Sun God Marvel

Chapter 289

When I arrived at the autopsy department under the Ministry of Defense, Coulson showed his own ID to the security guard standing outside. Of course, he is not using SHIELD ID, but the FBI. He has done this many times, and the credentials cannot be said to be false. Therefore, the security at the door quickly released him.

Putting away the own documents, Coulson walked into the corpse cold room, and then went straight to Justin Hammer’s corpse. This is the purpose of his trip, let’s see what the cause of Justin’s death was.

Although countless people have seen that Demon from the shadow took his life away. However, in the hearts of professionals like SHIELD, they still don’t believe that this is really caused by the so-called Divine Punishment.

Their work in Europe is not smooth. Although they have found some clues, the things they find along these clues are always somewhat unsatisfactory. It was as if someone from behind was watching their movements, and all their actions were completely empty.

Don’t even mention finding the God named Ming Wang. It is a problem to find a human religion that can represent him. The only thing they are sure of now is that this God does have an own religion, but this religion does not seem to have plans for the world. It is lurking, lurking in the darkness that no one can find.

So, for this kind of mysterious power exploration, SHIELD is still in a deadlock inevitably. Because of this, they, who don’t know anything about mysterious power, don’t believe what most people see.

That can be faked. They are very sure, because they have the ability to falsify oneself. Whether using Scarlet Witch’s Primal Chaos Demon method or using a simulated holographic image, they can do this step. Since even they can do this step, why can’t Dawn Knight?

In this regard, the people in the Security Council issued a strong order that SHIELD must understand the cause of Justin Hammer’s death. And once it was found to be related to Dawn Knight, then they would take more severe measures against him.

The allegations made by the Department of Defense against Dawn Knight were made at the behest of the Security Council. Like Dawn Knight, some people in the Security Council have always believed that only by holding him in the hands of the owner is the best way to keep this World safe. So they authorized the Ministry of Defense to conduct some trials. In response to Dawn Knight’s temptation, to test whether he might become a tool in oneself’s hands.

But for them, the results obtained are definitely not satisfactory. Dawn Knight’s toughness is beyond their imagination, and the power and power in their hands is as ridiculous as a joke to him.

This naturally made them feel ashamed, and the hostility towards Dawn Knight himself has increased a bit. If it is not for his true identity, also his reputation in this world. Maybe they will make even more crazy moves.

And even now, they have not given up on the idea of ​​him. Examining Justin Hammer’s body was one of their thoughts. If they find out that Justin’s Death is related to Dawn Knight, they won’t mind putting a murder charge on Dawn Knight. Then use this charge to drag him down the cloud.

For this idea of ​​the Security Council. Several people at the core of SHIELD have a unified understanding, that is stupidity. They couldn’t think of any benefit to them besides pushing Dawn Knight to the opposite. But the Security Council did just that, and it put such a thing in the hands of SHIELD in an orderly manner. This is why Coulson is here.

Seriously, he didn’t want to come here. Because it won’t make people happy to participate in the murder of oneself friend. But he had no other way. He was an agent, just like a soldier. Obeying orders is the first priority. So he finally came here.

There is no who but him in the empty corpse refrigerator. And this obviously fits his meaning, because it will make his work more convenient.

I walked to Justin Hanmer’s side, put on his gloves and lifted the white cloth covering him. Coulson saw the once powerful weapon merchant. What is the difference between him now and the ordinary person whom he despised, not at all after death.

The power, status, and money in front of him have lost their meaning. Now he can only lie in such a cold place, in a small space of no more than a few square meters. Let those who are alive get what they want from him.

If he is still alive, he will be furious, yelling. Thinking of the words and deeds of this weapon merchant during his lifetime, Coulson shook the head. Started own work.

He is not at all the ability to examine the corpse, and even if it does, he might not be better than the autopsy officer working here. So it is not him who really plays the role of inspection.

He just took out a metal ball and placed it next to Justin Hammer’s body. Then, waiting for this little high-tech tool to complete his work.

As soon as the metal ball was put down, it split from the middle. Then it became a small robot like a spider. It has symmetrical four teams of gastropods, and also a pair of mechanical arms like small pliers. On its head is a camera flashing red radiance. The camera rotated 360 degrees first, and then it froze on Coulson.

At this time, Coulson heard the voice of oneself from the communication device in his ears.

“We are online, sir. You can start working!”

“Then get started, and do your best to get detailed data. It’s best to let us do Clearly, what was the cause of this guy’s death!”

Coulson replies to complied businessly, and after he responded. The little spider robot started to act immediately. It followed Justin’s head to his face first. Then he stretched out the small pliers to prop up his eyelids, and at the same time stretched the own camera to his eyes.

A grid-like ray was emitted from the camera, and then quickly scanned Justin’s head. When it had done this, the communication device in Coulson’s ear sent a message again.

“Sir, we have built the model.”

“Very well, go ahead. Let me know when you get the results.”

“Yes , Sir!”

The little robot moved around again, this time it followed Justin’s head down, scanning the own scanning ray from head to toe all the way. After doing all this, it crawled onto Justin’s face again, and pointed oneself’s abdomen, which resembles Insect, to Justin’s mouth. Then a large number of yellow larvae were released in one breath.

Seeing this scene, Coulson’s face immediately looked ugly. He obviously had a nauseous reaction, but this reaction was now suppressed by force. But despite this, he still felt a little uncomfortable, so he began to complain to his subordinates.

“I said, can you not make things so curious? I just had lunch!”

“Curious, sir, where did you say this? It seems that the human body detection robot is not at all curious places.” His subordinates replied puzzledly, seemingly unable to understand what the chief oneself was talking about.

“Please, why make an insect shape. Also, what are the things that are excreted by it?”

“Sir, the shape of an insect is made because of it It can adapt to a variety of complex environments, and its practicality alone is far better than other biological structures. Also, please don’t use the word excretion, sir. I haven’t eaten yet. That’s release, and what’s released is super A miniature robot. It can enter the human body and feed back various data about the person within the body. Ha, okay! Sir, we have the results.”

With the result, Coulson immediately put aside the discussion about the taste of this subordinate. Started to ask him what the results of his analysis were.

“How is the result, what do you think?”

“Sir, we have carried out a comprehensive examination of his body. His body is very healthy, except for some adrenaline Except for high thyroxine, not at all. And even so, the level of these secreted hormones is within the safe line. So from a physiological point of view, he should not die.”

“But he is dead, in front of countless people. So, can’t you guys have a valid argument?”

Listen to the answer given by oneself , Coulson said with a frown. Such an answer is obviously impossible to make the Security Council honest. So he must have a more convincing reason.

“Sir, you need to know. He is dead. If he is dead, many things are impossible to check. For example, his psychology?”

“Psychology, You mean he died because of psychological reasons?” Hearing this word, Coulson immediately felt like oneself had grasped a rope to escape the trouble.

“It’s very possible, sir. Because people’s psychology cannot be quantified. If he thinks that oneself is dead, then he may actually have a Death reaction. This has nothing to do with physiology, as long as He himself thinks so. No one can stop him.”

“How sure are you?” Coulson interrupted him and asked suddenly.

“Over 70%, sir!”

“Enough!” With this sentence left, Coulson put away the little robot that he didn’t like very much, and strode forward Went out.

He has already figured out how to respond to inquiries from the Security Council. With such an explanation, even if they are unwilling to accept it, it is impossible to target Dawn Knight. At the same time, SHIELD can also be taken out of the contradiction between them.

If you can, whether it’s him or Hill, or Director Fury. Neither wanted to have a head-on conflict with Dawn Knight. That is the act of bring about one’s own destruction. The fact that the Security Council cannot think about it does not mean that they are willing to accompany them to take this risk. For them, watching from the sidelines is the better choice.

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