Sun God Marvel

Chapter 307

“Seriously, if you judge by a madman. This madman has a really great figure!” Holding a coffee cup, peeping through the mirror in the fitting room Daisy, who is in Thor’s figure, said in admiration. While she said that, she tried to pull Jane Foster down into the water. “Did you see? His chest muscles are really big. Also, he actually has eight pack abs. It’s really fascinating.”

Hearing what Daisy said, Jane raised her head subconsciously Looked in the direction of the mirror. Then immediately turned his attention to the notes in oneself’s hands. At the same time, she said as if trying to cover up.

“Please, Daisy. You should restrain yourself. I don’t want you to be complained**.”

“I am a woman, and a woman should not be considered illegal by looking at the figure of a man. Come on!” Daisy glared, then asked Jane back.

And Jane said without even looking at her.

“What do you mean? By the way, if you go in because of this, don’t expect me to bail you!”

“Hey, we are friends. I think we are Friends. If we are friends, shouldn’t you bail me when I need you the most? Also, why would I go in for this kind of thing?”

If it is in this world also If someone who is not a Grandmaster Rank scientific researcher can be admired by Jane, Daisy will definitely occupy such a position. Her brain circuit really left Jane speechless.

Thor had already walked out of the house at this time. He was naked and wandering in this temporary factory rented by Jane. He even picked up something from the table from time to time and looked at it carefully. Behave casually as if this is his territory.

This makes Jane feel very wrong. In fact, she had a cringing curiosity towards this strange behavior that had almost no normal human characteristics. She was curious about his origin and the secrets in him. But for his ignorant and even fearless to reckless behavior, she only had a sense of fear.

She wants to control everything. In other words, it is to control everything within oneself’s imaginable range. So, when she saw Thor playing with her mouse very curiously, and probably crushed it in her hand. She hurried up and stopped him.

“Sorry, but can you not mess with these things? These all are very important experimental equipment!” Saying that he didn’t believe in oneself, Jane took the mouse from Thor’s hand.

Thor doesn’t care about Jane’s curiosity to stop him. He showed a good-looking white tooth and looked at her with a bright smile like a big boy next door. And this smile immediately gave Jane a weird feeling. Especially when she saw Thor’s figure comparable to the Peak male model, this feeling became even stronger.

Of course, despite the impulse. But she can’t express it with a nymphomaniac like Daisy. So she can only move her own gaze to make oneself look natural.

If it were guys like Tony and Zhou Yi, you might have seen Jane’s unnaturalness now. They may seize the opportunity to have a good relationship with this beautiful scientist. But Thor obviously does not have this ability. In this regard, he is a rather dull guy.

So he just smiled brightly and innocently, while raising a T-shirt in oneself’s hand, pointing to a label attached to it and asking.

“What is this thing, why do you Midgard people like to put this strange thing on your clothes?”

Seeing the label he was referring to, Jane’s face There was a very sorry expression. She stretched out a take action to tear off the label, and then said as if she had thrown something away.

“Oh, this is Dr. Donald Blake’s, my ex-boyfriend. He is very good to patients, but very bad to his girlfriend. So you should know!”

Thor looked at her blankly. He didn’t know what oneself should know. But the intuitive reaction made him feel as if he really understood what she was talking about at this time, honestly nodded.

“Very good, also one thing. You just said we are from Midgard. Sorry, we are American. Not what you said Midgart. What is that, from your hometown Ethnic minorities?”

Throw away the last little emotional baggage left by oneself from the past. Jane began to withhold his words. She was pretty sure that there should be no Midgarts here. So, she determined that if Thor was not talking crazy things, then he recognized them as another race. what is that? Is his hometown race? Having already thought of Thor’s origin as Major Perfection, she began to radiate own thinking.

As for her question, Thor showed an expression that you were teasing me.

“What are you talking about? Midgard is your world. You are Midgard.”

This as it should be by rights tone, let Jane suddenly had a depression with nothing to say. Her mind started to fly around, thinking about what Thor meant by this. And soon, she found an explanation for oneself.

“Maybe it’s just like we call oneself an Earth person. In their eyes, our planet is not called Earth, but Midgard. Earth is equal to Midgard, so it’s Say, he might really be an alien?”

As soon as this thought came out of my mind, I couldn’t stop the car. Aliens, a God-like topic that people pay attention to. If she really confirmed the existence of aliens in this scientific research, then apart from anything else, history and the entire human race will remember her as a person.

The more she thought about it, the more excited she became. She couldn’t help but want to ask Thor more things. To prove everything she had guessed in her heart. However, at this time Thor put on her ex-boyfriend’s T-shirt and yelled like a king who walked into oneself Imperial Palace.

“This mortal’s body is too weak. Woman, I need you to offer food!”

This tone is really true for American who is used to so-called democracy and freedom. It’s so strange. So all three people present started looking at him with weird eyes.

Jane’s eyes were full of surprise and curiosity. She was curious about his identity also this way of speaking. Daisy finds it fun. With uncertain temperament, she only feels that this strong man is really interesting at this time. And only one Selvig, who was normal in his mind, felt dangerous.

He doesn’t like Thor as a rash egoist, and he has even begun to worry that he will cause big trouble to Jane. As an elder who watched Jane grow up from a young age, he didn’t want to see Jane get into trouble because of him. Therefore, he has already played twelve points. I’m going to drive Thor away from Jane.

However, no matter how much he plans. Now they can only do what this unceremonious guest said, and let’s talk about the food problem first. After a busy day, both Selvig and Jane and Daisy are actually a little hungry.

Some people are looking for food, while others are enjoying food. Coulson now holds a Mexican pancake in one hand and a cup of hot cocoa in the other. Standing in a radiation-proof plasticized isolation room, enjoying own food.

He was eating, his eyes fixed on the hammer in the pit in front of oneself. After finally swallowing the contents of oneself’s throat into his stomach, he asked the people around him curiously.

“Have all of us tried it? Can no one really pick up this hammer?”

“Yes, sir. If you think something is wrong We can try again.” The SHIELD agent beside him replied, with an urge to be eager to have a try in his eyes.

Oneself didn’t pull it up the first time, maybe it pulled it up the second time? Many people have this idea in their hearts, because almost everyone thinks that oneself is the unique and unmatched one. If this hammer really has spirituality, it might be oneself.

Shook the head with a smile, Coulson has no urge to implement this idea. Having passed this age of frequent arrogant and conceited, he now agrees more with reasonable data rather than sudden outburst of probability. There is no need to try a second time for something that has already been tried.

Taking a sip of fragrant cocoa, he began to put his own eyes on several mechanical arms that stretched out from the plasticization compartment. Those are several extremely strong mechanical devices, and their general purpose is to carry faulty heavy machinery, such as heavy tanks and so on.

This is a military-grade device, now it was transferred here by Coulson.

“Are you ready?” Looking at the lifting device that had hung the hammer with the chain hook, Coulson swallowed the last bite of food and asked.

“You can start sir at any time, as long as you give orders.”

“So, let’s start!”

With his order, the huge The robotic arm began to operate. It stretched out like a giant’s arm, and soon the chain that held it and the hammer was stretched straight. At this time, no matter how the robotic arm moves, it cannot be raised even a little bit.

Coulson and everyone are watching the hammer, and to their disappointment, the hammer is always the same. Even if the chain tensed hua hua, even if the huge mechanical arm kept making noisy steam. It just doesn’t move, even the soil under it hasn’t changed.

The situation is not optimistic, but with the sudden loud noise, Coulson and the others immediately divert their own attention. At this time, people discovered that the so-called military product had been scrapped. It hung down softly, not at all the rugged and powerful appearance when at first saw it.

“What’s the matter?” In this case, Coulson asked. And immediately he got the answer.

“Sir, the hydraulic system has broken down. This thing has been seriously overloaded.”

“Can anyone tell me if the manual for this device says that its limit What is the strength?”

“The ultimate lifting strength is 150 tons! Sir.”

Hearing this value, Coulson couldn’t help but rub his own forehead. He felt a little tricky. . If he can’t even take it up, how can he talk about keeping it? You can’t just build a SHIELD branch on the spot. They are SHIELD, not the hammer game. Doing this for a hammer is really a big deal. However, he really has no way to deal with this sluggish hammer.

One robotic arm won’t work, he guessed that it would be useless to come a few more. This is no longer a scientific matter. I am afraid that if we want to solve it, we can only rely on some supernatural powers.

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