Sun God Marvel

Chapter 275

The situation is wrong, the situation is very wrong. After Justin Hammer’s speech was over, Tony felt this bad feeling. His speech had put Tony in a disadvantaged position. Because in his description, Tony has completely become such a character.

Sit on the most cutting-edge technology that can protect people’s lives and property, but only want to enjoy its benefits and all its honors. I don’t want to put it into the hands of the country at all, and play its greatest value. And even if the lives and property of the people have been greatly threatened, he is unwilling to compromise with the government.

From the perspective of the people, Tony’s behavior is already a very selfish behavior. From Tony’s point of view, Justin Hammer is the most complete moral kidnapping. He put him on the opposite side of the people. Although not everyone will support his point of view, it is certain that many people will believe in his view.

Tony just wanted to say something to restore the current slump, but it was obvious. Her opponent didn’t want to give him a chance to breathe. So before he spoke, Mr. Senator who was sitting in the judge’s seat followed Justin Hammer’s offensive and launched their combination punches.

“Well said, Mr. Hammer. Now let us invite James Rodney Colonel to the meeting.”

“Rhodey?” Hearing the name, Tony was a little weird. Turning around, he immediately saw Rhodey walking in with an ugly expression.

Not only did he see Rhodey, many people also saw this United States soldier who walked in. They also started talking almost immediately, because most of the people present knew the relationship between Rhodey and Tony’s friends, so at this time a strange idea began to get into their minds. Stark, is this asking everyone to betray their relatives?

This is definitely not a good phenomenon for Tony, but it is definitely a phenomenon that the Ministry of Defense people like to see. The senator even had a smile on his face, and even started to say something impatient.

“I have here a complete report on Iron Man weapons collected by Rodney Colonel. Colonel, please read the contents of the fifth stage on page 57.”

Rhodey face The facial expressions are not pretty. Although it is a bounden duty to obey orders as a soldier, being used by the owner’s boss as a tool for framing friends is impossible and makes him feel comfortable. So he said stiffly.

“Do you want me to read a specific paragraph in the report? I thought I was here to make a complete and detailed report. Instead of taking it out of context, I took a paragraph from it to represent what I meant.”


“I know what you mean. Colonel!” The senator coughed and called out Rhodey’s position. This is to tell him not to forget his own identity. “I understand what you think. But today there are many variables. We don’t have time to listen to you read all the reports. So, you only need to read the paragraph I specified.”

Listen At this point, Rhodey can only be sighed. He cast an apologetic look at Tony, then opened the file report in his hand.

“Well, the fourth line on page 57.’Iron Man is not affiliated with any government unit.'” He paused here before continuing. “Therefore, his existence is a threat to national security and interests. But my conclusion is…Iron Man has more advantages than disadvantages. If Mr. Stark is allowed to join the military command system.” /p>

“Enough, that’s enough. Rodney Colonel!” The senator interrupted Rhodey’s speech immediately, and at this time. Tony couldn’t help it.

“I don’t like to join any system, but I can consider becoming Minister of Defense. Of course, the length of work must be shortened. Eight hours a day is too tiring, I think four hours will do. “

The scene was full of laughter. Regarding this openly mocking the Ministry of Defense, the senator had to pull the corner of his mouth and opened the topic.

“Colonel, I want to play the images in your report.”

“I don’t think it is time yet. These images are not suitable for public disclosure.” Rhodey shook the head , Clearly expresses oneself’s disapproval attitude. But the senator did not accept his opinion at all.

“I can understand your concerns, Colonel. But if you can describe these images, we would be very grateful.”

Hearing this, Rhodey sighed again. The mess of soldiers and politicians is the dirtiest thing. The saddest thing about being a soldier is that he must listen to a politician, just because he is his nominal boss. So he could only raise his hand to the law enforcement officers nearby. Signal that they can start playing the video.

Rhodey’s obedience made the senator very happy, he was nodded. Naturally some people started to play the video data they had prepared.

A satellite image began to appear on the screen, which seemed to be a military factory. Facing the blurred image, Rhodey picked up the electronic pen and pointed to the obvious shadow on it. Said.

“The data shows that the devices in these images are actually imitations of Mr. Stark Iron Man Armor. This has been verified by our allies and ground intelligence units. We believe that these imitation Iron Man Armor It may already be available.”

Rhodey introduced the video above. Tony started to work on own affairs. He took out his own cellphone at the first sight of the video, and started deciphering and hacking the video signal. This is the internal confidential information of US Military, but for Tony Stark’s smart steward, there is really no confidentiality at all.

Soon, he mastered everything. So he no longer passively accepts attacks from others.

“Wait a minute, Buddy. Show me.” He said lightly on the own cellphone. Suddenly, various file reading and program editing information began to appear on the entire screen. Until a big “Welcome Mr. Stark” icon was displayed, Tony grinned weirdly. “Oh, I’m done, I’m awesome. You said it is possible for them to use it, let us see it more clearly. Make the information more transparent and see what they are all about.”

Seeing this situation, the senator can no longer keep his smile. He sat upright and asked loudly. “What’s going on?”

But no one paid attention to him, because everyone’s eyes were attracted by the images on the big screen. Unlike the previous blurry image where you can’t even see the building, what appears on the screen now is very clear, which can almost discern the real high-definition image of a person.

And what appeared in the video was a video of a strange-looking robot. The video was walking up and swaying from side to side, with various weapons hung on it. There are also a few large Korean annotations on the side of the video to indicate the identity of this machine.

“It seems to be a work of North Korea.” As soon as Tony commented on the robot, the robot on the screen fell to the ground. And the weapon on it began to spin frantically, shooting towards all around. Groups of screams came from behind the screen, and soon the whole screen was splashed with blood.

This caused a hearing officer representing the South Korean government to immediately cover his face, and the senator immediately yelled.

“Turn off the screen, quickly turn off the screen for me.”

“It looks like they failed! What about Iran?”

The screen is now in control But in Tony’s hands, how could it be closed because of a word from the Senator. He smirked and switched the video to another test scene. At this time, you can see a steel silhouette on the image rising to the sky, and then crashing to the ground in an explosion.

Justin. Hammer couldn’t sit still anymore, he rushed up. He wanted to turn off the screen, but in the same way, he had no choice.

At this time, with Tony’s mobilization, Justin’s silhouette has appeared on the video.

In the video, Justin stood by the side of a steel armor that looked quite thick, and was using his usual rhetoric to speak to the person in the armor.

“Captain, how do you feel. It’s really not easy to find you such a great soldier now. I have been on the battlefield and killed terrorists. I have rescued teammates and won medals. If not After leaving the Ministry of Defense, it’s really hard to get you out of it. But believe me, you won’t regret it. Have you seen Tony Stark claiming that oneself is Iron Man? I promise. You will be like it soon. Like him, he has become a super weapon of focal point of ten thousands.”

“Damn!” Hearing oneself’s excellent eloquence, Justin not at all smiled. Instead, he immediately overturned the table in front of him and asked loudly to the people around him. “What about the socket, where is the socket?”

Justin Hammer behaved in a panic, but the more panic, the more proof that what happened next would be serious. So Tony naturally happily added a little more trouble to him.

“Is that Justin Hanmer? Why is he also doing counterfeit goods. Hey, Justin, don’t be busy. Look here, Buddy, you’re on TV. Put out a better POSS. “

Justin ignores him at all, he just wants to stop it before the next scene is seen by others. And Rhodey was snickering at this moment. As the prior knowledge of these military materials, he certainly knows what the next scene will be.

Tony can be said to have got rid of these troublesome entanglements. The next moment the trouble will only be the Ministry of Defense and Justin Hammer.

Although the Justin below is panicked like a dog scabbing bones on the floor, Justin on the screen is still proceeding in an orderly manner.

“Yes, Captain. Stretch out your hand. Great, that’s it. Then, try to twist your body. Use force, don’t worry. Hammer Industries is a military enterprise you can trust. , We have perfect quality assurance.”

Under his command, the captain wearing Iron Man Armor carried out the own operation very stiffly. Reaching out, moving legs, and turning around all seemed normal. But when Justin encouraged him to use the propulsion device, an accident happened.

Iron Man Armor did not fly at all, but like a torch ignited from inside, countless blazing flames instantly emerged from the gaps in the armor. The flame was so strong that the surface of the armor turned red, and Mr. Captain inside naturally began to scream terribly.

The cry stopped for a few seconds. At the same time Justin on the screen also began to swear loudly.

At this moment, the screen suddenly went dark, and the angry Justin had already unplugged the screen. He sat back to the own position without saying a word, but all around was already in an uproar. Everyone is pointing fingers at him, and countless cameras also focus on him.

Hammer Industries’ reputation is almost dropped a thousand zhang in one fall at this moment. And Stark is still hitting a person when he’s down.

“It will take five to ten years for most countries to have this technology. Hammer Industries estimates that it will take 20 years. Sorry, I am not mocking everyone’s strength, I just want to show a fact?”

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