Sun God Marvel

Chapter 290

The sky was faintly bright, and Zhou Yi was quarreled by the noise around him. His eyes opened, but he happened to see Ada, who was wearing only a white shirt, sitting by the bed, playing with a cold white light with interest.

The radiance hovered around her fingertips like a fish. When it occasionally rubbed the cabinet beside the bed, it immediately caused a layer of ice crystals with a little blue light to condense on it.

The cold aura radiated from the ice crystals, and this layer of cold air made the water in the glass completely frozen. Even the glass cup has undergone some structural changes.

This white light is very dangerous, but it is for Ada to enjoy it.

Seeing Ida playing so happy, Zhou Yi lightly took away the arm of Serana, who was still entwined with oneself and still sleeping. Then quietly hugged Ada’s waist from behind. At the same time, pressing against her cheek, said with a smile to her.

“Why don’t you take a break, or do you think I didn’t work hard enough yesterday?”

Zhou Yi’s words reminded Ada immediately of the absurdity of last night, her cheeks flushed . He threw a hygienic eye to Zhou Yi, and then said in a tone of mutual complaint between lovers.

“I am not a lazy guy who is used to living a comfortable life like you. At this time every day, the body will automatically wake up, what can I do!”

This is a long time The repercussions left by the high-risk profession of spying, even though they have nothing to do with before. But her subconsciousness still makes it difficult for her to sleep peacefully. She was too cautious, and went too cautiously. This is completely contrary to Serrana, who has made own life completely carefree.

Hearing Ada’s words like this, Zhou Yi felt deep pity in his heart. Until now Ida was strong and proud, and never told him the fatigue and pain of oneself. And Zhou Yi rarely explores her heart.

So until now, when Ada talks lightly about the traces that own has left on oneself in the past, Zhou Yi feels that oneself is too negligent with Ada, especially for her inner heart Feeling is simply dull and ridiculous. He neglected Ada, and even more neglected oneself’s responsibility to him, a man’s obligation to his beloved woman.

The guilt came to my heart almost immediately. And this guilt also prompted him to do something.

So at the moment, he suddenly picked Ada up, firmly hugged him into his arms, and then took her back to the soft bed.

This action made Ada startled. She quickly grabbed Zhou Yi’s arm, suppressed the own voice, and whispered to him.

“Damn it, what are you doing? Stop it, Serana is still asleep! I don’t have the time to do this with you now!”

“Don’t Think too much! Ada.” With a wry smile at Ada’s thought that oneself wanted to do something ridiculous, Zhou Yi explained to her ear. “I just want to hold you this way and let you sleep a little longer. Don’t worry, I don’t have any bad thoughts. I just want to watch you sleep peacefully in my arms. So, be obedient. Take a good rest. !”

Ada blushed because she had just misunderstood what Zhou Yi meant. But this does not mean that she will accept Zhou Yi’s sudden warmth. Although she was a little bit happy in her heart, reason urged her to want to escape from Zhou Yi’s arms.

So she pushed Zhou Yi’s chest hard and whispered to him.

“Don’t mess around, you bad guy. Shirley and Aretha are about to wake up. I don’t want them to see us now.”

“Don’t Worry about the children, my dear Ada. I think it’s time to clarify our relationship with the children. If they see it, let them see it. This is no longer a secret that needs to be hidden. . I think they should also know our relationship.”

Zhou Yi is not willing to let Ada escape from own arms because of this problem at this time. He hugged Ada’s slender waist tightly, and whispered to her in her ear.

These words gave Ada an indescribable feeling in her heart. The original thought in her heart was also in Zhou Yi’s voice, and if it was like white snow, it melted quietly. And as this thought disappeared, her push-and-push movements also began to lose strength. So all Zhou Yi can feel is her soft and delicate skin slowly tracing across her chest.

This made his heart burst into flames immediately. However, now that his heart was flooded with tenderness, he had no idea of ​​any small actions. He just gazed gently at Ada in oneself’s arms. Watching her almost turned into an ice spring in the arms of own. Cold and feminine, it makes people fall in love with her.

Ada, lying in Zhou Yi’s arms, also felt the changes in his body. So immediately she smiled intently, stretched out her arms as white as ice and snow, lightly embraced Zhou Yi’s neck. Then he raised his face, a charming and charming smile hung on his cold face. At the same time exhale at him like a Randao.

“I have already felt it. Or, do you really want to do something now?”

She said that, she has started to use oneself’s slender thighs in Zhou Yi Lightly drew on his body.

This is teasing and teasing. Zhou Yi is very clear, because the flame in his heart has become more vigorous. But he never let the flame engulf him, but quietly tightened his arm. Holds Ada closer. Then he said to her in a pampering tone.

“Go to sleep, Ada. I just want you to have a good rest. I will look at you this way, so sleep at ease.”

Gentle Men always touch the softest part of a woman’s heart. And now Ada has been touched. The expression on her face changed, and finally became completely empty and pure. At this moment, in Zhou Yi’s arms, she really felt the peace that she hadn’t felt for a long time. So, a relaxed smile began to hang on her face.

She pulled Zhou Yi’s arm and adjusted her sleeping position. Then he closed his eyes and leaned quietly on his chest. At this time, she did not forget to molest Zhou Yi.

“You let me rest. Don’t blame me for not trying to solve the problem for you.”

“Yes, this is what I said. The problem can be solved at any time. . But there are not many opportunities for you to sleep peacefully in my arms.”

Replied with a wry smile. But it made Ada’s smile brighter. She took a deep breath, then slowly slowed her breath. She is enjoying the peace of being cared for, and at the same time getting the long-lost sense of security in this tranquility.

While holding her Zhou Yi, this time also had a rare experience. That’s satisfaction, emotional satisfaction. The woman in his arms made him feel the feeling of love. At the same time, he thought of another woman. A woman who gave everything for him and is still asleep.

When will you wake up, Jean? I now know clearly how to love someone. Why can’t you be by my side at this time and enjoy this feeling of love and being loved with me? Countless feelings could only be turned into a long sigh, and then he was deeply buried in his heart.

This is regret and deep hope. He regrets that Jean cannot share this beautiful tenderness with oneself. At the same time, I hope that the day of Jean’s return will come as soon as possible.

Jean loved him so passionately and gave everything for him. So why can’t he return with more ardent feelings? At this moment he has made up his mind. He will wait for Jean’s return, wait for her to return to own, and then forever and ever, let her and oneself never be separated.

Missing, turned into an invisible chain, quietly linked to the hearts of two people.

Deep underground, a drop of tears slipped silently on the face of a sleeping woman.


SHIELD Trident building, here is the command system of the highest level of SHIELD. Not only is the official office of Nick Fury here, but several permanent members of the Security Council will also be stationed here to monitor SHIELD’s operations.

For SHIELD, the Security Council is far from assured. Not only because Nick Fury often contradicts them, but also because this huge organization has reached an extent that they cannot completely control. Although they used many methods, at most they only penetrated the own tentacles into the body of this tissue. It cannot be completely controlled by own.

For the Security Council, which habitually holds the highest power, this is a fact that cannot be accepted by them. So until now, they are still doing this. For example, insert the permanent director of own into SHIELD’s highest command system. Then find a way to put the own manpower inside.

Of course, this little trick is nothing to hide from the cunning guy Nick Fury. So when the council did this, he used another method to deal with the infiltration of the council.

That is to shift the core to other places, such as the center. Or Helicarrier.

This kind of action made the board members angry, but they were helpless. Because the confrontation between Nick Fury and their small means is completely within the scope of the rules. As long as they are within this range, they can do nothing but Nick Fury of SHIELD.

So even if you hate gnash the teeth, even if they are SHIELD’s real supreme leader. But they still don’t have much interference for SHIELD. They can’t control the actions inside SHIELD, and can’t control the thoughts of most of SHIELD agents. So let alone, guys like Coulson.

What they want is evidence against Dawn Knight. But in Coulson’s hands, he would never provide them with such a thing. He gave them an unimportant thing. Aside from making them angry, there is no other idea at all.

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