Sun God Marvel

Chapter 321

“Are you sure you want to hand over Destroyer to me?”

“No, it’s just a deal. You use Destroyer to complete our plan, and then When everything is over. You can exchange it with me for the Ancient Winter Treasure Box!”

“Hehe, it’s good. It’s done!”

Laufey doesn’t know What kind of horrible idea he was playing, he immediately met Loki’s condition. Loki, who got the answer, turned away from Frost Giant’s palace without looking back.

This is a place that disgusts him, if possible. He didn’t want to stay here for a long time.

Laufey just looked at him like this, watching his little silhouette disappear into the own palace. He didn’t instructed the guards stationed in the palace until he could no longer see any of his shadow.

“Go, bring all our elite fighters here. Tell them it’s time to use battle to wash away our shame for so many years!”

“Yes, My king!” The giant guards yelled and replied. Obviously, they had waited for such a moment for a long time.

It’s quiet, I don’t know how many years the frozen country once again began to surge under the endless ice with his violent violence. For all of this, the crowd in the center of the storm waited not at all to discover any signs.

Since Selvig brought Thor out of SHIELD’s base, they discovered that Thor seemed to be another person. Even though they didn’t get along for a long time, they could still think of what Thor would be like before.

Reckless, arrogant, a tendon. To say that he is like a gunpowder keg is probably to praise him. But now, they couldn’t see anything like this from him. If it wasn’t for Thor’s figure and appearance that were too conspicuous, Jane and Daisy would have thought that Selvig had brought the wrong person back.

But this is a good change after all, so both Jane and Daisy accepted his change. He even said that because of his change, even Jane had some subtle changes in his senses.

If Thor, who was like the heroic man before, is aspiring for people, there is always some fear and unreliability. So now Thor will only make people feel ample security.

Some women like the gentle man, and some women like the strong man. And when a man is both strong and gentle, it is often when he captures a woman’s heart.

And now, Jane feels that oneself is about to be captured. Although there is no sweet talk between them, although there is no vigorous experience between them. But anyone with a discerning eye can see that their relationship has taken a step forward.

When this happened, Selvig didn’t know at all. And when he knew it, it was too late. Although he wanted to let Thor roll as far as possible after bringing Thor back. But when love came, all his plans were frustrated. In the name of love, many things naturally became unstoppable. Including this incident left by Thor.

Even if Selvig is unwilling, but at Jane’s request, his unwillingness can only be forcibly reversed. It can be said that the beginning of Thor’s mortal life was spent with Jane.

Early in the morning, Thor and Jane got up together and began to prepare breakfast for the other two partners. Jane is frying eggs, and Thor is learning how to use the oven and coffee machine under her guidance.

This scene seems a bit warm, especially when Thor’s clumsy awkward drew Jane’s laughter.

Daisy looked at the scene in front of her, her eyes straightened enviously. Selvig looked more and more angry, but in the end he could only helplessly put his gaze on the book in oneself’s hands. He can’t decide anything for Jane, especially in such matters.

So even if he is not willing, he can’t question Jane’s decision. Love is bigger than the sky, in this world it is true.

“Okay, your breakfast!” Thor held the plate and put two fried eggs in front of Selvig and Daisy. This kind of thoughtful service immediately drew two reactions.

“Thank you, I’ve been waiting for a long time!” Daisy excitedly took the owner’s copy, and unceremoniously started gorge oneself. Selvig looked at the early one in front of oneself, and reluctantly closed the book in oneself’s hand, and then said to Thor formulaically.

“Thank you!”

“No thanks, this is what I should do.” Thor smiled back and put the rag on oneself, then pointed at Selvig asked the book he had just closed. “What are you looking at, it looks a little strange!”

“The ancient myths of the Vikings have some connection with those you talk about every day!” Selvig explained briefly on the cover of the patted book. As for his answer, Thor’s expression is a bit weird.

“Vikings, I remember. Many years ago, a group of warriors living in the bitter cold regions had contact with us. Why, they left us with myths?”

Selvig, who has always been dubious about Thor’s identity, immediately became energetic when he heard him say this. He thinks this is an opportunity. If he hadn’t revealed Thor’s true face, he would have convinced him to oneself. Either way, it is better than the current situation. He needs an explanation, and an explanation to the owner.

“Can you tell me, Thor. I want to know the difference between your story and the myth!”

“If you want to know, there is nothing No. Where should I start? Yes. Let’s start when I first met the Three Warriors. At that time we just arrived in Midgart…”

“What are they talking about?” Hearing what they were talking on the monitor, Coulson grinned, with a weird smile on his face. He felt that oneself was listening to fairy tales. And from a certain angle, his feeling is not at all wrong.

This gave him an ominous premonition. It is likely that this time he is facing the same big trouble as in Europe. Thinking of the sensation caused by what happened in Europe at that time, he felt a toothache.

He came to live an invisible life, but as far as it is now, it is very likely that the eyes of the whole world will come to them soon. For him, this is really a big trouble that can’t be avoided.

“Continue to monitor them, and also pay attention to the surrounding movements.” The follow-up actions of the monitors were arranged. Coulson put down the headset in oneself’s hand. And at this time, the agent on the other side who was monitoring the equipment he got from Jane suddenly warned him.

“Sir, something is happening!”

“What happened?”

“There was a huge energy response, which suddenly appeared and then disappeared. Northwest 23 kilometers.”

It was exactly the same as the last reaction recorded by Jane Foster, which made Coulson immediately realize that what he had anticipated had begun to happen.

“Call the staff, let’s take a look. Also, watch Thor closely!”

As he said, he got into the car and flocked out with a bunch of agents. Of course, he has not forgotten to send a text message to Zhou Yi at this time. Zhou Yi, who rushed home early in the morning to have breakfast with his family, is not here now, without him by his side. Coulson has no sense of security at all.

“I remember one time when we were fighting a hill giant. Volstagg desperately tried to escape from his feet, but his body was too fat at the time. The meal ate a whole cow and two sheep of that little tribe, and couldn’t move at all. So he could only circle around the giant’s ankle. Fortunately, the giant was not flexible. This gave me one. Chances, when all his attention was on Volstagg. I took the opportunity and smashed his head directly with Mjölnir. This was our last fight in Midgart. Thinking about it now, I really miss it!”

Thor told oneself’s past battle story. By his side, both Jane and Daisy showed a look of listening and interest. But at first glance, they knew that they were listening to this story as a mythical novel.

And only Selvig, his face is solemn. While listening to Thor’s account, he lightly touched the book in his hand.

As he told Thor, this is a Nordic Viking myth. What he didn’t tell him was that this Viking story was different from what most people saw. He is part of an archaeological discovery, a translation of a myth obtained from an ancient Viking tribe. The story told in this translation is exactly the same as Thor’s story about Volstagg going around the giant.

Selvig wanted to take this as a coincidence. He wanted to think that this was the reason Thor had seen this translation before, but now it is just applying it directly. But he can’t be so rigid, and move everything up to oneself like he imagined.

He is a scientist, not a politician. When the greatest possibility is placed in front of oneself, he will not insist on denying the possibility just because of own feelings.

He must admit the kind of probability in oneself’s mind. And if he really does. So it means that Thor is really the Norse Thor in Thor, is legend. For Selvig, who grew up listening to Thor’s story, it was really a psychological shock.

He is still trying his own ability to adapt to this sudden change. At this time, a group of guys dressed strangely compared to the ordinary person appeared on the streets of the town.

They walked unscrupulously on the street, and soon attracted the attention of agents monitoring the situation in the town.

“Is there a COSPLAY event here today?”

An agent who was still having breakfast saw the entire group of Ms. Sieff below. He quickly asked his own companion.

“I don’t know, do you want to report this situation?” His companions also saw Sif and them.

Thanks to the blessings of the whole world, even though these Asgardians wear weird clothes, their similar appearance to ordinary people does not at all cause any major trouble. Even these alert agents do not think they will be any special characters. Therefore, they only performed routine reports.

“Let me come! Headquarters, please pay attention, we found Xina Princess, Jackie Chan also Robin Hood in the town. Is there a comic show here? I want to see it.”

“Brad, please pay attention. You are working.”

The answer is very concise, but no one believes him.

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