Sun God Marvel

Chapter 373

Norman .Osborn was such a level of flattery when he opened his mouth, which really exceeded Ada’s expectations. When she wanted to come, the old Osborn who had been famous for so long should be more or less reserved, and would not be able to do things like digging people’s corners in person. But reality told her that she overestimated Osborn.

Or she underestimated Osborn. In the face of interests, this tyrant in the business world showed a benevolent attitude, not the kind of futile restraint. For people like Kilian who can bring him great benefits, he doesn’t care at all to put down his own airs and come to a courteous corporal.

This kind of person is actually quite terrifying, because you don’t even know where his bottom line is? Fortunately, Ada consciously doesn’t have too many opportunities to deal with such people.

“Mr. Osborn, you have a good reputation. Also, can we speed up the pace? Time is a little tight. I think whether it is a delay of your time or our time will not be a good thing!”

Seeing the face of the oneself female Boss, Kilian naturally knew how to be a talent is the best choice. Although Osborn is strong, he is still a bit worse than his own parents. Even more how, Zhou Yi is still his reinvention benefactor in a way.

Kilian doesn’t give him face so much, this is something Osborn did not expect. But he can’t say anything, because this is not his territory. So he could only smile and said.

“Well, I will follow your arrangement. Kilian Court Academecian!”

Kilian’s reaction made Osborn angry, but it made Ada very satisfied. She was nodded, and said to Kilian.

“I’ll leave it to you to entertain Mr. Osborn, Gillian! You can report to me directly!”

“Don’t worry, President!” Knowing the color, Kylian watched Ada go so far. Looking at the painting of the corona, Osborn’s face was even more ugly.

As the president of Osborn, but being so underestimated, the old Osborn is naturally resentful. But how did he know that oneself is just a mortal in the eyes of these two people.

Not to mention the current state of Ada that can be called Demi-God, that is, Kilian’s body transformed by the desperate situation, which far exceeds the limit of ordinary humans. They are all beings above the ordinary person, and naturally they won’t catch a cold for this kind of expert who relies on identity.

I just threw Osborn father and son to Kilian, and I am not afraid of any problems with them. Ada rushed to the company headquarters just like the scene. Today she is also busy with one thing, which is obviously more important to her than dealing with Osborn.

Reed Court Academecian’s team representatives will come to Coronation today to sign a formal cooperation agreement, and they will be received by Zhou Yi. This had to make Ada care.

When I think of Susan, a woman who only hears of her name, appear on the own site, even if it comes from a sense of territory, she must go and meet her. As for Zhou Yi’s deliberately arranging time to stagger them, it didn’t work for her.

Order the driver to rush back to the company as quickly as possible. In the eyes of many people, Ida energetic and bustling walked into the own office.

As soon as she entered the office, she saw a lady chatting and laughing with Zhou Yi happily. This is a very attractive woman, completely different from her and Serana. As soon as she saw her, Ada instinctively had a natural feeling of hostility. Needless to say, her identity is already ready to be revealed.

“This is the Storm Young Lady you often mention?” In response to Zhou Yi’s awkward eyes, Ida strode up. Inserted between the two people.

And looking at her so domineering and hostile. Susan was a little stunned at first, then suddenly realized.

She is neither deaf nor blind. She naturally knows the existence of Ada, who has always had a scandal relationship with Zhou Yi. However, she has always been very confident in Zhou Yi and does not think that Ada can be ahead of her in terms of progress. She always believes that oneself and Ada are still competitors on the starting line. As a competitor, it is normal to have some disagreements with each other.

With this recognition, Susan immediately cheered up and met the enemy.

“Hello, I think you must be Young Lady Wang. I have heard your name many times, and I have to say that you can achieve such an achievement, really is a model among us women.”

Pi Xiaorou shook hands with Susan without smiling, and Ada responded like this.

“I think you must have never heard my name from his mouth. But I think so. Anyone who is obediently and honestly will not obediently and honestly say what I’m sorry to do. Come out, don’t you think?”

When I said this, Susan instinctively felt something was wrong. Because this tone is more intimate than ordinary boy and girl friends. And she believes that oneself has not yet come to this level.

So for a while, she didn’t know how to answer this sentence.

Fortunately, Zhou Yi saw the embarrassment on the scene at this time, and stepped in in time. In fact, he himself was quite embarrassed in this matter. The two women competed in front of him, but he himself was the most helpless. No matter what he did was wrong at this time, he could only try to make them a safe distance between the two women before the conflict intensified.

“Okay, okay. Can you stop the conflict first, everyone is calm, can’t you sit down and talk about it?”

“Talk, talk about how to build you The harmonious harem?” But Ida Ke, who had blown up her hair when she saw Susan, had no such idea. It is her limit to endure Zhou Yi’s secretive heart, and she can’t accept this kind of faceless heart completely.

“Ada…..” Zhou Yi, who was not able to step down, could only call her like that. But this sound made Susan on one side somewhat uncomfortable.

“Zhou Yi, can you tell me what your relationship is?”

She opened her own eyes and asked Zhou Yi with a miserable look. In her opinion, Zhou Yi’s reaction has exceeded her psychological expectations. So she has to figure out, what is his real thoughts? Or to put it further, between her and her, which one should he choose?

This question is very fatal, because no matter what Zhou Yi answers, he will hurt one of them. And this is something he doesn’t want to see anyway. However, the current situation simply cannot tolerate his avoidance. Because they both stared at him here, watching how he would answer this question.

With a sigh, Zhou Yi smiled bitterly. But instead of changing the topic at all, he said very seriously.

“Ada is a very important person in my life. She is an inseparable part of my life.”

Although this answer is somewhat euphemistic, it is enough to explain a lot thing. Susan is not a fool, so after she heard such an answer, her face immediately became pale.

She feels that all her feelings and all her efforts have become a joke. And this joke is now like a farce, placed in front of these two people.

At this moment, she really wants to cry. But the only trace of pride and stubbornness left in her heart made her endure all the tears. She didn’t want to cry at this moment, nor could she cry. Because the two people who made her most sad were right in front of her. If she cried, she really lost. And it was a complete loss.

Looking at Susan’s pale face, Zhou Yi’s heart was also aching. He knew that oneself had hurt her, but he was more reluctant to deceive her than this kind of injury, give her a false illusion, and then cause more harm to her.

“I’m sorry, Susan. I should have told you earlier!”

“Needless to say, I’m sorry, it’s myself too stupid!” Staring at Zhou Yi with the most complicated eyes Susan desperately pulled the corner of own’s mouth. “That’s okay, isn’t it? At least I’m sober!”

“I…” opened his mouth, Zhou Yi really didn’t know what to say. He tried to comfort Susan, but before she could say anything, Susan interrupted him.

“Well, we don’t need to talk about this anymore. Mr. Zhou, this is our contract. If there is no doubt, you and Wang Young Lady can sign it!”

She took out the negotiated agreement between them, and blocked everything he wanted to say with her indifferent attitude.

Faced with her indifference, Zhou Yi could only sign the name of own with a pen. And watching him finish his own job, Susan pulled out the contract and came to Ada.

“Please, Wang Young Lady. I think our terms should not need to be negotiated.”

“Of course!” Ada simply signed the own name . At the same time speaking as a winner. “I will arrange for someone to prepare everything for you for the next thing. If you have any questions, you can contact me directly. In addition, I wish you all the best.”

“I will!” Never look again When they glanced at them, Susan left such a sentence and opened the door and went straight out. She really doesn’t have the courage to stay here any longer. She was afraid that if oneself stayed here, she would lose even the last bit of dignity.

While watching Susan rush out like this, Zhou Yi can no longer hold back oneself’s inner worry. He chased Susan and ran out, then grabbed her at the corner of the corridor.

“Susan, wait a minute. You listen to me explain!”

“Explain, how do you want to explain? Mr. Zhou? Do you think you can still do this now Explain what?”

Seeing Zhou Yi dare to chase it out, all Susan’s emotions exploded. She yelled desperately, and even attracted the attention of many people.

Many people are involuntarily watching the excitement. But after seeing the identity of the person involved, the people who came up so quietly walked away quietly.

Zhou Yi can’t control these people now, he took Susan by the arm and said to her seriously.

“I have never lied to you, Susan. I have never denied my feelings for Ada. But I have not denied my feelings for you. You should know your weight in my heart. , You can’t replace it!”

A crisp slap interrupted all Zhou Yi had to say. Susan’s face was still pale, but this time there was an unbelievable despair.

“You disappointed me too much, Zhou Yi. You made me sick!”

After saying this, she broke free of her entanglement and left without looking back. . And Zhou Yi stood there, touching the place where he was slapped, the bitterness on his face was clear and obvious.

Emotion, this is a question that no one can decide. On it, no one can always win.

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