Sun God Marvel

Chapter 322

Coulson rushed to the location indicated by the device, just like it appears in all movies. They came a step late, except for a huge pattern imprinted on the ground. They found nothing.

Not to mention the suspicious next wave of attackers Coulson imagined. They didn’t even find a grotesquely shaped foreign world creature. This was certainly disappointing for Coulson, because he knew in his heart that oneself was a step late.

But at the same time, from a certain point of view in his heart, he was actually lucky. Not everyone is ready to welcome life in another world. Especially when these beings are more advanced than the human race.

Looking at the pattern on the ground, he thought about it. Said to the men beside him.

“Find a language expert for me. I want to figure out what the patterns on this pattern mean as soon as possible.”

“Sir, what do you think will be Have the planets come to Earth?”

“Trust me, agent. If it is really an alien, it is definitely not a good thing for us. Humans have not yet reached the threshold to accept anything Where other wisdom exists!”

After a little explanation, Coulson stepped aside. Quietly sent a message to Zhou Yi. The content is simple, just tell him that someone has already arrived.

At this time, Zhou Yi, who was already in the small town, had discovered the people Coulson said. But he didn’t feel that these people were threatening. Because they didn’t seem to be with Loki at all. Even speaking, from the situation they showed. They should be with Thor.

The reason Zhou Yi thinks so is because the three big men in the group of four gave Thor a warm hug as soon as they found him. They laughed loudly and even made Zhou Yi’s eardrum aches while standing on the roof. It must be a good relationship to be able to make such a frantic laugh. At the very least, it should be on top of hurting friends.

And in fact, they say strictly. Be regarded as a comrade-in-arms of Life and Death Together. The feelings cultivated in countless battlefields are solid and unimaginable.

It is precisely because of this feeling that when Thor sees the Asgard Three Warriors and Ms. Sieff, he shows more uncontrollable ecstasy and excitement. It can be said that his mood is almost as excited as a prisoner who has been in jail when he encounters a relative who has not seen him for many years.

“My brothers, my comrades in arms. How did you get here from Asgard!”

“Aha, Thor. We finally found you!” The three Asgard warriors in armor hugged Thor. Compared with Thor’s excitement, their mood was not much different.

Thor is not only their comrade-in-arms, but also their master. The relationship between them is very complicated, and even in terms of intimacy, they are only lower than their relatives. This relationship is two-way, and that’s why they are so eager to find Thor back, and they want to do all they can to purge him.

And now is what they think is a good opportunity to help him return to Asgard. Loki was performing a trick that no one knew. Odin fell down again at this time. Asgard was already people were alarmed at this time. Only Thor’s return can stabilize the situation. Only at this time can he return to Asgard in a sufficient name.

But Thor didn’t know what oneself group of comrades planned. He was satisfied with oneself’s current life, so he never thought about returning to Asgard. I don’t even know what plans the Asgard Three Warriors and Ms. Sieff have at this time.

He only thought that these former partners came to visit Oneself because of worry, so in order to calm their hearts, he enthusiastically introduced the friends that Oneself had met on Earth to these Asgard partners.

“Come on, Buddy. Let me introduce you to my new friends. This is Erik, Erik. Selvig, a Scholar and a good guy who can drink heavily. Also this is Daisy , Daisy Louise. I am amazed by her fantastic ideas.”

“Finally, this is Jane. Jane Foster. The host here is also the lady who helped me settle here. She is a female Scholar, and even a kind-hearted good woman!”

The ability of a rough and rugged man to praise a woman so much to his own friend has essentially explained a lot of things. But most of the people who were with Thor were those who had a temper with him, even Sif, the only lady. In fact, she is also a female man who is better at playing swords.

So they didn’t hear Thor’s meaning, but rather formally gave Jane and the others a solemn breast stroke.

“Thank you, Midgard people. Thank you for everything you have done for Thor. Starting today, you are our friends, go through water and tread on fire, let’s go through water and tread on fire!”

The ardent and heroic style of warriors in this typical myth made Jane, who had never seen them in books, directly looked dumbfounded, even when they appeared. These three people are actually a little stupid.

If there is only one Thor, they can also listen to him as a story. But when all the warriors in the story appear in front of oneself, then it is obviously impossible to face reality with the mentality of listening to the story.

Selvig, who was so scared that he broke the water glass, reacted first. He stared at the three Asgard warriors and asked.

“Thor, they are what you said, the three warriors!”

“Yes, they are. My outstanding comrades in arms. This is Volstagg, the heroic Volstagg He can eat so much of you with three weights in one meal!”

The tall, fat, long-haired and beard Thor introduced him this way, not only not angry, but also very Smiled triumphantly. At the same time, he gestured slightly to the three people.

“Volstagg, I am willing to help you!”

“also these are the chic Fandral and the cold Hogan. They are excellent Sword Masters and ruthless battlefield slayers! “

For Asgard people, this is definitely the best compliment. So the two people smiled triumphantly. Then he saluted the three people again.

“Fandral, Hogan. I am willing to help you!”

“Finally, this is Ms. Sieff. Asgard’s fertile Goddess is also one of our best female fighters. 1. Her bravery is no less than that of the Martial Goddess in the Hall of Valor. Even men who can conquer the war will feel ashamed in front of her military force!”

“Sif, I am waiting for your instructions. !” Unlike a woman’s dress-lifting ceremony, Shiv, who was wearing only his armor, knocked directly on the own shield. Use this kind of steel clash to tell everyone here what kind of steel warrior she really is.

And this naturally caused Daisy’s envy and admiration. The female man, the ultimate female man who can still dominate the battlefield, is obviously the most admired target of people like her. If it were not for factors that are not very familiar, she might have rushed forward, took a photo with her and forwarded it directly to Facebook.

After introducing oneself to each other in the two worlds, Thor smiled and wiped the tears from the corner of oneself’s eyes. Said to oneself’s partners in Asgard.

“Seriously, Buddy. I’m glad you guys came to see me. But you shouldn’t have come. I have been banished. You violated Royal Father’s order by doing so.”

didn’t expect Thor, who would say that, Sif and the three Asgard warriors looked at each other, and then Fandral spoke first.

“Thor, we are here to take you back. You don’t know what Asgard is now. Only if you go back can the safety of the Golden Palace be guaranteed!”

” No, I can’t do this!” Thor not even think rejected this proposal. “I’m sorry, Buddy. Thank you for your kindness. But I really can’t do this. You should know that it is because of me that led to the death of my Royal Father. So in any case, I can’t forgive oneself, let oneself Returning to Asgard will tarnish the glory of the Golden Palace!”

When Thor said so, Sieff and the others were dumbfounded. After a while, Sieff asked suspiciously.

“Thor, Odin Your Majesty did not die, he just fell asleep! Who told you that Odin Your Majesty has passed away?”


The news was like a bolt from the blue, and Thor’s mind went blank for an instant. Only at this time did he realize that oneself had been deceived miserably, and that oneself was the most trusted brother by his own brother.

“Loki, why did you lie to me, why did you lie to me!”

His mumbling couldn’t hide from everyone living in the room, and he heard him say so. Fandral, who was already full of opinions on Loki, directly angrily roared.

“I knew it, it must be Loki, a scumbag who is full of lies. Thor, listen to me. Now Loki has control of the Divine King, but his every move is very strange. We are. I suspect that he may have joined forces with the Frost Giants. Because only he can fool Heimdall and let Frost Giant enter Asgard. Now that Asgard’s wind and rain are shaking, no one knows what Loki is playing. Hell idea. Thor, you have to go back. Only you can stabilize Asgard. Only you can stop Loki!” His words made Thor very heartbroken, but soon he shook He smiled bitterly.

“Sorry, Buddy. I want to go back, but I have no ability to go back. Now I am just a mortal! Without Mjölnir, I am no longer the Thor of Asgard!”

This is an answer that no one thought of, because neither the Three Warriors nor Sieff knew what happened to Thor. Odin’s Penalty is secret, and apart from Loki, only two people in Asgard know. One is the god Queen Frigga, and the other is the god of dawn, gatekeeper Heimdall.

Except for them, no one knows the fact that Thor has become a mortal. So when Thor said this question, the group of four looked at each other in blank dismay and completely lost their opinions.

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