Sun God Marvel

Chapter 374

Three weeks have passed since Susan left with almost despair. During these three weeks, Zhou Yi’s life became unexpectedly depressed.

When he thinks of hurting Susan because of oneself, Zhou Yi feels that oneself is not a thing. And this recognition was deeply recognized by the two women in oneself’s family. They all agreed that he was really not a thing when it comes to feelings. Because he didn’t fulfill the loyalty of a man, and at the same time he was overly greedy.

This judgment made Zhou Yi start self-examination. Even lived a life of thinking behind closed doors. However, his life didn’t last long, because a friend who had always been associated with trouble visited him again.

I have been here several times, and Coulson, who has become familiar with his family, appeared in front of him almost on fire, and shouted at him impatient as soon as he saw him.

“Buddy, something went wrong. I need your help!”

“I need my help, Coulson. I think you have found the wrong person!” Sitting in the quiet room Zhou Yi in there kept the oneself meditating posture, and answered without opening his eyes to Coulson who suddenly came in. “I have retired, now I am just a businessmen, not a Superhero. So unfortunately, I can’t help you much!”

“Retired, Buddy, stop cracking a joke. This It really happened!” Facing Zhou Yi’s calmness, Coulson did not raise calmly at all. “Remember the last time the Evil God named Loki appeared? He is still alive, and this time he once again Invaded our world with a group of powerful helpers. One of our important bases was completely destroyed. And there were hundreds of deaths and injuries. If you don’t take action, the situation will only get worse. Because now They have been lurking in the corner of this World, and next time they reappear, something more terrifying will happen!”

“Something more terrifying?” When it comes to casualties, Zhou Yi couldn’t help but opened his eyes. And when he heard the last, his state of mind could no longer maintain a calm state. Although he completely left this part of his life, he couldn’t help but pay attention when faced with such things. “What kind of person it is that will make you all helpless. I know that Scarlet Witch is yours, even she can’t solve Loki them?”

Others don’t know, Zhou Yi is very clear. . Although Loki’s strength is good, and it is God’s body. But if you really want to face Scarlet Witch, it really doesn’t necessarily mean who wins. Coupled with Quicksilver sweeping the formation on one side, he is almost impossible to win.

Hearing this, Kelsen immediately gave a wry smile.

“Wanda has already fought Loki and the others, but she was completely defeated and is still being treated in our hospital. If it weren’t for Quicksilver to rescue her in time, even we would be impossible to save her!”

“How is this possible, how can Loki defeat Wanda?”

Coulson’s answer made Zhou Yi feel the most truly incredible. Although Wanda is only a Mutant, her ability to modify reality is not something that Loki’s illusion can deal with. No matter how good his own ability is, no matter how powerful the magic is. Against Wanda, it is absolutely impossible to win, let alone hurt her seriously.

“The guy Loki came with a helper this time, a strange-looking guy. With a big hammer, he hurt Wanda seriously and killed him all the way from our surroundings. Come out. He is very powerful, very powerful. I even suspect that no one but you is his opponent. Even Hulk will not work!”

When Zhou Yi didn’t believe it, Coulson said directly The real situation. Upon hearing this, Zhou Yi’s suspicion deepened.

He stood up and said this to Coulson.

“Take me there, I’ll go and see for myself!”

As long as Zhou Yi can tell Zhou Yi, Coulson who comes to rescue the soldiers will naturally have no problem. There was almost no reporting procedure, so he took Zhou Yi to the intensive care unit of SHIELD internal hospital.

As soon as he entered the ward, Zhou Yi saw Scarlet Witch —— Wanda lying on the bed dying, almost relying on the help of various instruments to maintain oneself’s life stability.

Just looking at it, Zhou Yi found that Wanda’s situation Coulson was not exaggerating. He even said that what he said also was overly optimistic. In his eyes, Wanda’s Fire of Life was already weak to a certain degree, and might even be extinguished at any time. If it weren’t for her body to be far beyond ordinary people, she wouldn’t even be able to support him.

Stepping forward, Zhou Yi still wants to take a closer look at Wanda’s injury. But his younger brother Quicksilver immediately stopped him.

“What do you want to do?”

Failing to protect the own elder sister, this kind of thing makes Quicksilver very self-blame. So at this time, he was like a mother beast that was irritated to protect her cubs, gnawing at anyone who came close to his elder sister.

“If you want to watch your elder sister go on like this until Death, please feel free!”

Zhou Yi, who was in a bad mood, looked at Quicksilver in front of oneself I stopped and looked at him condescendingly and said lightly.

When he heard what he said, Quicksilver hesitated, then cast a cry for help at Coulson. Now he is very confused, so he can’t judge calmly.

“Pietro, only he can help you elder sister at this time!”

Coulson’s words made Pietro make up his mind. He let his own body open, and then still kept his watchful eyes Staring closely at Zhou Yi. Once he has any wrong actions, he will immediately act to rescue Wanda.

Looking at Quicksilver who is one glare like a tiger watching his prey like this, Zhou Yi just smiled disdainfully. If it turns out, he may also be able to rescue people from the owner, but now he doesn’t think about it.

The ability of trifling to slow down is not enough in front of him. Even after being stripped of this shell, Quicksilver was not as good as a well-trained ordinary person in his eyes.

Just talk about it and do it. There is absolutely no need for Zhou Yi to do anything to Wanda in order to verify this problem. Everyone is an adult, and so on and so on are basically impossible. So the only thing he is doing now is to rescue Wanda.

Most of Wanda’s injuries come from real physical trauma, but also part of it comes from a mysterious force. This is a very powerful force. Although weak, it is hidden in Wanda’s body like a bone maggot. And it was this power that suppressed Wanda’s own superpower and prevented her from repairing herself.

Without self-repair, Wanda’s body can only endure the real trauma from the body and cannot get better at all.

Reaching out and holding Wanda’s hand, Zhou Yi tried to infuse the own life divine force into it. But as soon as his divine force entered, the mysterious power lurking within the body immediately rioted. These rare forces are unimaginable and destructive, and almost instantly defeated the divine force that Zhou Yi poured in, and then unscrupulously rioted within the body of Wanda.

Wanda’s fragile body at this time couldn’t withstand the damage caused by this power runaway. Just breathing, her body immediately swayed, and then one after another crack appeared in her Above the body surface, the radiance of faint purple penetrated through the gaps in her body surface.

It makes her look weird and scary, like a porcelain doll about to be broken.

And seeing her look like this, Quicksilver yelled immediately.

“What have you done, let me let her go!”

As he said, he rushed up and wanted to take his elder sister from Zhou Yi’s hands Save it. But at this moment Zhou Yi, who is in deep thought because of the tricky situation in front of him, doesn’t want who to make trouble.

With a hand, the power from time and the void was displayed together, and the Quicksilver that entered the oneself speeding domain was pulled out in an instant, and then pressed firmly against the wall.

Quicksilver didn’t even know what happened, and discovered the fact that oneself has been controlled to death. Anxious, he still wanted to yell, but Zhou Yi, who directly cut off the air by telekinesis, cut his voice directly.

“Give me a peace!”

Threw away this sentence, Zhou Yi didn’t even look at Quicksilver and rolled up his own sleeve at a glance, then reached out and held it down. Wanda’s chest.

The endless divine force surged in, and the Life Power from the sun, like an army, directly filled every inch of Wanda’s body.

Despite the powerful and unimaginable power of these unknown origins, facing such a huge Life Power, it is still unsustainable and slowly showing a decline.

They were driven to the corners of Wanda’s body little by little, and then the divine force swarmed to wipe them out completely in a posture of encirclement and suppression.

And when these stubborn powers were completely wiped out, the divine force of life finally showed its magical power on Wanda’s almost broken body.

Wanda’s almost broken body was repaired with a naked eye visible in front of the sun-like life divine force. Not only the surface of her body, but also the power of her body within the body, is also gradually awakening in front of this huge life divine force.

Wanda, who has been in the most perfect state, naturally won’t have the probability of continuing to fall into a coma, so she blinked and regained from the coma caused by the previous serious injury.

“Damn, where am I?”

A faint voice came out of her mouth. Although she is physically healthy, she is still mentally weak. There is a feeling of recovery from a long illness.

“You are in heaven! Congratulations, you are not bad. Now tell me who in the end hurt you like this. Also, what is that power?”

“Ha, what the hell?” Wanda, who had recognized Zhou Yi from the confusion, was a little confused at once, Zhou Yi’s joke was too cold, so she didn’t know for a moment What to say. Fortunately, Coulson walked up at this moment.

“Wanda, you were rescued by Zhou Yi. You were badly injured before.”

“Well, thank you so much. But really , I really didn’t think about it.”

Wanda finds it hard to believe that oneself was saved by others, but now that this matter is already in front of her, then she has nothing to say, just Thank you for being able to send own.

For this kind of thanks, Zhou Yi doesn’t care much. Instead, continue to ask the previous questions.

“This is not important, tell me. Information about the guy who hurt you!”

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