground, igniting countless plants and houses. Coupled with the feathers floating in the sky, there are also void rifts everywhere. Now heaven doesn’t look like heaven at all.

It is like a ruin after the doomsday, more like a hell in transition. Even compared with hell, this place is now more dangerous and terrifying. Because here is being destroyed.

It’s too late to feel sorry for own. All of Jehovah’s mind was placed on King Ming’s unabated punch. This fist is still coming towards him, and now he has nowhere to escape.

In this situation, Jehovah gritted his teeth and cried out loudly.

“I said, there must be light, so there will be light.”

The light in the entire heaven disappeared instantly, and everything in front of me was completely reduced to the endless darkness. in. Then a little radiance suddenly appeared, and it bloomed completely in front of King Ming’s fist.

That is the unclean color, the faint yellow and dim radiance, exuding a charm of ending everything and disappearing everything.

This was the first light of creation, but now it has been reversed by the creator of the own attribute and completely turned into the twilight of destruction. And its existence has only one meaning, and that is to bring real doomsday to others.

destroying myriad things, the twilight that ended everything turned into a gloomy beam of light, instantly engulfing King Ming’s hand. The radiance sputtered by the collision ruthlessly destroyed everything it touched. Under its influence, the palace became ruins, the land became barren, and trees, flowers and plants withered. Even the angel incarnation of radiance completely died out in this twilight. Like a extinguished light, their souls couldn’t stand the erosion of twilight, and they dimmed completely in an instant, and quietly extinguished the radiance.

This is a blow to the enemy. In order to stop King Ming’s attack, Jehovah almost completely gave up all the lives in own heaven. For him, this is just his creation, and creation must be in order to own the service of the master. Compared with heaven itself and his survival, these angels are fundamentally insignificant.

How many people believe in him in the world will ascend to heaven and become his angels. As long as he is alive, he will not lack such tools.

He abandoned his most loyal subordinates, but the result was that he was completely disappointed.

Although Twilight has the power to end everything. But in the incarnation of King Ming as the King of Light, Twilight can’t play its role at all. In the final analysis, it is just the brilliance of the sunset, and as the brilliance of the sun, how can it harm the sun itself?

Just like walking through running water, although King Ming’s body was bathed in twilight, he never changed his own action and direction. He wandered past and arrived with his fist.

With a punch, all Twilight’s singularities were completely shattered. At the same time, King Ming’s second punch hit the Lord.

This fist is faster, stronger, more powerful, and it makes Jehovah feel more desperate.

He does not think that oneself will have any good results after this fist, nor does he think that Ming Wang will only punch him like this. So he didn’t care about other things, so he could only activate his own causal power again.

“I am Father, I command you. You must not hurt me!”

He wants to neutralize King Ming’s power, or make King Ming’s destruction Can’t hit him. But this idea suddenly became a joke in front of King Ming’s straightforward attack.

For an instant, the heaven, which had fallen into the boundless darkness, shot out a radiance like a star burst. A shocking sound like the first sound of the birth of the vast universe erupted from under the fist wrapped in the fire.

In an instant, heaven was torn into two halves like a picture scroll, half full of boundless darkness, and half full of golden light from the bright flames of King Ming.

Countless voids and crevices have spread on it, making the past heaven almost completely fragmented in human eyes. This is equivalent to destruction. If no one repairs it, this dimensional space will be swallowed up by the void and become history completely.

Looking at the horror scene caused by oneself’s punch, King Ming lightly raised his own hand. Under his fist, there is also a living creature. It was the Lord who was badly injured.

At this time, Jehovah has almost completely lost his physical existence, and he has become light. A faint light. Blink silently in the boundless darkness, as if it would go out at any time.

Strictly speaking, he is dead. But his power saved his life. Known as the immortal, he has the power of resurrection. Just like the resurrection of the Son Jesus after death. Although he was defeated by King Ming’s fist of destruction, he was resurrected as a light and returned to in this world.

However, compared with those who are still alive after the resurrection, they can beat ten strong people. The current Jehovah’s weakness is almost the same as when he was born.

His divine power is exhausted, his power is desolate, and even his heaven is about to end. And this is not the most terrifying for him. The most terrifying thing is that he feels that the power of causal power begins to fade on the owner, and the corrective power from the world begins to counter him.

Compared with other Gods in the world, Jehovah is a fellow who loves to develop believers. In order to expand his own faith, he will not hesitate to launch wars between God and religion again and again. Countless creatures fell on his path of faith. But this is the most incomprehensible to other gods.

God should have no desire for human beings, why does Jehovah have to wage so many wars in the name of God to fight for meaningless faith?

Only the Lord oneself knows what this is for. He once called all those who believe in him the lamb of God in the doctrine of own, and the term lamb represents the position of those who believe in him in his heart. Just as a shepherd harvests wool to create an own interest, God also harvests faith from his lamb to maintain own interest. And what he maintains is the great power of oneself causal power.

Causality, a magical ability. One does not look at the size of the power, but only the amount of ability. Even if your power is above any God, but no one knows you, whether there is not much to do with the world, then distorting your reality is a matter of one sentence.

But if you are praised by millions of people, you are scolded by millions. Or your existence is related to the operation of the world. So even if you are a soft-footed shrimp who can’t even stand up, the power of causality cannot change your reality at all.

In order to make own causal power always stand on the strong side. Jehovah took a different approach, let the name of own become a symbol, so that most people in this world believe in his existence.

How many people believe in God in the world, and how many people pray to him and ask him for help when they have problems or are suffering.

Although these are basically useless, they indirectly increase his power of existence.

For thousands of years, the beliefs of countless people have brought together countless powers of existence, enabling Jehovah to become the God who plays with reality.

But now, everything is different.

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