Sun God Marvel

Chapter 308

“I want to know how you got into that kind of cloud. I mean, how did you get out of that aurora?” Jane, who has eaten almost Asked Thor who was still gorging himself.

Although she knows that it is impolite to ask such questions when others are eating. But she really couldn’t wait any longer. Because of this meal, Thor has eaten for two full hours.

“I also want to know how he ate these two large plates of pies and continued to shout hungry.” Daisy, who was already a little swollen by the pies, also learned Jane’s tone. Say so. Seeing Thor’s good appetite, she was hungry again. But she has reached the limit, she really has no capacity to eat even a piece of pie.

So she can only make such a sound enviously.

Thor did not answer either of their questions. He just flicked his knife and fork desperately, like an old glutton, desperately stuffing his mouth. It can be seen that he seems to be really hungry.

While watching him play this thing in his mouth like this, the three people around began to look at him with horror. This is already the fifth set meal. And he was continuing, and he didn’t mean to stop a little bit.

Through gulping down a bunch of food, Thor picked up the cup beside him and poured it into oneself’s mouth full of food. When even yelled in the same tone as the Vikings in those pirate movies.

“I like this drink very much!”

If it is so yelled to drink, maybe it won’t make people feel so much. But if it’s just a cup of cocoa and shouting like this, it will only make people feel strange.

However, Daisy is on the same channel as him. She grinned, said with a smile like a nympho.

“I knew you would say that, how about it, it’s pretty good, right.”

But soon, her nymphomaniac smile couldn’t last. Because Thor suddenly seemed to have a temper, and directly slammed the cup in his hand on the ground. And shouted loudly.

“One more cup!”

The cup in his hand was just a very ordinary ceramic cup, so he was immediately smashed to pieces by his rude movements. And when the cup was smashed to pieces, everyone in the restaurant looked towards him.

At this time, Jane, who had been watching his every move, couldn’t hold back his own temper. She first said “Sorry, this was just an accident” to the boss in the restaurant. Then he shouted to Thor.

“What are you doing? Is there something wrong with you?”

“I just want to have another drink!” Thor answered very innocently, because it was based on his The customs of my hometown. Asgardians and Asa Divine Race all use this way to express oneself’s satisfaction with wine and food. He does not think that this is wrong.

“You can speak, why do you do it!”

“I said it, it looks like this!”

“no ! “It almost feels like oneself is teaching a kindergarten child who doesn’t understand anything, and he is already driving crazy. But I still had to force oneself to calm down and explain to him. “I mean, say it well. Don’t think about it like this!”

Finally understood something from Jane’s expression and so on Thor, and raised his brow. Said sincerely.

“I didn’t mean to offend, madam.”

“Okay, stop mentioning this matter. Also, stop throwing things, okay?”

Jane’s tone gave Thor some subtle emotions. However, as a member of Asa Divine Race, he chose to accept the opinion of this Midgart woman. Although he acted recklessly, it didn’t mean that he would be so arrogant that he couldn’t hear anything. Even if this statement is correct.

“I promise in my name!” solemnly promised, Thor agreed to Jane’s request. Although this kind of statement does not sound so reliable. But after seeing Thor’s expression, Jane still believed him. Moreover, the anger in her heart began to subside.

“Very good!” She herself didn’t even know what oneself said. It was obvious that and so on Daisy was strangely laughed, and his eyes began to wander back and forth between Thor and Jane.

At this time, two locals walked into the restaurant, and they yelled loudly as soon as they came in.

“As always, you are wrong about the excitement of the potholes, it is like a carnival scene.”

“What excitement, please, I am going to be busy recently. I don’t know what happened in the town.”

One of the locals ordered a cup of coffee. Then he explained to his own partner.

“They said that the satellite fell into the desert. But I don’t know any satellites that will look like that. But we had a great time playing, until the so-called United States agents came over and blocked everything .”

Their words caught Jane’s attention. As astrophysicists, they are very clear about the satellites flying above oneself. Because their experiments will use data from these satellites, they don’t believe the nonsense of this satellite at all.

And if it were not a satellite, what would it be? Under this doubt, Jane asked two local people.

“Sorry, excuse me, did you say there was a satellite falling?”

Seeing that the questioner was a beautiful woman, the two locals were happy to answer her question.

“Yes, those federal agents said it is a satellite. But I can’t see it.”

Hearing this answer, Jane and Selvig looked at each other. They already felt something was wrong. And Thor is still gorge oneself at this time. Satellite and so on is not as important to him as the plate of food in front of oneself. And also Daisy who has this similar idea.

She looked at Thor who was eating very happily, and couldn’t help but temptation to take out her own cellphone, and said to him.

“My God, you look so handsome when you eat. Nothing, I’m going to post you on my Facebook. Come on, laugh!”

Although I don’t understand what Daisy is doing. But Thor, who didn’t feel any malice, grinned in cooperation with a big smile. And Daisy quickly posted his honor to own Facebook. These years, high-quality men are already capital to show off.

Ignoring the tricks of these two live treasures, Selvig asked after Jane’s topic.

“You said that thing is not like a satellite, then what would it be?”

“I don’t know what it is. But it looks like a hammer, and it’s super The ground is heavy. No one can pick it up. Those agents say it is radioactive. I touched it a few times. But don’t say it, it’s really numb.”

Thor I don’t care much about satellites and so on, but I immediately took care of the hammer. He is the Asa Divine Race exiled to Midgart, if he wants to return to his hometown, Asgard. It must be done with the power of his hammer, Mjölnir.

Thor, who is eager to return to oneself’s hometown, even put down his awe-inspiring food at this time, stood up and patted one of the locals on the shoulder and asked.

“Where is that thing?”

A sturdy blond big man is actually very oppression force, at least two local people have no idea to provoke him. So they answered immediately.

“Go west, 80 kilometers away.”

Obtaining the position of Mjölnir, Thor walked directly outside the door without saying a word. The two locals reminded him kindly at this time.

“It’s too late if you want to go there. There has been a whole army in it. You can’t get in.”

Thor, no matter what the army is. . He also wears the pride of being an Asa Divine Race. And as a God, he doesn’t pay attention to the Midgard army at all. He strode to the meteor and quickly disappeared from the sight of the locals.

Jane naturally can’t let him just leave. She also needs to learn the secret she wants to know from his mouth. So she hurriedly ran after him and stopped him on the street.

“Where are you going?”

“Here, eighty kilometers west.” Thor didn’t stop owning, but answered her question.

“Why are you going where?”

“I want to get back what I have.”

“What, do you have a satellite?” Listen With such an answer, Jane said in disbelief.

“That’s not a satellite!” Hearing what the own divine tool was called a satellite, Thor immediately corrected it.

“No matter what it is, the government will decide. You don’t want to just walk over and take it away from a large number of government troops, right? I’m going to tell You, that’s impossible. Those fierce troops will definitely pin you to the ground before you find that thing.”

Jane doesn’t care what it is, she cares more about Thor Security. She didn’t want him to just get into the cage like this, and from then on became the government’s guinea pig and so on.

“That’s impossible.” His confidence as a God made Thor not believe what Jane said, but considering oneself’s current mortal body. He rarely moved his head back. “However, if you are willing to take me there, I can tell you everything you want to know.”

“Everything?” Jane couldn’t hold on to the word. This is what she wants most now.

“Yes, as long as I get Mjölnir back, you will know everything. The truth of everything, what you want to know.”

Thor explained, but he The answer is not very understandable. Especially Daisy and Selvig who just caught up.

“Mjölnir, what is that?” Daisy asked his own question. Because she felt that it was definitely not the name of a satellite. And heard the name. Selvig frowned.

“Jane, can I talk to you?” He stopped Jane before she gave Thor’s reply, and walked straight to the side, signaling Jane to pass.

Selvig is the elder who watched Jane grow up, and she couldn’t refuse this request. So she looked at Thor apologetically, and then walked to Selvig’s side.

As soon as she passed, Selvig couldn’t help but lowered his throat and said to her.

“Please don’t do this. We can’t do this.”

“You also saw what happened that night. We are going to find out what is in the pothole?” Jane would never agree to such a request. She immediately refuted, even hoping to change Selvig’s position. “If we can figure out the problems inside. Then we can become pioneers in this field. Think about it. Erik! He is the answer we are looking for.”

“He is not, Jane !” Selvig was sober, unlike Jane who was confused. He knows exactly how deep this kind of thing is. “He is a paranoid. Jane, listen to him. Mjölnir, Midgart, Bifrost. These all are stories I heard when I was young. Also, Jane. The federal government has stepped in. You know this kind of thing. The consequences? The last scientist who happened this kind of thing, I never contacted him again. Do you know what this means? He is dangerous, Jane!”

The practice is not a secret in the circle. So when facing this problem. Jane was silent. In the face of life safety and work achievements, she was caught in a dilemma.

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