Sun God Marvel

Chapter 293

At dinner, the atmosphere of Zhou Yi’s family was unprecedentedly embarrassing.

The two Little Brats just lay down in front of Zhou Yi, staring at them with their big bright eyes. Ida and Serana who were eating were completely unable to let go of their hands and feet. For them, this is no longer a meal. It’s an arduous, protracted war.

Serana, who is a little bit shy, is okay, just bowing her head obediently and honestly. Scooping the soup with a small spoon little by little as if it could not be finished. However, Ada, who has always been simple and neat, directly attributed all the problems to Zhou Yi.

On the surface, she was still holding the toast calmly and smearing custard sauce on it. But actually, under the table. She has no idea how many times she has kicked Zhou Yi.

Zhou Yi’s skin is rough and flesh is thick, but it doesn’t mean that he is willing to be so vented by Ada in front of the airbag.

So he is sighed, ready to solve this problem fundamentally. The problem is simply his two lovely daughters.

“Children, if you don’t eat the things in front of you again. Everything is cold! Also, what are you looking at?”

Never said to two children After a heavy sentence, he naturally impossible at this time and loses his temper at them. He just reminded them a little, hoping that these two little girls could restrain their own expressions.

But the child who has been spoiled doesn’t listen to his father at all. It’s okay if Zhou Yi doesn’t say anything, just say it. The two little girls suddenly became energetic.

Especially Shirley, Little Brat, who has an adventurous nature in her nature. After Zhou Yi finished speaking, she immediately leaned forward impatiently and asked him.

“Father, are you planning to get married? Is it with Ada or Serrana!”

The child, who is almost 13 years old, already has some ideas at this time A little vague understanding. So when they saw Zhou Yi and Ada also Serana sleeping on the same bed. Obviously, I realized that the identities of these two women living next to oneself have undergone different changes. For them, it will be a very important change.

Hearing this question, the strength under Ada’s feet became heavier. And Zhou Yi also smiled bitterly.

“Listen, Shirley. Now father and you, Ada Aunt, are not ready to get married. So, you don’t have to think so much!”

” Why?” Shirley immediately supported her small face when she heard this. She glanced at Aretha who was still staring at Zhou Yi, and quickly patted her and said. “Don’t patronize it, fool. You can say something too!”

“Ah? Oh!” I don’t know how to fantasize in oneself’s mind and so on Aretha came back to his senses, too Zhou Yi didn’t let Zhou Yi say with ease. “Father, can we call Ada and Serana mother in the future?”

This sentence is obviously more lethal than what Shirley asked just now. At least both women have some emotional fluctuations. They still want to maintain oneself’s inner peace, which seems impossible.

A woman who has never given birth to a child is suddenly called mother. I believe no matter who it is, it will feel strange in her heart. In this regard, even strong women like Ada are no exception. So at this time, she and Serana looked towards Zhou Yi together, and sent a distress signal to him.

They can’t stand it anymore. However, Zhou Yi believes that if he transfers the firepower to oneself. He will die more ugly. So he just didn’t see the look in his eyes for help. Instead, he answered Aretha’s question straight.

“My dear, if you want to call them mother. You should ask if they oneself agree. Just what I said, it doesn’t make much difference now.”

This is not a rescue operation, but a decoy operation. In order for oneself to get a trace of peace in front of two curious Little Brat. Zhou Yi sold Ada and the others without the slightest hesitation.

At this time, Zhou Yi’s phone rang. So he left with peace of mind.

“It seems that there are some problems that need me to solve. You oneself discuss what to do!”

Like a deserter, he escaped under Ada’s anger restaurant. Then, without looking at who was calling, he just said something.

“Thank you, Buddy. The call came so timely.”

He suddenly thanked the person on the other end of the phone for a long time without came back to his senses. Even the people over there began to wonder if oneself made the wrong call.

It wasn’t until oneself that there was no error repeatedly confirmed that the other side of the phone started to hear.

“Buddy, you didn’t take the wrong medicine. Why do I feel that your mental condition is a bit wrong?”

This is Tony’s voice, and his words also indicate. He could not accept Zhou Yi’s weird performance.

“I’m fine, I’m fine. Nothing at all. It’s just that Shirley and others asked me for something that I can’t give me temporarily. So your phone saved my life and let me Temporarily saved.”

Slightly explained oneself’s weird behavior. Zhou Yi didn’t want oneself to change from the most normal one among the friends to the most abnormal one.

And hearing this explanation, Tony immediately laughed.

“Buddy, why do you suddenly become so stingy. My two lovely nieces want something, can you just give them something? If you lack funds, or something else Things. Can you ask me for help! Even if you don’t look at your face, for the sake of those two lovely nieces, I will do my best to get them for them.”

Zhou The fact that Yi adopted two children is no secret in their circle. As Zhou Yi’s best friend, Tony has naturally come into contact with Shirley and Aretha, the two Little Brat.

For these two Little Brat. Tony himself still likes it very much. Especially Shirley, who has a very flexible mind, is particularly compatible with him.

But like to like, Tony can’t accept the situation of two children suddenly appearing in his own life, so from this point of view, he already has a feeling of high altitude and admiration for Zhou Yi.

He has never conceded to Zhou Yi, but he is in the aspect of raising children. It was the first time that he felt an ashamed of being inferior. However, if the ashamed of being inferior belongs to the ashamed of being inferior, it does not mean that he will give up his ridicule of Zhou Yi.

And for such ridicule, Zhou Yi is just chuckled.

“They want a mother, why. So can you help me too?”

This is a favor. Tony really couldn’t help him. Knowing about Zhou Yi’s current situation, he naturally knows what a chaotic situation around him is. He didn’t want to intervene in, and get such a large group of troublesome women. Moreover, he himself has not solved Pepper’s problem now. How can you help Zhou Yi?

So at this time, he can only express oneself to Zhou Yi and helpless.

“Buddy, it seems that I can’t help you with this job. You yourself can do it yourself!”

When I heard this, Zhou Yi sighed. I am afraid that no matter how good I am, it will be a family dispute that is difficult to resolve. Because after all, getting married is a one-on-one event. The crux of the problem is that Zhou Yi is not in a one-to-one mode. This situation will naturally lead to some subtle consequences. For now, although this consequence is still within the scope of the owner, it will not cause any major trouble. But it caused him a headache for a while, but there was absolutely no problem.

When I think of the problems caused by the two big, two small and four women in the family, Zhou Yi has a little bit of teeth. He forced oneself not to think about it, and instead turned his attention to Tony’s call.

“By the way, what do you want me to do?”

“I wanted to ask if you were interested in accompany me to Morocco to play a car. But now it seems that a busy person like you must have no time. So I have decided to go with myself.”

Tony replied frivolously, a dude who only wants oneself to have fun. Pie.

“Didn’t you call Pepper?”

Although I’m glad Tony didn’t forget the old friend oneself when he found the fun. But now he really doesn’t have much time. So he could only turn the topic away and see if he could push his old friend on the issue of feelings.

“I went to Morocco with her. But I didn’t tell her that I would appear as a racer.”

Tony’s usual tricks. When putting the facts in front of Pepper, he would never tell herself anything dangerous to do. This is loving her, Zhou Yi knows it well. But it also means Tony’s willfulness.

This guy will never let oneself compromise for others. He is a narcissist and always has been.

Because he is a narcissist. So Zhou Yi understands that no matter how he persuades him, it is useless. So he just said lightly.

“Be careful, Buddy. You are also about to run towards the age of 40. It is better not to wave or not to wave!”

“Thirty, I only have three A little more than ten. 36 Rounding to the nearest half is just over thirty.” Tony first emphasized the issue of own age, and then he argued against other issues. “Buddy, what is called a wave after playing a car. You know, when I was Iron Man, the speed was much faster.”

“That’s because you fly in the sky. If you Try to run on the ground with other vehicles. Believe me, the traffic police will fill every corner of your body with tickets.”

“I don’t believe it, the traffic police can’t catch me at all.”

After the usual mouth-cannon interaction, Zhou Yi once again made the dialogue between them seem normal.

“I said Tony, can you tell me what you think about Pepper? You plan to let her follow you anonymously and keep doing this?”

“Then how did you do it? Don’t tell me, you have already been out with your little secretary.”

Tony, who has no plans yet, is obviously thinking about brought trouble to others, but he What I didn’t expect is that Zhou Yi did spread this problem.

“I told Ada that I plan to marry her. But she said that she needs to think about it for a while. So you know, it has nothing to do with me.”

Listening to Zhou Yi’s answer, Tony was silent for a moment. After a while, Jarvis’ voice came online.

“Mr. Zhou. Mr. Stark said that something happened suddenly and I can’t chat with you anymore. I’m sorry!”

When Jarvis’ voice disappeared, Zhou Yi really did. It felt like killing a dog. He really didn’t know what Tony this guy wanted to do. There was such a sudden call, and then it disappeared suddenly. Appear and disappear unpredictably, it makes people feel that he is completely brushing the sense of existence.

But at this time, how could he understand Tony’s mood. On the road of marriage proposal, he lost to Zhou Yi again. How could Tony, a hypocritical narcissist, accept it. As it should be by rights, for Zhou Yi, his natural move is simply and neat.

He didn’t have the courage to propose to Pepper. Now he can only squat in a corner. Licking the wound obediently and honestly. So in general, this is really a sad story. At the very least, for Tony, that’s it.

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