Sun God Marvel

Chapter 320

“Do you want me to go to Midgard and kill that God before he reaches Asgard?” After Loki said so much, Laufey finally understood his meaning.

“Yes, that’s what I meant. You must know that only in Midgard will the group of Gods in Asgard ignore our plan. The same, only in Midgart, we have this opportunity!”

Loki explained in detail, apparently he has made perfect arrangements for everything.

However, in his seemingly foolproof plan. Laufey still found several obvious vulnerabilities.

“You seem to have overlooked something, my little son. Asgard’s gatekeeper Heimdall, he has been monitoring everything in the nine kingdoms. You think if we were in Mead If Galt does something like that, will he not see it?”

“also, we don’t have the ability to go directly to Midgart from Jotunheim. You should know that we can get there The only place in Midgart is Asgard’s Bifrost. And if we get to Asgard, why go to Midgart and fight with an unknown God? I can kill it at this time. Odin, use the most direct way to achieve all this.”

“If you do, trust me. No matter it is you or me, you will get nothing in the end. Even if you kill Odin , I won’t be the only heir. Whether it’s Tyr or Thor, it’s possible to sit in that position. Once they sit in that position, let alone the Ancient Winter Treasure Box, even Jotunheim you can’t keep it. . Asgard and Jotunheim have only undying endless ending!”

“You must listen to me, pretend to attack Asgard, and then send an assassin to assassinate Odin. After all this, let me Debut as the savior of Asgard. Only in this way can I just succeed Odin’s position and become the king of Asgard to complete our transactions and plans. Do you understand?”

Loki almost gritted his teeth and said this. And hearing what he said, Laufey showed a strange smile on his face.

“Sure enough, my decision to abandon you was a correct decision. Odin would never have imagined that a son he has raised for so many years would actually use this method to kill him. Also he Everything. You are different from all Frost Giants, Loki. Not physically, but spiritually. You are more cunning and cruel. You are so cruel that I can’t help but look at you!”

“I am not a Frost Giant, I have not been since the moment you abandoned me. I am Loki, just Loki.” Even the smile faded, Loki said coldly to Laufey. “Also, if Odin is willing to be fair to me, maybe he won’t have today.”

“No matter what you say, Loki. You are my son, the child I abandoned. You. Frost Giant’s bloodline is flowing in his body. But it’s not important anymore, I promise you. You can do as you say, but it’s still the problem. How do you decide to solve the Heimdall thing? With him, you are impossible and bright. The earth took us to Bifrost, and then to Midgart.”

Not caring about Loki’s disrespect for oneself bloodline in his words, Laufey rather pragmatically asked him about the next plan step. Their Frost Giant was originally a race with indifferent family affection. Compared with the future of the race, trifling family affection is really not the worst thing.

Loki admits it or not. For Laufey, it is not important. His only concern is Odin’s Death also their family’s divine tool, the ownership of the ancient winter treasure box.

“You don’t need to worry about Heimdall’s affairs, I will solve him. You just need to be prepared and wait for my good news.”

See the problem Finally returning to the track laid by oneself from the place oneself didn’t want to mention, Loki once again put on his usual smile, that kind of wicked smile.

“Then, the last question.”

“Please speak up, King of Frost Giant. I hope that the question you are asking now guarantees that you will not raise any questions when you act. The question.”

“It’s very simple. This question is about the God of Midgard. Your message says that he is a very powerful God, almost as good as your Asgard’s. Peak Warrior. So, if, even if it is a small possibility. He is not as strong as Odin, and we are not opponents, what should we do?”

Hearing this question, Loki laughed. stand up.

“Laufey, you are the king of Frost Giant. Being on an equal footing with Odin, why now you don’t even have the confidence to deal with an ordinary God. Over the years, you’ve been sitting in Jotunheim’s On the throne, have all your ambitions and courage been wiped out?”

For this kind of aggressive means, Laufey is just laughed, and said seriously.

“Odin and I were sitting on an equal footing. It was when I was holding the ancient winter treasure chest. Without it, I would not be sure to fight against the father of the gods. Of course, I did not want to refuse Your proposal. Rather, in order to make this plan foolproof. I think you should pay us something in advance. For example, the ancient winter treasure box that was taken by Odin after our defeat.”

This is the starting price, Loki and Laufey know this. For them, the initiative is in Laufey’s hands. In the end, everything is just Loki’s plan, and how can it be possible to let them act as thugs without paying a sufficient price?

For Loki, the Ancient Winter Treasure Box cannot be handed over to Laufey. For Laufey, he is very distrustful. No one can guarantee that after the treasure box is handed over to him, he will be able to use the power of the treasure box to launch a real war against Asgard.

According to Asgard’s current situation, they really don’t have any ability to deal with Frost Giant, which has the power of the Winter Treasure Box.

“Laufey, I will not give you the Ancient Winter Treasure Box at this time. Only after our plan is successful, you can get it. This is the decision from the very beginning I will not change the deal.”

not even think, Loki rejected Laufey’s proposal. Laufey, who got such an answer, immediately showed a mocking smile.

“Is that so sorry. If this is the case, then I really don’t have the courage to provoke such a powerful existence. Maybe you can try it, using your slick tongue , Can you confuse such a guy, let him listen to you obediently and honestly!”

“Laufey, don’t forget. We are one, if I fail, you won’t be much better “

There was an accident again, which made Loki immediately threaten Laufey. Laufey was just laughed at such threats.

“That’s not necessarily, except for the Winter Treasure Box. I don’t seem to have anything to lose, and the Winter Treasure Box has not been in my hands for many years. Seriously, I have some habits Now.”

This kind of rascal answer hit Loki’s weakness at this time. As the maker of all plans, Loki would not allow such problems in his plans anyway. So he was silent, lost in thought and hesitation. He didn’t say until a long time later.

“The Winter Treasure Box is impossible for you, but I can temporarily deliver another thing to your hand. It’s up to you to deal with that God, also. You must kill my big brother Thor is good!”

“Tell me, let me see what you are entrusting me with. Is it worth it?”

“Believe Me, it is more valuable than Winter Treasure Box!” Loki stretched the corner of his own mouth at this moment, showing a sly smile. “I don’t know if you have heard of Odin’s Destroyer Combat Armor?”

“You mean, Destroyer?” Hearing this name, the old god was always there, and a laid-back Laufey immediately went from own throne. Stood up. He did not hide the shock in his heart at all.

Because he does not need to hide, Destroyer itself is a prestigious weapon of terror among the gods.

Destroyer Combat Armor was not created to fight God on Earth.

It is the ultimate weapon made to fight against the cosmic giants who once descended to Midgart.

It is said that in a very distant age, when Earth was still ruled by the gods of various gods. A group of huge Gods that have crossed from the universe descended on Earth, which is Midgart. They are incomparable gigantic, and each of them has a body much larger than a mountain. And this body mention on equal terms is their power.

This is not the first time they have visited this World, but this time. Their actions conflict with the gods on Earth. For the Earth gods, in this conflict triggered by conflict, what they got was a disastrous result.

Whether it is Odin, Brahma, Jehovah or any God of various gods, they are all defeated in front of these cosmic giants. Even said that there is no possibility of victory at all. It was precisely because of this war that the Earth gods had to swear that they would never interfere with human actions. This forced the gods to stay away from human life.

However, despite the failure, the gods did not want to just shrink back forever. In response to this group of Heavenly Gods in the universe that might reappear, Odin ordered the best craftsmen in his kingdom to use the best materials and skills to forge a battle armor.

And he took him to all the Earth Gods when the armor was finished. Promise a huge price to all Gods, and then let every God of Earth own part of the divine force buff onto this armor.

Gods have worked together to create such a powerful armor. An armor capable of acting on its own. A pair of armor that can give the user infinite power. Odin called him Destroyer and hid it firmly in his own treasure house.

And now, Loki put it as a condition and put it in front of Laufey.

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