Sun God Marvel

Chapter 358

Zhou Yi’s silhouette suddenly disappeared where he had just stayed. But after a long time, a creepy silhouette groped surreptitiously.

She looked at the place where Zhou Yi had just disappeared, holding a cellphone in her hand and turning on the lights and swiping back and forth. It wasn’t until it was confirmed that Zhou Yi was not in this place, the crept guy took a sigh of relief and muttered.

“It’s really a big discovery. I caught a real Superhero. But who would it be?”

She muttered, and her fingers felt like convulsions. Facing the own cellphone is a crazy press. After a while, she let out a loud cheer.

“Aha, I found you.”

At this time, when you look at her cellphone, you will find that all Zhou Yi’s identity information has appeared on her cellphone screen. Not only Zhou Yi’s current identity, but even his resume of all his past. All appeared on this cellphone.

While flipping the content on the cellphone, this method has been obviously unusual and the woman uttered an interesting self-talk.

“It’s getting more and more interesting. The board member of the corona is actually like Bruce. Wayne is a guy with a secretly special identity. This kind of thing can be encountered by me, it looks like today It’s really a lucky day. Very good, Zhou Yi. Let me expose your true colors and see who you are?”

The anxious Zhou Yi never knew how oneself was actually caught An ordinary woman stared at it and regarded it as her next goal. Now all his spirits are placed on Susan’s safety.

He was worried about what Victor would do to Susan at this time, so he rushed to his old apartment as quickly as possible.

He didn’t mean to knock on the door to disturb Susan. Zhou Yi didn’t want her to know that someone was hitting her idea. So he stood in a hidden corner, scanning all suspicious things around him.

Soon, he found something wrong. Some things with strange power were quietly placed all around his apartment by someone with a heart. Obviously, Victor in the dark was planning to do something to Susan living in the apartment through these things.

However, whatever they want to do. It is impossible at this time.

Extending the take action and pressing it on the wall of the apartment, Zhou Yi silently mobilized the own divinity, giving this apartment special power through the power of power.

Under Zhou Yi’s power, this old apartment where he once lived will become a special Holy Land. It is full of his divine power, which is enough to make anyone with bad intentions taste the heaviest price.

And all this was done without Susan’s knowledge. Zhou Yi didn’t want these things beyond her knowledge to appear in Susan’s world. He felt that oneself had an obligation to maintain her current peaceful life. Whether it was Victor or other who, he didn’t want them to have any negative influence on Susan.

He already has a special feeling for Susan, so he will try to protect him anyway.

After doing everything oneself can do, Zhou Yi couldn’t help but glance at Susan. Susan at this time had already taken a shower, put on her pajamas, and lay on the bed. Tired all day long, she could not bear the drowsiness of herself within the body, and fell asleep deeply.

While watching her quiet sleep, Zhou Yi’s heart was born with a kind of unspeakable tranquility. At this moment, he even had an idea of ​​always looking at her like this. But he quickly suppressed this sudden delusion.

If Susan is alone, he is willing to do so. But what he carried was far more than just a person’s weight.

sighed, Zhou Yi just glanced at it when he came back, and left quietly. After he left, Susan didn’t know that she had dreamed of something strange, and she had a beautiful smile on her face. It should be a beautiful dream, a dream enough to make her laugh in her dream. However, what she dreamed of was probably only clear to she herself.

After disappearing for almost a long time, Zhou Yi quietly returned to the owner’s house. As soon as he walked into the living room, Ida was already sitting there, unsurprisingly, and staring straight at him. She is not the only one, she also has little by little head beside her, Serana who is about to fall asleep at any time.

Since this little Vampire was able to return to the sun, he began to find ways to compensate for everything oneself had lost in the past. She is full of curiosity about the world under the sun, so that she always likes to wander in the sun doing nothing during the day. It wasn’t until after taking the child back home that she resumed the work of one steward. Of course, by this time, she has no extra energy, so that when Zhou Yi sees her, she often looks dozing off.

They are all about to become gods, since also is so troubled. Every time he saw this look, Zhou Yi muttered in his heart. After thinking about it, he can only attribute this to habit. To adjust the biological clock that has not changed in several decades, for this little Vampire, some special methods and approaches are indeed needed. Maybe this is her method.

Giving an excuse to oneself, Zhou Yi looked at the two as if waiting for the own woman to ask.

“Why, haven’t you eaten yet?”

“Of course, you, The head of the family, haven’t come back. How dare we eat?” Ada said eccentric Zhou Yi’s accent made Zhou Yi instantly alert. He immediately searched in his heart to see what loopholes in oneself were discovered by Ada.

But after thinking and thinking about it, I didn’t find that oneself had any omission. So he immediately asked with a smile.

“Why is the tone so strange all of a sudden, right, what about the children?”

“They have a classmate who passed away today, so they went to the child’s birthday party .It is estimated that I will be back later. Yuriko will come to pick them up, so don’t worry about their safety.” Serana, who was dozing off, squinted and replied. She looks a little distressed.

“Serana, if you are sleepy, go to sleep for a while. Actually, you don’t have to wait for me.”

“That’s not going to work, Ida said, I have to I want you to recruit everything!”

Serana suddenly jumped out such a sentence, which immediately made Zhou Yi’s heart chuckle. He knew that something might have been exposed, but he still asked with a hint of luck.

“What did you recruit, did you two make a mistake? I stayed at home obediently and honestly for the past two days, and I haven’t been anywhere.”

“But not today, when I came back today, you didn’t stay at home obediently and honestly, but in a place I didn’t know!”

Ada said so abruptly In a word, he looked towards Zhou Yi with a grievance. “It’s already this time, don’t you plan to tell where you went?”

“Hey, I’m just going to pick up a friend who just returned to New York. Do you want to be like this? It makes me look like a prisoner under surveillance!”

“If I could monitor you, I wouldn’t hesitate.” Ada replied coldly, Ida rolled the eyes and continued to question Tao. “What friends, don’t tell me it is Tony also Rhodey. They are very busy now. And I guess you are not in the mood to pick up a man. Come on, which woman came to New York?”

Hearing this, Zhou Yi immediately felt the most real incredible. Even if he would not predict this kind of damned thing, how did Ada and the others guess that oneself was going to pick up Susan. If this is an instinctive induction, then this induction is too strong. With this kind of ability, what excuses will oneself think of in the future, just be obediently and honestly bluntly.

Seems to see the shock in Zhou Yi’s heart, and Ada is too lazy to dress up as God, playing the devil. He directly told Zhou Yi the reason without angrily.

“Your mother called. She asked about the condition of your two baby girls. She also questioned my identity. In addition, she asked me to tell you not to forget Susan’s Pick-up time. Humph, Susan. Isn’t that the name of the woman you met last time in United Kingdom? It doesn’t look like you guys are what I thought. It’s not related at all!”

“Does the relationship always change over time?” After smirking twice, Zhou Yi replied with a shy face, and at the same time got close to Ada and the others. I want to hug them by taking action. “I swear I didn’t do anything, just just entertain it.”

“Really?” When his fingertips got cold, Zhou Yi found a thin layer of ice blocking his tentativeness. Offense. Then he heard Ada’s cold words. “I’m really sorry, given everything you said before, I can no longer believe every word you say. So don’t touch me recently, please reflect on me obediently and honestly.”

After saying this, Ada stood up and walked towards the own room without looking back. She hasn’t been back to the own room for a long time, and by doing this now, she can almost completely show how angry she is in her heart.

But this is also what it should be. Anyone who finds out that the other half of his own greedily wants to cheat, I am afraid they will do it even more. Ada’s ability to achieve this level, instead of turning her face away, has shown that she has restrained herself.

Zhou Yi understands that all this is oneself’s mistake. But sometimes he really can’t restrain his own feelings, and of course this thing seems to be unable to restrain himself.

Thinking of this, he sighed. looked towards Selana, who still has no energy.

“If you have anything you want to say, take advantage of it if you want to scold me. At least now I have enough mental preparation!”

“I have nothing to scold you Although I am very angry, I can still accept it.” Shook the head, Selana said “own”. “As long as you handle Ada, I won’t have any problems. Although I and Ada are on the same line, I can lean towards you a little bit.”

“Serana?” Upon hearing this, Zhou Yi’s heart suddenly showed countless emotions. He wanted to take this cute little Vampire into his arms and kiss her fiercely. But before he opened his arms, Serrana dexterously turned over and escaped, and ran upstairs quickly.

At the same time, she also left a sentence that disappointed Zhou Yi.

“I’m sorry, I promised Ida. Recently, you won’t let you touch us. So, just bear it obediently and honestly!”

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