Sun God Marvel

Chapter 276

“I want to tell everyone and tell people all over the world. Iron Man is only me. Because only I have such mature skills. Instead of putting a two-handed sword on a child In the hands of him, let him cause a lot of meaningless accidental casualties. It is better to let it lie obediently and honestly in the arms of the creator. At least, he will not cause more damage!”

“By the way, I want to tell you, Senator. Also gentlemen of the Ministry of Defense. You want my product, don’t even think about it. I would rather delete it than let it become dangerous in your hands. Plaything!”

Tony made an indecent gesture at the trial team above, and then started to leave with confidence. No one stopped him, because no one had a reason to stop him.

This hearing has been overturned by Tony, and at the same time it has caused numerous troubles to Hammer Industries. They couldn’t embarrass Tony anymore, or it would be good if Tony didn’t embarrass them.

So Tony walked out of the court swayingly like this, and still under the spotlight. As for what will happen to Justin Hammer, he doesn’t care about his life or death.

Zhou Yi will not stay here after watching this farce. He walked out of the court, only to find Tony unexpectedly waiting for him at the door.

“I thought you would leave with Pepper?” I glanced around all around and didn’t see the silhouette of Miss Potts. Zhou Yi said with a smile to Tony a little jokingly.

“I’ll let her take a step first, and I’ll follow right away.” With a gesture with his chin, Tony brought the topic back. “How do you feel, my performance?”

“Your previous performance was too weak. There was no way to fight back. Even those two rants were just sissy attacks. “First, he mocked Tony, then Zhou Yi immediately changed his attitude. “However, it was indeed a perfect anti-kill. The final blow was great. You should take a photo of Hanmer’s face as a memento, because I want to laugh now when I think about it!”

“The only thing to cut down on the newspaper is if you really intend to use his face as a souvenir!” Tony couldn’t help but ask as he walked to the sparsely populated corner with Zhou Yi. “It’s you, how are you preparing. I want to tell you that it will be much harder than it is now in two days! It is not so easy for you to surpass me.”

Hearing this, Zhou A mocking smile appeared on Yi’s face immediately.

“Do you think they have the ability to deal with me? Or do they have the ability to do something to me?”

“This is not a fight with Buddy!” It is not the same as Zhou Yi’s optimism, Tony Be very worried. “I feel something that is not very good. They seem to want to suppress us with public opinion and kidnap us with morals. You should have seen Hanmer’s methods. Seriously, that makes me feel very passive.”

“Unless you are completely perfect, they will always find excuses. Once they have an excuse, they can easily attack you in any form. And really, Buddy . We are always impossible to be perfect. As long as you do it, there will always be mistakes. And if you don’t do it, it’s a bigger problem.”

“You are worried that they will do something On my head?” Zhou Yi asked, squinting his eyes while listening to Tony’s analysis.

And Tony’s answer is very positive.

“It’s not to worry, but to make sure they will do it. If they are not prepared, they won’t use this move on me first at this time. They want more than just my technology. I feel they want more. It may even be related to all Superhero. I was just selected as the first one to be the experiment.”

Zhou Yi thought about it, then laughed . He patted Tony’s shoulder with a confident smile on his face.

“I know what you are worried about, Buddy! Seriously, there is no need for it. Everything Dawn Knight does has a clear conscience, so I want to deal with him this way, This method of downloading is completely unqualified.”

“Since you said so, I wish you good luck.” Hearing Zhou Yi’s confident words, Tony shrugged, turned around and left. . “I’m also busy with things, so I won’t come to watch in two days. You can do it yourself!”

“Why, don’t you actually cheer me up? Or you are worried that my limelight will be overwhelmed.” You? Oh, wake up, Tony. Don’t be like a child, you know you’re impossible to beat me.”

“Fuck you!” The answer to Zhou Yi was Tony’s high Raised middle finger.

I kept watching Tony until he disappeared from his own field of vision, and Zhou Yi was lightly sighed. He seemed to be talking to himself, and he seemed to be talking to another person.

“Are you really ready to solve all this by yourself?”

No one answered him, and only he himself knew what the answer was.

The interesting thing about Iron Man that happened at the Senator’s hearing is not over yet. The United States Department of Justice and the Department of Defense joined hands to once again drop a blockbuster. They announced that a subpoena had been delivered to Dawn Knight and hoped that he would attend an upcoming hearing about him.

This news makes many people feel that the government is crazy. But more people have a sense of crisis that wind and rain desire. What does the government want? This is a question worthy of careful consideration. Because no matter why, it is unreasonable to aim at the most powerful Superhero at this time. Some reasonable people have begun to worry that this is a precursor to a major crisis, and they are afraid that the government is carrying out another strange conspiracy. Just like the Super Soldier plan.

The project that once gave birth to Captain America has now become the object of scolding. The reason is the government’s concealment and the serious consequences it caused.

Regardless of how people speculate, how they oppose it. None of the government’s resolutions changed, and the hearings were held as scheduled. And now there is only one key person.

Will Dawn Knight come? This is not only the question of the audience present, but also all the people who watched the hearing through the media. It was also the question of the other senator sitting in the judge’s seat and the guys who were brewing conspiracy behind him.

They both hope that Dawn Knight will appear, because then they can set a trap for him in a predetermined way. But at the same time I don’t want him to appear. Because anyway, the changes are still too great. If he doesn’t show up, he has more room for manipulation.

And just when everyone is waiting anxiously. A silhouette has appeared on the defendant’s seat.

The familiar black armor made many people cheer, and at the same time made those who have attempted to sink their hearts, and at the same time they were ready to fight a tough battle.

“I have come, Your Honor. I am ready to communicate with you.”

A smooth and gentle voice came from under the helmet, and this The voice thought that this silent struggle between the two sides had begun.

“Welcome to you, Dawn Knight. But before that, please allow me to ask you to take off your armor!” The senator in the judge seat sat upright, taking advantage of the terrain. Looking condescendingly at Zhou Yi. “What you are facing is the law of the United States. I hope you can abide by it and respect it. Face it with your true face!”

At first the judge is so impolite but completely Exceeded everyone’s expectations. Many people felt that something was wrong in their hearts. They had already seen the judges’ targeting and hostility towards Dawn Knight.

Faced with such a temptation, Zhou Yi did not show any emotion. Just said flatly under the helmet.

“Your Honor, if you are going to play this naive way with me. Then I think I can go back, because this is just a waste of time.”

“I Can you think that you are scorning America’s laws?” Hearing Zhou Yi’s words, the judge began to emphasize the own tone, as if he wanted to make own’s words more majestic.

But Zhou Yi saw nothing but ridiculous. So he replied to the judge in a constant tone.

“If you are talking about what you are currently executing, I can tell you clearly that I am despising it.”

“You are trampling on axiom and justice , Dawn Knight!”

“If axiom and justice have become your right to squander freely and an excuse against others, then trampling on it is the right thing.”

The hearing has not yet entered the topic, the scene is already with swords drawn and bows bent. This makes everyone see in the mist. They still don’t understand which group of politicians at the hearing are playing. However, most people have already squeezed cold sweat in their hands.

The scene is a bit too intense, and this is just the beginning, who can believe it!

Compared with the audience who squeezed a cold sweat, it was the law enforcement officers around who were more nervous. Most of them have already begun to tremble with their legs, and they are a little unsteady even standing.

At this time, almost all of their hearts are complaining about these crazy bureaucrats. What are they going to be crazy? They want to raise upwards to provoke the most powerful Superhero in such trivial things. also If the damn bureaucrats in the back really go crazy and want them to go up and take off Dawn Knight’s armor, what should they do!

Many law enforcement officers have begun to quietly retreat, thinking about giving this opportunity to show their skills to those colleagues who are closer.

At this time, the judge spoke again.

“Well, Dawn Knight. In view of your special status, we do not ask you to show your true face for the time being. Then I need to tell you now the purpose of our calling you here.”


“We summon you for endangering national security and causing loss of life and property to innocent people. I hope you can give a satisfactory answer to everyone!”

Judge The words left everyone’s mind blankly stunned. Almost everyone who heard this sentence was a little bit overwhelmed.

Endanger national security? How can Superhero endanger national security? The loss of life and property to the people is even more ridiculous. As a member of the majority of the people, they don’t even know about this. Isn’t it ridiculous?

“Your Honor, this is a fabricated charge!”

The supporter with Dawn Knight stood up dissatisfied and began to appeal to the judge. But the judge sitting at the top of the court immediately struck the gavel and said loudly.

“Quiet, it is up to you to judge whether it is a fabricated charge. I am asking Dawn Knight, not you. If anyone dares to interfere with this sacred court, I will let the law enforcement officer throw him out. “

These strong words made the emotions below even more excited, and some people even began to swear. At this time, Zhou Yi pressed his hand and signaled the people underground to calm down.

What he said was still useful, and soon those excited people closed their mouths angrily. When the scene calmed down, Zhou Yi raised his head and said to the judge.

“If you say I have such a crime, show it to me!”

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