Sun God Marvel

Chapter 319

“Send someone to monitor Jan Foster and Erik Selvig’s residences 24 hours a day, and also arrange manpower in the town. I want you to put Thor also this group of astrophysics Report the actions of the scientist to me anytime, anywhere, understand?”

Watching Selvig take Thor into the own car and drove away from the base quickly. Coulson suppressed the smile on Oneself’s face, and then gave orders to the men next to Oneself.

He is the highest commander here, so after he gave this order. Immediately an agent took action.

While watching the actions of these agents, Zhou Yi couldn’t help asking.

“You are so confident that you can catch a big fish?”

“Anyway, it is better than we are now passive. Leave him here and we will do anything. I don’t know. Instead of doing this, let him go out and see if he can attract some people to make things clearer.”

“Do whatever you want, but your method It’s best to be useful. Because I really want to go to Asgard and find that Loki to calculate the ledger.”

“Go to Asgard, why do you have this idea? We don’t know anything about it there. , It’s a dangerous decision for you to do this.”

“Is it dangerous? I don’t think so!”

slightly laughed, Zhou Yi ended the conversation. At the next moment, he disappeared in front of Coulson. Coulson can only show helpless expression in this situation. As a special friend, he really doesn’t have much right to speak.

SHIELD began intensively arranging the own operation. On the other side, another world Asgarri. Loki, who had just suffered a failure and setback, sat on the throne belonging to Odin with a gloomy face, thinking about all the variables that would affect his plan next.

For him, the biggest variable now is the existence of Zhou Yi. A God of Midgart, a God with such a powerful divine force. There is indeed a huge picture of his plan, and he is so close to his big brother Thor.

After much deliberation, he couldn’t rest assured that such a big variable existed by Thor’s side, so that his plan could continue. He had to find a way for this God of Midgart. And how to deal with him? This question makes Loki, who has always been resourceful, a little uncertain.

Although they only handed over for a while. But Loki can almost feel how powerful Zhou Yi’s body is. In Asgard as a whole, there are only two or three candidates who can deal with such a powerful enemy. But these two or three people are not under his command. Even if he is Asgard’s agent Divine King.

He only manages Asgard in the name of Odin, and for many people, they don’t buy Loki’s account. Whether it is the War God Tyr in the Hall of Valor, or their younger sister, the Martial Goddess who was imprisoned on the Peak of the Mountain of Flames because of his fault.

After much deliberation, he only thought of one way. But this method is untrustworthy, he is not sure at all. But things that are no longer sure must be tried, because for his entire plan, it is absolutely impossible to allow any slightest variable to exist.

Just as he was about to act, a huge raven flew in and landed on the armrest of his throne. This is Odin’s messenger, a divine messenger who specializes in delivering information to him. Of course, today when Odin is in a dormant state, the message of this messenger can only be handed over to Loki, who is temporarily in power.

Removing a scroll from the raven’s paw, Loki opened it directly and checked the message on it. And this check immediately made him feel that the own opportunity had come.

Leaving an illusion in place, Loki took the scroll and quietly left Asgard’s Golden Palace. And shortly after his deity left. Thor’s best friends in Asgard. Volstagg, Hogan, and Fandral, known as the three warriors of Asgard, as well as the fertile Goddess Sif, were told that the Guardian of Asgard, Divine Sea of ​​Dawn and Guardian Mdal wanted to see them.

This is not good news, because Heimdall is the watcher and protector of Asgard as a whole. He monitors everything that may violate Asgard’s laws. Once discovered by him, it often means catastrophe is imminent. He is an impartial law enforcer, almost impossible to be shaken by feelings. Even if Sif is his younger sister.

So after hearing the news, the Asgard Three Warriors and Sieff, who were still discussing some things, began to feel anxious.

They know exactly what oneself just discussed means. Although they think this behavior is correct and there is no selfishness. But for the current Asgard, this is a crime, and more seriously, it is a felony of disobedience.

It is definitely a strange experience when a person is called by a judge just as he is ready to commit a crime. In Asgard, this is not uncommon. With this kind of nervousness, Sieff and his group of four came to Bifrost where Heimdall was stationed.

“Heimdall, do you want to see us?” When he saw his own big brother, Sieff asked aloud. When he heard her question, Heimdall, who had been watching the endless void in front of oneself, turned around. Staring at them and a group of four with oneself golden eyes.

“You want to bring Thor back and violate Loki’s orders because of this?”

I have heard what they said, and there is nothing nonsense about what they did Heimdall Instead, he went directly to the topic and asked questions.

Sif, who knows Heimdall’s abilities very well, has no idea of ​​excuse. Facing Heimdall’s questioning, they replied.

“Yes, we are going to do this. You should know what kind of crisis Asgard is facing now!”

“Because of this, you plan to go against you and become Every vow made by the warrior, even if he committed the felony equivalent to betraying Asgard?”

“Yes, we already have this consciousness.”

Ms. Sif replied, and after getting this answer. Heimdall walked straight down.

“Very good.”

“What, would you like to help us?”

“I must be loyal to the Divine King of Asgard, so I can’t open Bifrost for you.”

As Heimdall said, he walked past Sif and the others without stopping. Seeing his unstoppable voice, Fandral in the Three Warriors said puzzledly.

“He is really complicated, do you understand what he means?”

“Of course, that’s my big brother!” Sif laughed and turned towards the third The Warrior motioned behind them. There, on Bifrost’s holy seat. Heimdall’s holy sword is still stuck on it. That was Heimdall’s weapon and the key to Bifrost that he controlled. With it, it is enough to prove that Heimdall is on their side.

Sif and the others are very excited by this recognition. They started Bifrost impatiently and descended from Asgard to Midgard, the world of Midgard.

And all this was seen by Loki’s vision. For this kind of action that violated his order, he just showed a grinning smile coldly.

He didn’t stop them, because his real body was doing a very important thing. At this moment, his real body had appeared silently in Jotunheim, the kingdom of Frost Giant.

Although he was only alone, he crossed over countless guard posts and glaciers unimpeded all the way to the palace of Frost Giant, in front of Laufey, the king of Frost Giant.

When he saw Loki coming to own, Laufey’s face wore a playful smile.

“Why, my child. Have you decided to go back to your hometown and live with your father and me?”

“How is it possible, Laufey! You want Too much!” There was a smile on Loki’s face, and he used this smile to hide oneself’s cold eyes well. “I’m just here to tell you the bad news.”

“The bad news, the whole Asgard is under your control. You already have everything you want, in this case , How can there be so-called bad news?”

Laufey didn’t believe in Loki’s bad news at all. He is very clear about Asgard’s current situation. For this son who has almost usurped all rights of Odin, he has more than just relief, but also deep fear.

“If it’s bad news, you will find out if you look at it yourself.” Loki didn’t say much nonsense, and threw a scroll directly. That was the scroll he got from Odin’s messenger, and the news on this scroll had been moved by him.

But Laufey didn’t know this, he looked at the scroll in his hand carefully. After a while, he threw it back again and asked.

“The above is true, Frigga really got help from other world God?”

“Of course!” Putting away the scroll in his hand, Loki started to follow Everything that oneself had fabricated was told. “At first, under my arrangement, Asgard had no existence that could resist us. Thor was banished and banished to Midgart. Tyr broke off a hand and can only stay in the Hall of Valor. Barr. De was also stabbed to death with mistletoe by Hoddle. As for Brunhild, Odin Penalty could only sleep on the burning peak.”

“Everything is in our plan. In, as long as you kill Odin, and then pretend to be repelled by me. Asgard will completely fall into my hands. And you can also get the Ancient Winter Treasure Box and restore the glory of Jotunheim! when The time comes and two of the nine Greater Worlds have fallen into our hands.”

“But my mother seemed to feel something. She used the own relationship to find a God in Midgart. A powerful God. She intends to invite that God to stay in Asgard at the price of my younger sister’s marriage, one of the beautiful Martial Goddess, until Odin wakes up. If she really does that, believe me . Our plan is very difficult to proceed!”

After listening to Loki, Laufey became silent. He thought for a while before asking seriously.

“So, what do you plan to make me do?”

“It’s very simple, before that God arrives. Kill him without his hindrance. Our plan will be unimpeded , Everything will be back on track!”

Loki smiled confidently. From his smiling eyes, only cruelty and ruthlessness were revealed.

“Of course, if I could leave my big brother in Midgart forever by the way, it would be great!”

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