Sun God Marvel

Chapter 318

Coulson dispersed all his men and waited alone in the temporary command post in the base. And he didn’t wait much time, Zhou Yi’s silhouette appeared in front of him.

“How about, did you catch the attacker?”

When he heard Coulson’s questioning, Zhou Yi shook the head ugly.

“A sinister guy who likes tricks, let him escape!”

“Do you know what his identity is? Or his purpose?”

When it comes to God’s question, Zhou Yi is not willing to tell Coulson the answer. But under the current circumstances, it is impossible to simply want to hide it. So he selectively told him something oneself knew.

“He said that his name is Loki, and he is the brother of the guest you imprisoned. But as a brother, I feel that he is more interested in taking everything from his brother than saving that person. “

“What’s this, brother smashing the wall?”

Coulson said puzzledly, seeming to have been completely confused by this strange brother relationship.

“I think if you want to know the answer, it might be a better starting point to start with your guest. In addition, if you can know how to find his brother from his mouth , Count me!”

“Why, did that guy provoke you?”

It is rare to see Coulson like Zhou Yi’s face full of Curiously asked what happened between Zhou Yi and Loki. He is very inquiring about it.

But Zhou Yi told him an answer with a cold and blunt face, that is, don’t even think about it.

“Well, let’s just leave it alone. Then you mean, I should cross-examine that Mr. Thor.”

Coulson understood Zhou Yi’s face , And then moved the own target from the kind. And seeing Coulson winking so much, Zhou Yi nodded with satisfaction. So just like that, the two reappears to Thor.

As for the appearance of Coulson, Thor not at all unexpected performance. Even sitting in his place, you can feel the icy chill. He was no stranger to this kind of chill. That is the unique ice magic of Frost Giant from Jotunheim. They Asa Divine Race and Frost Giant have fought for so many years, he will not mistake this magical feeling at all.

So before Coulson asked him, he asked first.

“What happened here, you met Frost Giant?”

“Frost Giant?” is another name that I haven’t heard before. Coulson feels that oneself seems to be getting deeper and deeper In this huge secret. In order to be able to learn more, Coulson did not directly ask him about Loki, but asked rhetorically. “What is Frost Giant?”

“Frost Giant, the ruler of Jotunheim, is cruel and powerful. Giant Clan who can control the magic of ice. We have fought with them for many years. For them I know very well about the magic of. Tell me, did Frost Giant appear?”

“Unfortunately, we didn’t find any traces of giants. We found something related to you!” shook the head , Coulson told what oneself knew.

“It’s about me, I know it. These Frost Giants must have come for me, and they will definitely not just be satisfied with Asgard’s exile. Laufey, the king of Frost Giant, will definitely think Take this opportunity to solve me!”

Thor has already figured out the answer oneself wants, but this answer is different from what Coulson knew. He corrected it immediately.

“Sorry, as far as we know, it is a guy named Loki who caused all this. He claimed to be your younger brother and escaped from here. This is not the same as what giant also King of giants Any relationship. Everything you perceive is caused by your younger brother Loki.”

“What?” Coulson’s explanation is beyond Thor’s understanding. In other words, he didn’t expect this to be the case. And he immediately argued for Loki. “This is impossible. Although Loki likes to play with illusions and magic, he doesn’t use this strength of Cold Ice at all. This is the ability that Frost Giant has. He is an Asgardian, and impossible will use it.”

“I’ve played against him. I’m very sure that this ice power was released from his phantom Avatar. If you think it’s not his doing, then I can only say that you are You really don’t know anything about your brother.”

Zhou Yi, who was already irritated, was naturally impossible to let Thor wash the blame from Loki. At the same time, he didn’t want to see this clumsy rectal guy just being played around by Loki. He told Thor what was really happening, but Thor’s reaction was very strong.

“This impossible, you are slandering. Loki is a brave Asgardian warrior, not someone who can let you insult at will. Take your words back, Midgard. Otherwise I It will make you regret that you said these things.”

Because of a brother’s maintenance of oneself younger brother, and his trust in oneself family. Thor doesn’t believe what Zhou Yi said. Even because of what Zhou Yi said, he started to get angry and threatened him directly with words.

Such a move allows Zhou Yi to easily understand the nature of Thor. This is a very impulsive guy, and he obviously prefers to think with his muscles than to start his brain. Even if it has reached this point, he still retains this habit.

As for such a reckless man, Zhou Yi directly mocked.

“You’re welcome, just by the way you are now. Thor, I can tell you very clearly that you are a fool, a fool who was played in the palm of your own younger brother. As a younger brother, he may not think that way. I really want to know, when you see his true face, what kind of expression will you look like!”

“You close me Mouth, you trumpeter. The relationship between me and my brother is not something you can instigate.”

The already passionate Thor yelled directly at this time. He did not realize that oneself is now identity of. In terms of a prisoner, he is too restless now. And this naturally attracted the attention of the guard guarding the door.

“Sir, do you need our help?”

Across the gate of the detention room, someone asked.

“No, we can solve it by ourselves.” Coulson replied. At this time, the door to the detention room was suddenly opened, and Coulson turned his head in surprise and asked. “I said we can solve it. Didn’t you hear?”

“It’s not this, sir! There is a visitor, he is here to find him!” The bald agent pointed to Thor and pointed towards Coulson gestured.

And when Coulson saw his gesture, he was immediately surprised. It is not a normal thing for a person who does not belong to this World and who has just arrived a few days ago will be visited by visitors.

Actually, there are some with swords drawn and bows bent on the scene. Coulson, who was unwilling to let the situation worsen, said directly on the shoulder of patted Zhou Yi.

“Let’s go, let’s go and see what kind of visitor it is. You can’t ask him anything if you tell him this way.”

This is right. And Zhou Yi didn’t want to continue to wrestle with someone like Thor. He was coldly snorted and pulled his own collar. Just followed Coulson out.

And following Coulson, he quickly saw Thor’s so-called visitor. A somewhat tall middle-aged man.

Erik .Selvig, a famous astrophysicist. The moment he saw this man, Coulson recognized him. And it was his intention that made him puzzled.

“What do you want, Mr. Selvig. I don’t think we have anything to communicate.”

“Of course, of course! Mr. Agent, we have nothing to do A place to communicate. But I hope you can return our companion to us.”


I saw Coulson’s expression of confusion. With a stiff smile, Selvig took out a document from his pocket and handed it to Coulson.

“This is our companion, you know, he is very angry that you took all our instruments. For him, these are all he has. So he runs on impulse Come here. We are sorry about this, but it is for God’s sake. Let him leave with us, I can guarantee that he will not do such stupid things again.”

Selvig might have some truth in what he said, but looked at the ID in oneself’s hand. Coulson didn’t believe him at all. It is not someone else on the certificate, but Thor who has been determined by them to be from another world. They were pretty sure that Thor was his name. Not something like Donald Blake, a hell doctor.

Coulson wanted to expose Selvig’s lies at this time, but he thought of Thor’s attitude and rebelliousness, as well as the attackers who are lurking in the dark and don’t know when they will appear. He suddenly had other thoughts in his mind.

He wants to release Thor, using him as a bait. Come let the guys who are interesting to him surface. This not only allows him to see the truth of the matter clearly, but also allows them to no longer be in this passive state.

This is a good thing about one move, two gains. He really has no reason to refuse.

So although he knew it was fake, he still pretended to agree. At the same time, he took out the performance ability of Emperor Level and asked.

“You said he is your partner, but as far as I know you are astrophysicists. According to this document, he is a doctor. You don’t seem to be a partner!”

Letting Thor go directly will definitely raise some doubts. And this half-truth and stumbling release process can make things look more real.

For such a performance, Selvig didn’t see it at all.

“He turned out to be a doctor. But he is very talented in this area. He is a genius. So we made an exception and took him in.”

He defended and listened To such an excuse. Coulson looked hesitant. But in the end it was nodded.

The decoy operation has begun.

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