Sun God Marvel

Chapter 299

Enjoying food is a beautiful process. Especially if the food is still very delicious.

And there are one or two interesting episodes when enjoying food, which is actually quite interesting.

For example, Zhou Yi now sees a very interesting scene.

Peter Parker, carrying large and small bags, followed behind Gwen Stacy, and walked in from the restaurant with a tired face. They seem to want to find a free seat. But the restaurant that is already full seems to have no place to hold them.

So Zhou Yi laughed and waved at them.

“Peter, also Stacy Young Lady. Here!”

Seeing Zhou Yi waving his hand, both Gwen and Peter were taken aback. They seem to be hesitating whether oneself should step up to say hello, and then put together a table. Zhou Yi’s identity makes him not so close, even more how the two sides can barely know each other.

But in the end, the hesitation in my heart still couldn’t resist the temptation of good food, and was pulled by Gwen. Peter was still brought to Zhou Yi.

“Hello, Mr. Zhou. Don’t mind if we put together a table!”

“Of course, I say hello for this. Then, Stacy Young Lady, also Peter. Are you shopping? So you are already?”

Zhou Yi responded with a smile, and began to gossip. He is actually still interested in a young fellow like Little Spider. Seeing him, it seems like seeing oneself who has not yet gone to college. But at that time, he did not have such a high level of consciousness.

“Yes, we are dating.” Regarding Zhou Yi’s question, Gwen admitted it generously. As for Peter, he laughed shyly at Zhou Yi.

Hearing this answer, Zhou Yi smiled happily.

“Then you really have a vision, Stacy Young Lady. Peter is an excellent youngster, very good. It is your luck to catch him.”

“I think I can find I am his luck. What do you say, Peter!”

Gwen simply recognized Zhou Yi’s praise. But she is not satisfied with only complimenting her vision, she is also an extremely good type in youngster, otherwise it is impossible to make Little Spider so docile. She is actually quite proud of own achievements. However, in front of Zhou Yi, she could not express this pride. So, she began to instigate her boyfriend to prove it for oneself.

Peter, who has always been in charge of Gwen, will certainly not demolish her stage at this time, he is nodded at first. Then said seriously.

“I think it’s my luck that I can find such an excellent girlfriend of Gwen, compared with her. I’m really a little too much on the table.”

“you The two youngster is really interesting, should I say that you are a natural couple?” Zhou Yi smiled even more happily as the young couple with special status proudly showed their affection. “So because I have the opportunity to fight a table with such an outstanding youngster, I will please!”

“Really? Thank you so much, Mr. Zhou!”

It’s rare to meet a generous acquaintance, and Gwen is naturally not polite. The youngsters nowadays are mostly divided into two types, one is the type that takes the parents’ salary like Clarice without pressure. The other is like Peter and Gwen, oneself working to support the own type.

Only oneself working part-time to support the owner can know how hard it is to make money. Only then know how important it is to save every cost of own. Therefore, in line with the policy of saving, Gwen directly said thank you to Zhou Yi.

Of course, this is also on the premise that she is very clear about Zhou Yi’s identity. The person who owns the world’s cream of the crop international enterprise, no matter what he eats is not a problem for him. So when he said to be a treat, Gwen naturally didn’t care about anything. But if it was a poor friend who asked for a treat, she would definitely refuse it obediently and honestly.

Treat different people differently. Pulling a rich man and a hair is different from cutting a piece of meat from the poor. In the case of the same friend, plucking this hair is naturally easier and more acceptable.

Rather than doing this kind of thing for the first time, there are also some sorry Peters. Gwen seemed to be generous, she called the waiter directly, and then ordered a few meals expertly. It can be seen that she is a regular customer here, a very familiar kind.

After ordering the meal, Gwen said with a smile to Zhou Yi.

“It’s really sorry, it’s costing you money, Mr. Zhou. But I don’t think a rich person like you will care about these small expenses. By the way, I can take the liberty to ask, you How did you find this restaurant? Generally speaking, don’t you rich people like to go to higher-end places?”

“For example, the last time your father took you to the dinner party. You should also know that you can’t get enough to eat in that kind of place.” To Gwen’s puzzlement, Zhou Yi ate the burrito in his hand in two bites and took another sip of water. Only replied. “I just came back from Osborn. I thought I could solve the lunch problem with them. I didn’t expect too much. It just so happened that I saw this and came in.”

“In fact, compared to those banquets. Both me and Tony Stark prefer such a small restaurant. The taste is better and it is also very lively. It’s like a place to enjoy food!”

After hearing what Zhou Yi said, whether it was Gwen or Peter. Their faces became weird. It seems that it is difficult for them to imagine that the life of the rich, which has always been envisioned by people, would be like this. Isn’t the so-called fine clothes and jade food better than the small restaurant where they spend a lot of time for fun? This makes them very puzzled.

However, this is a privacy issue after all. Gwen didn’t have any idea to find out. And relatively speaking, she is more concerned about what Zhou Yi said about Osborn. After all, she is still an intern at Oscorp. Anyway, she has to be a little bit more concerned about the parents.

“Mr. Zhou, you just said Osborn. May I know, what is wrong with Osborn?”

When Gwen said this, Zhou Yi remembered it. This girl who has not graduated from high school is already an intern with Osborn. This is an achievement that is indeed worthy of her father’s show off, because it is a privilege for truly smart people. So she would ask, Zhou Yi is not surprised at all.

This is not a taboo thing. Zhou Yi’s answer was of course very simple.

“There is nothing at worst. In fact, it should be a good thing for you!”

“Good thing?” Osborn’s current dilemma is well known, As an intern, Gwen feels even more precarious. She didn’t know when oneself would be rejected by the personnel department under pressure. Especially now, there have been rumours within the company that it will close the genetically modified department. Once this rumor came true, she estimated that she would really be dismissed. Therefore, she really didn’t quite understand what Zhou Yi said.

“Of course it’s a good thing. Mr. Osborn has returned in good health and is back in charge of the company. Under his order, the company will not change in any way. In addition, Mr. Osborn is also assisted by his father. I’m starting to take the stage. I believe the name Harry Osbourne will become the new darling of the media in the coming period!”

“Harry?” Hearing this familiar name, Peter has been standing next to him as a background Can’t help but make a sound.

When he heard him say this suddenly, Gwen, who was his girlfriend, immediately turned his head and asked him suspiciously.

“What’s wrong, Peter. Is there anything wrong?”

“I think, if it is not the same name. This Harry, I should know it!” scratched own head, Peter said uncertainly. “Harry Osbourne. My only playmate when I was a kid. But then he went to United Kingdom and we lost contact.”

“That’s right. Little Osborn went to school in United Kingdom. And only recently was called back by his father. Didn’t expect, Peter. You will actually know someone from the Osborn Family. How to say, their family is notoriously weird.”

Little spider’s childhood history immediately made Zhou Yi feel a little interesting. He looked at him and said.

“All right!” The little spider who treats people with oneself’s true appearance is obviously not as unscrupulous as he turned into a little spider. Especially when facing Zhou Yi, who helped their family. “Harry’s personality is actually quite good, except that sometimes some young masters have a temper and can’t take care of themselves. There is no major problem! I think after so many years, he should be better.”

“Compared with his father, I do think that Mr. Osborn of this generation is much better in character. But if he is really your friend, I think you should visit him. His current life It’s not easy.”

Since he had a good impression of little Harry, Zhou Yi kindly raised a little spider.

“Not easy?” As oneself’s only friend in childhood, Little Spider, as it should be by rights, is concerned about Osborn. He asked anxiously. “What’s wrong, is it because of Oscorp?”

“This is my privacy, I’m sorry, I can’t talk nonsense. I think you should ask yourself! Waiter, check out! Even these two together.” Helplessly shook the head. Zhou Yi called the waiter.

Soon, the young waitress came over with a smile. She handed the bill to Zhou Yi Zhou Yi took a look. One hundred and eighty USD, this consumption is not cheap, but it is not expensive either. In terms of the degree of deliciousness here, it is definitely worth the money.

I put three Mr. Franklin on the bill. Needless to say, the rest is the tip of the waiter. This makes the waiter who has been waiting for this moment happy. This tip alone is enough to keep up with her one day’s salary.

So she even looked at Zhou Yi’s expressions with stars. Zhou Yi is very used to this look. So he ignored it, stood up and gestured to Gwen and the others to say goodbye. Just left here first.

Looking at his leaving back, the little spider fell into own thoughts. He didn’t know, what exactly should oneself do is right. On one side are the own friends, on the other side are people who are closely related to the truth of oneself’s parents Death. This tangled and complicated relationship makes him not knowing what to do.

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