Sun God Marvel

Chapter 337

until now, Thor doesn’t really appreciate the creature like Frost Giant. They are original, savage and always brutal in nature.

Before Jotunheim was defeated by Asgard’s army led by Odin, Frost Giant invaded Asgard and Midgard countless times. They are like robbers, plundering the resources of the two worlds and the lives of those innocents.

Even after that, Frost Giant has clashed with the Asgardians countless times. Although it has not risen to the point of a world war, local battles have never stopped.

It was in these battles that Thor realized the nature of Frost Giant. And since then, he has strengthened the notion that they are oneself enemies.

However, when he, as the Thor of Asgard, was on the battlefield. He is naturally invincible, countless Frost Giants, no matter how strong they are, they can only be defeated under his Mjölnir. But when he became a mortal, the situation was completely reversed.

No matter how much he looks down on Frost Giant, he must admit it. He is not an opponent of any giant at all. Even Frost Giant who was blinded is no exception.

He worked hard and struggled. But the result will not change.

The rag-like body was fiercely smashed onto a car, and the heavy pressure made the whole car collapse instantly.

Though Thor’s body is much stronger than ordinary mortals, he is not as good as steel after all. So when the car was crushed by him, he couldn’t help but squirted a big mouthful of blood from his mouth.

His internal organs are already riddled with scars, to an almost heinous level. Now he can even move a little finger, I am afraid he can’t do it.

Thor has completely lost the power to resist. But the giant may not be willing to let this hurt owner just like that.

Looking at Thor lying there, the One-Eyed Giant that threw him out strode over, lifted one foot fiercely and stepped on Thor’s body.

As soon as he stepped on the soles of his feet the size of his chest, his bones and hair immediately cracked. This made Thor roar out immediately. But the giant remained unmoved, and instead crushed the soles of his own feet harder.

Each time it grinds, Thor feels that the own bone head has been ground up a little bit. And every time he exerted his strength, he only felt that his own body and internal organs were about to be crushed.

This was an experience he had never had before, and when he experienced it, there was only a feeling that life is better than death.

Death is like a relief at this moment.

Soon, Thor was so angry that he was completely plunged into confusion and chaos. The pain drained his consciousness, leaving him silent as a corpse.

He is still alive, which may be beyond doubt. But how long it can live is a question.

In the judgment of One-Eyed Giant, he will definitely not live for too long. So let him die happily, or let him enjoy the torture and die? This is something he needs to measure.

One-Eyed Giant implements the cruelty peculiar to Frost Giant’s character.

He didn’t give Thor a good time, but let go of his big feet. With a grinning smile, he began to look for other targets.

He wants Thor to die in pain, so that more people will follow in his footsteps.

That’s what One-Eyed Giant thinks. And before he could go too far, a stone hit his head from behind him.

Feeling this sudden tingling pain, the already tyrannical One-Eyed Giant roared back to his body. Then he saw the man who attacked him.

Thor stood there reluctantly holding the car that was no different from scrap iron. He stared at One-Eyed Giant, with blood flowing in his mouth, and said with oneself’s last strength.

“You bastard! Our battle is not over yet! Why, do you want to escape, go back to find mother?”

Although Thor’s voice is very weak, but One-Eyed Giant could still hear every word and every word he said. And this is definitely a mockery that a giant cannot bear.

The cruel idea just now was instantly thrown behind by One-Eyed Giant. Turning back, One-Eyed Giant rushed towards Thor in strides. Like a rhino on a rampage, he now just wants to kill Thor just like this.

And Thor smiled slightly when facing the charge of One-Eyed Giant. I took something out of my pants pocket.

That was Daisy’s stun gun, and this was his last resort.

Thor, who has been broken and doesn’t know how many bones, can even stand by holding the car to do it. So, what can he do to fight this angry giant?

Daisy’s stun gun is actually just a joke. It was a joke of contempt for Death. In the last stage of his life, he didn’t think about how to drag out an ignoble existence. But thinking about how to stop this giant for a while.

Even if it is burning oneself this last little bit of time, he is willing to do so.

And the reason he did this is not for other, but for the innocent. For his beloved woman. As long as Jane has a little chance to escape the danger, he is willing to exchange everything.

The stun gun was shot on One-Eyed Giant’s skin. But the electric current that can shock the normal person in the past has not produced even a little muscle twitch. The One-Eyed Giant still rushed forward unabated, and at the same time, the sturdy trunk-like arms with the sound of howling wind fiercely drew Thor’s body.

Thor’s body flew out again. And this time, he has no more power to stop One-Eyed Giant.

His body has run out of oil, and even his heart has begun to lose the power to beat. Death was already embracing him, because hallucinations began to appear before his eyes.

A life like a revolving lantern flashed past his eyes quickly. Asgard, his father, his mother, his brother and his comrades-in-arms, until finally fixed on Jane.

In fantasy, he seemed to see Jane smiling and stretching out his arms towards him, as if to welcome his return. But even if he used the last strength of oneself to stretch out his arm, he wanted to hold her hand. But in the end, he could only grab a piece of air in vain.

He really wanted to say sorry to Jane, but now he can only say this to her in the illusion and in his heart.

Regret became the last feeling in his heart. And he plunged into endless darkness with such feelings.

Thor’s story should actually be over here. But at this last moment, there is always a miracle born.

Mjölnir, the Mjolnir who was sealed by Odin, once again felt the aura of his former master when Thor’s life passed away.

It discriminates Thor’s soul, examines his soul and his qualifications. When it judged that the qualities he possessed met the requirements of Odin, the father of the gods, it was cut off, and the connection with Thor was once again linked.

This is the last chance Odin, the father of the gods, gives to oneself’s son, and it is also his last hope for oneself’s son.

A king who doesn’t know how to sacrifice is definitely not a good king. A Thor who has nothing to protect is not worth entrusting his own throne to him.

He exiled his own son and deprived him of everything. It also gave him hope of returning. When he can fight for what oneself wants to protect and sacrifice for it. Mjölnir will answer his call again.

The thunderbolt’s thunderbolt began to sound out of thin air, and the billowing dark clouds began to surge in the sky. Mjölnir, who had been lying quietly in the deep pit, jumped into the air at this moment, and flew towards the town in the direction of the lightning guard and thunderbolt.

Thor, who has fallen into the kingdom of Death, felt Mjölnir’s call. Mjölnir, who possessed incredible magical powers, pulled Thor’s soul little by little out of the quagmire of Death.

When the thunderbolt and lightning struck, Thor, who was already dead, violently stretched out his hand. Then he held Mjölnir flying in the air.

Immediately afterwards, a huge thunderbolt dazzlingly shot out from the dark clouds. The slash hit Mjölnir, and God’s Force, the thunder blocked above Mjölnir, completely returned to his master under the buff of this lightning.

The power of Thor began to flow in Thor’s within the body, making him instantly come back to life, transforming from a mortal into a God again. At the same time, Mjölnir’s power began to emerge completely.

A layer of fine scale armor little by little covered Thor’s body, and finally formed a mighty Combat Armor with a red cloak. That is the armor of Thor, the God Combat Armor formed by the power of Mjölnir. When Thor wore this Combat Armor, it also meant that God of Thunder Thor, who once smashed Asgard, had come to life and returned to this World again.

The first thing after returning, Thor was to smile at the frightened One-Eyed Giant, and then slammed Mjölnir out of his hand.

Mjolnir is a divine object created by the collapsed Star Core heart. Its power is incomparable, and it can almost smash mountains and rivers. So, when its goal is a small giant, the result is already very obvious.

With one blow, the giant instantly turned into a muddy puddle that is difficult to distinguish. Then he took Mjölnir back, and Thor flew his hammer and took off under the leadership of Mjölnir.

This giant is just the beginning, and all giants in this town will suffer the same fate as him. This is the feast of Thor’s return and the turning point of this war.

Because of Thor’s intervention, the war between humans and giants finally took the most critical turning point. The human side finally began to reverse the situation.

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