Sun God Marvel

Chapter 336

Standing quietly in the boundless space, Zhou Yi smiled to disdain as beneath contempt at Laufey who was holding his head and begging for mercy.

“I thought you would have a bit of pride as a king, or the dignity of a warrior. It seems that I overestimated you. I stripped off the armor, and there was nothing but a Nasal Mucus Insect is disgusting. It is disgusting. It seems that Loki who may have worked with you is just the same thing that’s all!”

Although he said that, he still put it away Infinity gravity pressing on Laufey. He knew very well that if gravity were to continue to oppress Laufey in this way, it would be a secret. Just panting is probably an unlikely thing for Laufey.

Zhou Yi, who didn’t want to ask the so-called secret about a pool of crushed rotten meat, decided to put down the pressure on Laufey temporarily after weighing it over and over again.

“Go ahead, let me see what you want to say? See if what you say is worth saving your life from my hands!”

This kind of speech is extremely ridiculous, and it is absolutely unbearable for any guy with a little bit of backbone at this time. I believe that there should be a lot of guys who have to make things clear with the person who said such things even if everything is done.

However, Laufey is definitely not included.

Zhou Yi not only destroyed Destroyer, but he also crushed Laufey’s dignity and bones into pieces, and crushed them into powder. Leave nothing behind.

“I promise, this will be useful news. He is definitely worthy of you letting me go. But, God of Midgart. Can you guarantee that you will tell this secret to me After that, let me go!”

Laufey lowered his breath, but his thoughts were very clear. All he wants is to survive. If he can guarantee his own life by telling the secret, then it is naturally best.

However, if he has revealed such an important secret, Zhou Yi would not let him go. Then everything he did was meaningless. To die or to die, he has no reason to let Zhou Yi get greater benefits.

So, all he has to do is to ask Zhou Yi for a guarantee, a guarantee that will keep him alive. Only with this guarantee can he tell the so-called secret. Only then will Zhou Yi understand all the secrets and get the most benefit.

“If the secret you are talking about has that value, then it’s all right!”

When it comes to keeping Laufey alive, Zhou Yi thinks very much. open.

From the root cause, he and Laufey have no big feasts. In his view, the dispute between them is nothing more than a conflict of positions, with at most some contradictions in quarrels. And when one of them is forced to persuade by the other, which changes the position of own. Their contradiction actually no longer exists.

Since there is no contradiction, Laufey’s identity has also become a defeated that can’t turn around. So it doesn’t matter at all whether to let him live. Since he is willing to pay a sufficient price, it is really not a problem to let him live.

After hearing Zhou Yi’s answer, Laufey finally got a feeling in his heart and finally let go of the breath that had been stuck in his chest. He licked oneself’s chapped lips, and uttered a hoarse answer from the almost bursting chest cavity pressed by the gravity that had just retracted. The so-called secret.

“Listen to me, God of Midgart. I came to this World to fight against you after Loki’s bewitched. From the very beginning, I don’t even know your existence, more There is no conflict with you. So, all of this should be attributed to Loki. He is the culprit of everything.”

“I know all this, if you are going to say these things , Then I’m sorry, you don’t have enough chips!”

A playful smile was pulled from the corner of his mouth, and Zhou Yi squeezed his fist. The palpitating flames flowed on his fist, and just by seeing it, Laufey could feel the destructive power that burst out.

He had no doubt that something like this could take his life, so he shouted out immediately.

“Wait, wait. This is only a part, this is only a part of the secret. There are also many, many important things I haven’t said.”

His words make Zhou Yi move Immediately, he took back the flame from oneself’s hand and began to speak with a certain warning tone.

“Tell everything you know. If you also keep something, and your secret is not enough for my heart, then next time, I won’t stop!”

“Okay, okay. No problem.” Laufey wiped the cold sweat from his head, and then said everything oneself knew like pouring beans.

Including Loki and Thor’s grievances, Loki’s identity and plans, and what Loki told him about Zhou Yi. also All the transactions between them, even the secret treasure of the Frost Giant clan-the ancient winter treasure chest, he did not have any reservations, all of them were revealed.

After listening to all this, Zhou Yi shook the head, and then nodded.

He shook his head because of Laufey’s stupidity. It was very obvious that Loki had played with his own palm, and he didn’t even know about this. This is the most ridiculous thing and the saddest thing.

At the same time, he shook his head. Another meaning is that he has no interest in the private affairs of the Divine King family in Asgard. There is no meaning of blending in. Laufey regards this as a secret he wants to know, which is really ridiculous.

But what Laufey said is not completely worthless. At the very least, Zhou Yi heard what oneself was interested in from his words.

Flicking his own thoughts, Zhou Yi smiled slightly at the restless Laufey, showing white teeth.

“Unfortunately, most of your messages are useless to me. As far as chips are concerned, your chips are obviously not enough. But I can give you a chance. If your answer is Satisfaction with me, then I can continue to guarantee my promise. How?”

At this time, soliciting Laufey’s opinion is actually meaningless. Because at this time, as long as the owner’s life safety can be guaranteed. Laufey can answer any question and do anything.

So he nodded busy and signaled that oneself has no other opinions.

“Very well, you just said. You entered this World through Bifrost. Then I want to ask you, besides Bifrost, is it possible to enter Aspen by other means? Guardian, or your world?”

“There is a deep and unmeasurable space barrier between the nine kingdoms, especially Asgard. The Jinlunga gap around him is the epitome of endless void. Apart from Bifrost, there is hardly any other means to enter Asgard. However, I know some trails. The trail from Midgart to Jotunheim, and also the trail from Jotunheim to Asgard.”

“Although it is very dangerous, if you want to enter Asgard quietly, this will be the best way!”

Laufey thought Zhou Yi wanted to What Scared did, immediately confided all the things that oneself knew about this aspect. As a Frost Giant, he is very happy to see Asgard and Zhou Yi such a powerful God feud.

He even has some impatients, hoping to see the gods of Asgard suffer the same tragic fate as him.

However, his guess is baseless. The reason Zhou Yi asked Asgard has nothing to do with what he thought. What he wants to ask is other things.

“Very well, then I want to know one thing. Since you are the king of Frost Giant, Asgard’s old enemy, there is no reason why you haven’t heard the name Mjölnir. Tell me where it comes from Here, who made it. Is the person who made it in Asgard?”


How can this name Laufey be unfamiliar. This is one of Asgard’s most powerful divine tools, and countless giants have died on it. Even if it was rebuilt, Laufey could recognize it. So he immediately replied.

“Of course I know! Mjölnir, Mjolnir. Odin gave his beloved son Thor the most powerful weapon. He used magic to intercept the core of a collapsed planet, and then let the dwarf craftsman use the best magic metal Ulu’s mixed Star Core heart is used as the hammer head, and a branch of World Tree is used as the hammer handle. That is the only weapon of Asgard that is not under Odin’s Gangnir. Except Destroyer, nothing can be on top of it. “

“If you want to find the guy who forged Mjölnir, you can only go to Wat Alheim. Only the gnomes there can make such a magical thing, and only they have it. Forging ability!”

“But it’s not easy to get in there. A king of the dwarves was defeated by Odin and even exiled from the nine kingdoms. This makes the dwarves hate God very much. Especially. It’s when they are repeatedly cheated by Asgard’s guys that they hate God even more. It’s easy for you to find them. If you want them to help, I’m afraid there is no hope.”

“Huh?” Lightly made a nasal sound, Zhou Yi raised his brow and glanced at Laufey. This caused him to sweat immediately, and he began to realize that oneself was a little overwhelmed. So he quickly remedied.

“But I know a way that might help you. Those dwarfs, those guys who claim to be Dark Elf. They are actually very greedy. And I know one thing, something they want very much. You As long as you get that thing, they can definitely use it for you and create everything you want for you.”

“Those stubborn stone-like guys hate God, but once they agree They will definitely fulfill their own promise. They have never violated this point!”

Although they made a big circle in the mist. But Zhou Yi still found the information oneself wanted. So he chuckled and said.

“Very well, you can live. As long as you do one more thing for me!”

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