Sun God Marvel

Chapter 300

After disappearing for most of the day, Zhou Yi finally returned to the owner’s house obediently and honestly. He estimated that Ada’s anger should have almost subsided. And I can’t keep her so used to it. The momentary retreat can only be said to be a game between lovers, but if the retreat is too much. That can only cause a rift between feelings.

They are just starting now, so Zhou Yi doesn’t want this to happen.

Facts have proved that although Ada seems to feel resentful. But at the very least, already not in has been facing Zhou Yi with a cold face.

Watching Zhou Yi walk in the door, she went up to help him take off his coat. Then asked.

“Have you eaten lunch? If not, I will get some more.”

Generally speaking, eating lunch at Zhou Yi’s home is relatively simple. Perhaps because the children will have lunch at school, the adults in the family deal with this meal with the intent to save trouble.

Especially Ada and the others, they have taken trouble to the extreme. Compared with Zhou Yi, who is happy and uncomfortable without eating. They are the type that can pass two fruits or a piece of bread.

Of course, they call this kind of lazy behavior: a healthy life of weight loss.

Zhou Yi said, I really don’t know what their figure can also be reduced. But since they all said so, he can only believe so tentatively.

Looking around all around, Zhou Yi didn’t find Serana’s silhouette. Just said.

“I have eaten. Why, Selana? Why not here?”

“She went out shopping and said she was going to enjoy the sun. Also, by the way, she I will bring the children back.”

Ada took the topic of Zhou Yi and said as if his wife and husband complained about trivial matters at home. “She said that she planned to cover all the missions to pick up and drop off the children. This was a shock to Yuriko. She told me that if she were not going to be my full-time driver, she might be unemployed.”

“Unemployment, that would not be enough. I am not embarrassed enough to lay off employees. Besides, can you be a bodyguard if you are not a driver? I still believe in her ability to work.”

Zhou Yi laughed, so he hugged Ada quietly.

“Why, I’m not angry anymore?”

“How dare I?” Ada gave him an angry glance and said. “If you regenerate your anger, don’t you have to run outside and disappear for more than ten days before it is finished?”

“How dare I! Besides, how can I be willing!” Knowing this is gone Zhou Yi naturally became more intimate with the expression of anger. He just stuck behind Ada and whispered to her.

“Go, I will cheer others up like this.” Another delicate white eye, but the smiley eyebrows show that she is still very happy in her heart now.

It is also a kind of ability to make the person in oneself’s arms happy. I lowered my head to enjoy the gentle feeling. Zhou Yi turned off the topic and started talking about business.

“Guess where I went this morning?”

“How do I know? The legs are on your body, and I can’t control you where to go. Let’s go, You played and disappeared on purpose again, how could I know where you are?”

“Okay, my fault. I admit it!” I kissed Ada’s profile and expressed his own apology. Zhou Yi continued. “I went to Oscorp today, and then I saw a person. A person who shouldn’t have been there.”

When I heard Zhou Yi say this, Ida thought for a while and gave it out. answer.

“You mean Norman. Osborn? Isn’t he seriously ill? How can he still appear in Oscorp?”

As the current CEO of the corona, Ada is Companies that have the potential to squeeze in are well aware of it. It’s like the every move of the corona is seen by the caring people. She also remembered the various actions of other big companies.

Oscorp’s current predicament she knows very well that the crazy actions of the lizard Court Academecian not only threatened the public, but also nearly killed the very popular NYPD chief. This makes the company now under pressure from two aspects.

Not only the pressure from public opinion, but also the pressure from government departments. You must know that the director of NYPD is not a small role that can be easily sacrificed, even more how he is a strong contender for the next mayor.

So, the unexpected people who appeared at this time and can be specifically mentioned by Zhou Yi are definitely people who will change Osborn’s current status quo. And the only one who can produce such a chemical reaction is Norman Osborn, who can’t afford it.

“His luck is better and he was saved. What I want to tell you is not about this. No matter how turbulent Oscorp is, it has nothing to do with us. I want to tell you Yes, it’s about the little moves he made to us.”

“Little moves?” Hearing this word, Ada, who had been in the business of commercial espionage, immediately understood what he meant. “You mean, he stole our trade secrets? Which aspect?”

“AIM’s desperate situation transformation. He already knows our trump card, but fortunately, he doesn’t seem to have yet What’s the key thing to get. This technology is still in our hands. But what will happen in the future, then I can’t guarantee for the time being!”

shrugged, Zhou Yi just like this with Ada One said. He believes that Ada can handle this problem well, because she is a real professional in this regard. A commercial espionage who can confront SHIELD’s super agents. I’m afraid I can’t find a few in the world.

“Leave it to me, I promise they won’t get anything.”

As a former spy, Ada acted like an understatement. It’s okay if she doesn’t know, but once she already knows. So no matter what tricks Osborn or other people want to play, it is impossible. They don’t need to think about getting anything they want from her. She is full of confidence in this.

“Then leave it to you, and I’ll wait for your good news.”

Since he accepted Ada as the CEO of Corona, Zhou Yi has handed over Most of the power in oneself’s hands. In the current corona, he is just a nominal BOSS who doesn’t care much. It is Ada who really manages this company. She is very capable, manages this huge company in an orderly manner, and all started to get on the right track of the plan.

In this case, Zhou Yi is naturally happy to be an arm-flinging shopkeeper. He has not much interest in participating in the rest of the business war. Instead of this, it is better for him to care about what to eat at night.

It’s getting dark, and the children are coming back soon. Next, naturally, the family is happy and enjoys a happy time. There is really no need to waste your mind on such things.

On the other side, Morocco’s Formula Racing Tournament arena. Tony Stark underwent a severe test of consciousness.

A big man with a mouthful of Russian Ross accent ran to the arena and lashed out at the racing drivers who were speeding on the field. But his goal is not these innocent racers, but one of them, Tony Stark.

He is his purpose, and the others are just fishes that have been affected.

In theory, one person can’t fight a high-speed racing car. But if this person has the same outer skeleton armor as Tony Stark, powered by the Ark reactor. He also held two electric beam whips that could tear almost everything apart. So many cars can only become scrap iron to be dismantled by him.

He caused a huge amount of damage alone and plunged the entire racing track into a panic. Even the police did not dare to go forward and offend him lightly. Fortunately, Iron Man is in this place.

The Mark 5th generation, which combined Zhou Yi’s nanotechnology, was immediately dressed on Tony’s body when it was most critical. Let him have the capital to deal with this weird man playing electric whip.

Although the Mark 5th generation is just an experimental product of Tony Stark. In order to reduce the size, easy to carry and even give up the function of flight propulsion. But dealing with this guy with only a simple outer skeleton structure, it really doesn’t take much effort. Although he has a pair of electric beam whips that look very sharp. But Tony also has a high-energy beam cannon in his hand.

So in the final analysis, Tony took advantage.

A fierce battle, or just barely a fierce battle. Tony didn’t take much effort to subdue the guy who stole his technology. Because although the technology is the same, there is still a huge gap between local tyrant players and local turtle players.

That crude outer skeleton steel is really nothing compared to Tony’s expensive Nanominium. So as it should be by rights, he is impossible to be Tony Stark’s opponent.

Tony oneself also knows this very well. He understands that oneself is not winning on the technology he is proud of. Instead, he won the top resources brought by his rich net worth. If two people are put on the same starting line, can he beat this unfathomable mystery that suddenly appeared so easily?

He is very skeptical. And because of this suspicion, he became curious about this guy. Not who can study the Ark Reactor and the unique electromagnetic whip.

Tony is pretty sure that the own technology has not leaked out. As he claimed. His technology leads the world for ten years. Since this premise has not changed, it is clear. This is a genius no less than him.

This cognition moved his mind, and he began to investigate this guy’s life experience, and upon investigation, he found a problem. A question that is enough to shake himself.

This guy is called Ivan Vanke, a Russian Ross man with a long prison sentence. This is not the point of the question, the point of the question is his father. Anton Vanke used to be a partner of oneself father Howard Stark. They jointly developed the blueprint for the Ark reactor.

With this relationship, Tony is not surprised why he built the Ark Reactor. But then, he began to feel a panic. If he can also build the Ark Reactor, it means that his father’s status is not worse than Howard’s at the time, or at least his father will be one of the main developers.

With such an important identity, why does he look so poor? Why is he and his father still not famous. What role did Stark play in the middle?

He really started to get scared. He must figure out these issues.

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