Sun God Marvel

Chapter 292

Walking out of SHIELD’s Trident building, Coulson’s face was as bright as a rainbow after the rain.

Whoever sees that the boss of own idiot has been unlucky, and oneself has been given a salary increase. Will show such a smile. So today is definitely a rare lucky day for Coulson.

And just as he walked into the parking lot, ready to ride in oneself’s beloved classic car, to listen to a big mention Jean’s performance. A Lincoln custom SUV suddenly honked its horn beside him.

He turned around and immediately saw the black face looking at own Nick Fury.

“Come on!” Nick Fury beckoned, and then opened the door of oneself’s co-pilot.

Seeing this, Coulson knew that he must have something secret to tell oneself, so he didn’t think too much about it and went straight in.

“Sir, what do you want to tell me here?”

“Phil, you are not suitable for appearing in the sight of those people recently. I am going to adjust you When you go to Mexico, you will stay there for a while. Solve this problem by the way!” Nick Fury looked at the confidant of own, and didn’t make much preparation. He threw a piece of information directly in front of him, and then said the meaning and arrangement of own.

Coulson has no opinion on things like going out on business. However, what Director Fury told him to avoid the sight of some people caused some confusion and doubt in his heart. He looked at Director Fury and asked.

“Sir, you told me to avoid some people’s sight. Is it because of today? I thought Mr. Pierce should have solved the problem.”

“Pierce He is not on the same boat as us. He is the chairman of the Security Council and is no longer the director of SHIELD. His position determines that he will only help the side he is on. So, you can’t put your hope on him On!”

“Sir, don’t you trust him?” Listening to Director Fury’s answer, Coulson clearly pointed out the core of his words.

As for this statement, Nick Fury squinted oneself’s only eye.

“From the day he decided to quit SHIELD and join the Security Council. I don’t trust him anymore.”

Nodded clearly, Coulson understood his meaning. Since the boss of own has said that Pierce can’t believe it, as Nick Fury’s left and right hands, he naturally won’t make any contact with Pierce. So he picked up the information and responded to Nick Fury.

“I know what to do, sir. Don’t worry, I will disappear for a while. It will not be easy for them to find me. But what is this?”

Opening the information in his hand, Coulson saw a picture of a hammer at first sight. It lay quietly in a huge area, like it had been smashed by a meteorite, in the middle of a pit that was sunken in. Moreover, the mud in the middle pushed it up like a high arch. Only the dirt underneath it is still raised in the entire pit. It looks very weird.

“This is something that suddenly came in from outer space recently. At first we thought it was a meteorite, but after receiving a local report, we discovered that it was not a meteorite, but a hammer that looked like a hammer. The same thing. It’s very special, very special!”

Looking at this square-shaped hammer, it is estimated that it will not exceed fifty pounds. Coulson didn’t see what was special about it. So he made a suspicious move, hoping that the chief owner would make things clearer.

“This is a small hammer. It doesn’t look particularly big. But until now, no one can pick it up.” Nick. Fury doesn’t play any guessing games with Coulson, just Tell him the magic of this hammer. “Many locals have tried it. They even used a crane. But for this hammer, they can’t do anything about it. It seems that this is something as magical as the legendary King Arthur sword in the stone.”

“So you want me to investigate?” Coulson took his topic. “Do you think this thing has anything to do with mythology?”

For this question, Nick Fury’s expression is very subtle.

“Since God has already appeared, it is not an unacceptable fact that there will be some legendary things. However, before his master arrives. I hope you can control this thing best In our hands. I don’t want to see any more troubles, understand?”

“I will try my best, sir.” At the request of Director Fury. A wry smile appeared on Coulson’s face. “But I believe you have also seen that the recent situation is beyond our control. The world is changing, and it is getting more and more chaotic. I don’t think that with our current ability, we can control everything as before. “

Although this doesn’t make sense, Nick Fury has to admit it. Coulson made sense.

Superhero one by one, springing up like bamboo shoots after a rain. And all kinds of unexpected mysterious events, accidents have never stopped. Not long ago, Vigilante Spider-Man, who had been active in New York, also prevented a mutation conspiracy carried out by a guy nicknamed Court Academecian.

This kind of heroic deeds naturally greatly increased the popularity of Little Spider. However, SHIELD, who has been maintaining stability and order behind the normal world, once again felt the weakness of oneself’s power and also the change of the world situation beyond control.

To deal with Superhero and their super opponents, SHIELD, who is mostly an ordinary person, will not be able to obtain any effective control unless it takes some major actions. But even if one of the SHIELD agents, who are huge and many people, are used as two agents, how many such special events can be solved?

Nick .Fury fell silent. He tapped his own finger, lost in thought. Coulson sat next to him, silently waiting for him to make a decision that would be very important for SHIELD.

Soon, Nick Fury seems to have made a decision. But instead of speaking out directly, he looked at Coulson and asked.

“Phil, you seem to want me to make a decision. Why, are you sure about it?”

Although he didn’t know exactly what I’m sure, but both of them understand it in their hearts. What they said was actually a plan that SHIELD had stranded-the Avengers plan.

“We oneself can provide three or four members, plus Tony Stark also Hulk and his younger sister. I believe it will be able to satisfy the original agreement between me and Dawn Knight. And as long as Dawn Knight joins Come in, this alliance has actually taken shape. Isn’t it?”

When Coulson can mention this, naturally he has a lot of confidence. So when Nick Fury asked him, he unreservedly gave the idea of ​​own.

However, Nick Fury doesn’t quite agree with his vision.

“Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver, plus Natasha and Hawkeye, we can occupy the majority of the Avengers. Stark is the creator of SHIELD, so it’s no problem for him to join in. But Hulk’s not. The controlled guy, let him join in is definitely a wrong choice. Although his younger sister is more sensible, but not completely reliable.”

“In addition, Dawn Knight is the biggest variable. I Wouldn’t agree to let him join in.”

Nick. Fury wants an Avengers that can be controlled. Even if SHIELD cannot directly control him, it must be able to use own indirect influence to interfere with Avengers’ actions. Whether it was Hulk or Dawn Knight, they were completely beyond their grasp. Since he can’t grasp it, Nick Fury would rather shut them out completely. I don’t want Avengers to break away from SHIELD because of them.

“Sir, we need the highest-end power. And now, only Dawn Knight can be absorbed by us.” With this reason, Coulson hopes to convince Nick Fury. But obviously, this is not at all what a big effect.

“High-end power doesn’t determine everything. Moreover, I don’t want oneself to build something and give it to someone else. Phil, you must understand. That guy, not at all we see It’s that simple.”

Nick. Fury has always maintained a wait-and-see attitude towards Zhou Yi, and it’s this attitude that made him decide to remove Dawn Knight from the list when he formed Avengers. Crossed out completely.

The power shown by Dawn Knight, also his thoughts. It made Nick Fury almost feel like a thorn on his back. If not, there is no certainty to deal with such an existence. I am afraid that even he will join the Security Council camp and attack him together.

For the current order of this World, people like Dawn Knight are too dangerous. As defenders of the system, it is difficult for them to get along with each other in peace. Even said that they will have irresistible conflicts. This is his hunch, a hunch he has never said before. His hunch has always been accurate.

Coulson naturally wouldn’t know what Nick Fury had foreboding. But he knew now that the enlistment of Dawn Knight to join the Avengers had fallen through. However, although this disappointed him, it was not yet overwhelmingly disappointed. At the very least, Nick Fury has revealed such a message.

The Avengers project is ready to be activated.

However, without the support of the highest strength, just relying on the uncertain temperament of Tony. Stark also several Mutants and agents can really play an obvious role? Coulson is very suspicious of this problem.

But this is what Nick Fury can decide. As a person who is about to be temporarily exiled, Coulson knows very well that oneself has no right to speak in this matter.

“Since you have made a decision, sir. I won’t say much. But I hope you can think about it carefully.”

“I will consider it carefully. Yes. This matter can only be done after careful consideration!”

Opening the door of the co-pilot, Nick Fury gave an ambiguous answer. Coulson knew the hesitation in his heart, but he could only watch the slowly rolling window blocking Director Fury’s expression.

Only he himself can make this decision. No one can help him more.

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