Sun God Marvel

Chapter 359

In Zhou Yi’s old apartment, Susan slept very deeply. And just where she can’t see or hear. A fluttering smoke filled in.

The smoke quietly passed through the crack of the door, and got behind the door of the apartment. Then a little drumming became a fuzzy human form.

This is a guy with sound hands and feet and blurred facial features. As soon as he appeared in the room, he looked at the all around environment, and then walked towards the bedroom. His goal is very clear, is Susan who is resting. As for what he wants to do, it is certainly not a good thing to think about it without guessing.

However, before he could take two steps, layers of golden lines suddenly appeared on the ground. Then the whole apartment was covered in an instant.

The radiance like a chain flew out directly following the traces of the lines, and then tightly entangled this smoke-like figure. Before he was struggling, he pulled and directly tied him fiercely to the ground.

The smoke-like figure was shocked and inexplicably, he just wanted to shout. A layer of flame followed the radiance chain entangled on his body directly into his facial orifices, blocking all his voices by the way.

He can only cover his own face, rolling in the fire as if suffocated. Then quietly turned into nothingness in the hall.

When all this was over, the living room of the apartment was calm again. Everything seems to have never happened, everything has been painted with terminal symbols without Susan unknown.

But for the other side, Victor as one of the parties. Feng. Dum, the things to experience have just begun.

In oneself’s most private and secret place, Victor uses the magic that oneself has learned to form a magic array. Then part of own consciousness is transformed into nothingness, something between existence and nonexistence. This thing is equivalent to another him, but it can do many things that he can’t.

For example, quietly, from under the eyelids of countless people, kidnapped a living person. This is not a difficult task for Magic Avatar, he has tried it many times in the past, and there is definitely no error at this time. However, things were completely different from what he thought.

In a few breaths, his magic Avatar was completely wiped out. And the power that destroyed his Avatar was not at all letting go, but directly passed the oneself terrifying destructive power to his body.

The feeling of burning came from the own body, which made Victor almost want roar in pain. He stuck his own throat tightly, his mouth wide open trying to scream. But from his throat, only a hoarse voice came out like dry and tearing.

Like his burned skin, all his organs in his throat and chest cavity are also being burned by the scorching heat. Almost all organic organizations are beginning to change. In the heat far beyond the flames, one piece after another burn marks appeared on every corner of his body. This made him desperate for life, but he couldn’t die anyway.

The pain of burning his body does not make him die like this. His terrifying life far beyond ordinary makes him impossible to die so simply.

He could only roll on the ground, swallowing all the pain and wailing of oneself dullly into his stomach. Then in this extremely cruel depression, I tasted more intense pain.

However, no matter how intense the pain is, it will end. When the burning sensation subsided a little bit, Victor finally let out a long breath. Then he let out a miserable, wicked howl.

At this time, he has no appearance at all. His whole body turned into terrifying burnt black, whether it was skin or muscles, even the clothes on his body were completely melted together. Pieces of things like cracked scorched shells covered his entire body, and the high temperature still remained, causing the grease that permeated from his body to make zi zi barbecues on the scorched shells. sound.

Apart from this, his body also showed a strange radiance. That is the radiance emitted from within his body, which is like the radiance of melting fire. This radiance penetrated through the thick cracked coke shell on his body, permeating out like flowing lava.

Under the background of this radiance, Victor looks more like a monster flowing with lava, rather than the handsome and determined company Boss.

Why does this happen? Victor never thought about it. And he doesn’t have any mind to think about these useless things now, he has only one mind now. That is to die.

Only Death can let him get rid of the current pain, and only Death can give him a joy.

But now it is not easy for him to want Death, because he can’t control his own body at all. The body that has become this shape is almost impossible to be manipulated again, and his nerves and muscles are almost turned into a ball of coke. This made him kneel there, savoring the pain like a sculpture.

The most ridiculous thing is that his magical power is still continuously providing him with a strong life force. Let him not die in this pain.

The molten fire radiance radiating from him within the body is his magic, and now this magic has become the source of his pain.

Victor has never been like at this time, Abomination with this magical power from penance. At this moment how he thought that oneself was just an ordinary human, not a practitioner of magic. Because this way he can die happily, or put it another way. If so, he would not cause such a disaster.

However, the bitter fruit has already developed, and he has no other choice.

He can only continue wailing in pain, and wailing in the long-awaited destruction. There shouldn’t be any other possibility, but at this time, an old voice rang in his ears.

“Let me see who this is, who is wailing in pain. So it’s you, poor little Dum, persistent little Dum, little Dum thinking about a mother Ah hahahaha, please forgive me, seeing this look of you, I really will not recognize your identity for a while!”

Hearing this voice, I was already stiff as a statue. Victor trembled fiercely, and a heavy gasp came out of his throat like a pulling bellows. He desperately wanted to roar, and he wanted to raise his head to look at the guy who appeared suddenly.

But his body makes him unable to do anything. He can only turn oneself’s burnt eyes and make a ho ho ho ho ho ho. Can only maintain oneself almost impossible to change posture.

“Oh oh oh, it’s so poor, little Dum! You look like you can’t do anything, I’m right in front of you. You’ve been looking for me for so long, don’t you want to see Look at me?”

The voice continued to act like mockery, but this time he got closer, almost in front of Victor’s eyes. To the point where he can almost feel his aura.

Victor’s emotions are getting more and more excited, but his excitement does not change the current situation in any way. Until the guy who made the old sound stretched out a hand to pinch his chin.

This hand slammed Victor’s neck hard, causing his neck to crackle like burnt wood. Pieces of scorched crumbs fell off his neck, leaving his scorched yellow neck bones exposed to the extent that they could almost be seen with naked eye. This can almost be said to be horrible, but the guy who made this kind of action did not at all react even a little bit wrongly.

He just held up Victor’s head and looked directly into his eyes. Said to him.

“It’s really miserable, little Dum. You can’t even see it, you can’t even speak. Now you, even if I appear in front of you, you have nothing at all Way. You said, what should I do to you?”

Victor’s breathing has become heavier, which is the most extreme meaning he can express. And it seems that he understood his mind, the weird guy laughed and said.

“I will give you a chance now, little Dum. You must catch him!”

He said, squeezing Victor’s chin. Then his mouth widened, and a thick black smoke sprayed directly onto Victor’s face.

In an instant, the voices of countless undead callsigns appeared in this small secret room, and the dark smoke changed into the undead flying in the callsign, swarming into Victor’s body.

That is the power that does not belong to the mortal world, but the power that belongs only to the devil. Under this power, a miracle appeared on Victor.

Black smoke travels through his body in a way that naked eye can see, every inch of his muscles and skeletons. The miraculous magic power began to repair his almost completely destroyed body. Pieces of scorched shells were hard supported by the bloody muscles and fell off, and the azure-red muscles pulsated, crawling all over his body.

Soon, his body that resembled a cracked earth became alive again, and even his eyes grew new things. But his current appearance is better than before, not at all.

If he was a cracked human sculpture before, then he is now a bloody corpse with a layer of skin peeled off. In terms of visual impact, now he is more courageous. From his personal point of view, this monster-like appearance, not at all makes him feel better. Even the nerve system he just grew out of has expanded his pain many times.

But these are not important to him anymore. All his spirit was placed on the suit and leather shoes in front of oneself, who was like an elegant gentleman.

The moment he saw his appearance, Victor almost couldn’t control own and rushed up, he grabbed his collar forcefully. A still hoarse and dry voice came from his own throat.

“It’s really you, Mephisto. I finally found you!”

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