Sun God Marvel

Chapter 306

“If it’s just that, then why don’t I know this. Why didn’t he tell me this. Could it be that these things are also something ulterior?”

Nick .Fury’s answer made Tony feel dissatisfied, very dissatisfied. If things are really like what he said. Not only did he fail to solve the puzzles, but instead felt that everything about the oneself father was becoming increasingly untrue. He even found that oneself didn’t know a lot about his father. It was as if Howard Stark was a stranger to him.

“You should know, Tony. There are a lot of things that you can’t just talk about. Howard did it to protect you.”

Nick. Fury understands what Tony wants what. If it was him, if he knew that his own father didn’t even understand oneself, he would be crazy. However, he couldn’t comfort Tony, because he and Howard were on one side.

“Tell everything you know, I want to know what he is hiding from me?”

Tony wiped his face and put away the frustration on his face. He looked at Nick Fury, as cold as looking at a prisoner. This look makes Nick Fury very unaccustomed.

But thinking of his intentions today, he decided to tell Tony something.

“Well, I hope you have a psychological preparation. Because of your father, his identity is much more complicated than you think.”

” I don’t understand, but let me know. I will listen.”

From the beginning of this sentence, Tony felt something was wrong. But he still gestured to Nick Fury and told him to continue.

“Well, let’s start from the very beginning. At that time, your father just founded Stark Industries. You should also know when that was, yes, the Second World War was in full swing. At the time. We just joined the Allied forces. At the same time, Hitler’s troops are on the verge of being fierce and occupy almost all of Europe.”

“I know all of these, but what does it have to do with him. He is just one Merchant, a weapons merchant. Don’t tell me, he still sells weapons and equipment to the Axis.”

Tony hates this old cliche, he asked impatiently, hoping that Nick Fury could do it. Get into the topic as soon as possible.

“Be patient, Tony. These are all important things I said!”

“Well, you go on.”

” Where did I say it, yes. In World War II, Howard made his fortune on the battlefield, but it was not easy for him to enjoy the wealth of the war. In other words, he must be backed by the government. So, he Finally, I chose to join a new organization. Strategic Scientific Reserve!”

“Strategic Scientific Reserve, sounds familiar?” This familiar name made Tony plunged into thought, after a moment. He asked uncertainly. “Captain America?”

“Yes, Captain America!” To Tony’s guess, Nick Fury gave an affirmative answer. Then he continued.

“The fundamental purpose of the establishment of Strategic Scientific Reserve is to deal with those weird and crazy organizations. They attract special talents, Captain America, Mutant, and elite fighters. Also like you A scientist like father.”

“If you remember some gossip and comic content, you should know that Captain America defeated the conspiracy of ** with his death. And let us get the last Victory. He is a hero. But his death does not mean that the Strategic Scientific Reserve is about to disband.”

“This organization was established under the authorization of President Ross Fuk, so it is impossible because of one person His death was disbanded. After the war, this organization still exists. And your father is one of the leaders of this organization. In other words, it is your father Howard. He is a person like me! “

When this fact was placed in front of Tony, it made him feel completely unacceptable. Howard, his father. A weapon businessman, a great and famous entrepreneur, is also a goddamn agent. And he is also the leader of the agents. This kind of feeling, for Tony, isn’t it what he is doing when he is full?

He can’t understand his father’s thoughts at all. If Howard really said that to Nick Fury, he would definitely think that the own father must be out of mind.

After stroking oneself’s confused thoughts again and again, Tony couldn’t say with certainty.

“You said my father is the leader of that Strategic Scientific Reserve. Okay, I will take it as you say it is true. What about this Strategic Scientific Reserve? Also, if he is really a As for the leader of the secret service organization, please tell me why he was killed by Obadiah?”

There are big loopholes in this statement, and one of the most serious loopholes is that his father’s dead. An ordinary rich person has countless bodyguards to protect him, even more how is a leader who runs a secret service organization that has emerged from World War II. If he really is this identity, then Obadiah shouldn’t be able to hurt him at all.

“I’m sorry for your father’s Death. Tony!” Nick Fury apologized first, then explained his confusion. “However, Obadiah is not the real murderer. Your father’s death has another hidden story.”

“Wait, what do you mean?” As soon as this sentence came out, Tony couldn’t keep calm for an instant Up. “Obadiah told me personally that he killed my father. It was he who caused the car accident. Isn’t all this fake?”

He really couldn’t believe what Nick Fury said. Because that almost meant that what he believed was the end of the Stark family hatred was wrong. He might even mistake Uncle who watched oneself grow up.

“Obadiah is just a scapegoat. He killed your father. Yes, but he is just an accessory, or rather. He was used.”

Nick Fury is here. In this matter, I said everything oneself knows.

“The enemy Strategic Scientific Reserve until now was dealing with was an organization called Hydra. In the hands of Captain America, this organization was completely disintegrated. Some of his former leaders were imprisoned for life, And some live a life like a mouse, drag out an ignoble existence. They dare not to appear as Hydra anymore, but enter other organizations with other identities.”

” We don’t know how many such organizations, but I can tell you. These organizations have planned the assassination of the leader of Strategic Scientific Reserve. It’s not the first time your father has faced that kind of deliberate assassination. He has been lucky in the past. Escaped. But that time, he did not escape.”

“This car accident was arranged by Obadiah. However, he was just bewitched to take advantage of it. At that specific time, a specific A car accident was arranged in the location. In fact, your father was not dead at the time.”

Nick Fury said, and a bigger bombshell exploded. The explosive news made Tony pat the table directly and stood up, and asked him loudly.

“What did you say?”

“He was not dead at the time, Tony. In other words, your father and mother did not die in a car accident.” Nick Fury explained. “They are riding in a special vehicle. Even if they are run over by a truck, it is impossible to have any casualties. A car accident will not cost their lives. It is the assassination from behind that really killed them. Tony, your parents are Died on the assassination method of some people.”

This sentence made Tony’s whole person on the verge of collapse. It is not the first time that he has discovered the truth about oneself’s parents Death. But when the truth was placed in front of oneself, he found that oneself still couldn’t accept it completely.

This is completely different from their death in a car accident. For him, there are two completely different feelings.

Dying in a car accident, he can still resent God and fate. But dying on the assassination, he can only resent people.

“Who is it, who did it all!”

Tony could only calm down oneself reluctantly, and focus his attention on this as much as possible. The enemy of his parents. However, the answer disappointed him.

“I don’t know, we don’t know who did all of this. They moved very quickly. When we got to the scene, your parents had already passed away.”

“Ah!” Unable to maintain oneself’s mood, Tony overturned the coffee table in front of oneself. The blood rushed into his brain one after another. It was almost blood red to show him everything. Hatred, this thing is no stranger to him, but it has never been so strong today.

And the more hatred, the more calm Tony behaves. He questioned Nick Fury.

“Why do you know this. Also, why would the Strategic Scientific Reserve not find the real murderer for my parents.”

“Tony, Strategic Scientific Reserve is SHIELD The predecessor. In the hands of your father, we have long been renamed to the National Land Strategic Defense Attack and Logistics Support Bureau.” Nick Fury explained. “We have been investigating the murderer who killed your parents, but we have not been able to find their existence. I have only a hunch, and hunch is useless.”

“What a hunch!” At this time , Let alone a hunch, even a guessed probability will attract Tony’s thunderbolt blow. He already had a desperate urge.

Nick Fury is worried about his state of mind, but for his own plan. He still gave out this hunch.

“I feel that this murderer should be hidden among us. I mean, he is inside SHIELD. That’s why, I have been pursuing secretism all these years. I can’t believe SHIELD. Everyone in here. But I don’t know who else I can’t believe. So…”

“So, you just let them exist. Let them get away with it? “

“Tony, I have done everything I can. If you really want to avenge your parents. Then join us. I think you might find , Who is the real murderer.”

These words silenced Tony. He is already an adult, and impossible makes important decisions with his momentary loyalty. And Nick Fury also saw his hesitation.

He stood up, patted his shoulder and said.

“I will give you enough time to think about it. In addition, I also brought you the things your father left for you. He left a sentence, if anyone can discover his secret, then It’s only you, Tony.”

After all this, he turned and left. Only a large metal box was left and placed on the ground. That is Stark’s legacy, the father’s relic that Tony has pursued all his life.

What should I do? Seeing this thing entrusted by his father, Tony’s heart became extremely complicated.

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