Sun God Marvel

Chapter 375

“The guy who hurt me?” Thinking back to what happened before, Wanda’s heart lingered immediately. “That man is too powerful, I am really not his opponent!”

“With your ability, I would not be an opponent?” Even though the person concerned said that, Zhou Yi still couldn’t believe it. Because this is really weird. With her ability to distort reality, even if she can’t beat her, can she still run?

“No, not at all. My attack was of no use to him, and it was just a moment. I didn’t even have a chance to react, so I was completely defeated.”

Wanda narrates the whole process of oneself being defeated, and this process is a bit brief in the ears of the observers. They could hardly believe that the first battle strength inside SHIELD was so weak. And if according to this, the enemy’s strength has completely exceeded expectations.

“Do you remember what the guy who beat you looked like?”

“Yes, I remember very clearly, that person is very special. His skin seems to be blue Yes, and his body is very strong. He has a lot of power, I mean physical power. Because he uses the hammer in his hand to randomly swing, can cause destructive power like an earthquake. And the most special is his hand The hammer in here!”

“There is a peculiar gem on the hammer, which releases a powerful force. That power is something I can’t twist at all, and it’s the magical power. It hit me in the time I didn’t react at all, and I completely defeated me!”

It seemed to recall some terrifying thing, and Wanda’s eyes revealed involuntarily A little fear. Obviously, this powerful enemy has already made her somewhat lost.

This is normal, because even the most experienced fighter is impossible to completely get rid of this thing of fear. People who can be determined to this level are, after all, a minority among the few.

“Take a good rest, the rest has nothing to do with you. The most important thing for you now is to cultivate!”

patted Wanda’s shoulder, let her obediently and Lie down on the bed honestly. Zhou Yi stood up and walked outside the door.

Quicksilver, which was hung on the wall just now, has been released. Then, he immediately rushed towards the own elder sister. Not stupid, he didn’t have the idea of ​​finding Zhou Yi to settle the accounts, and in his heart, taking care of the elder sister is the most important thing now.

The two siblings who have been impossible to defeat the enemy are not the core that Coulson needs to pay attention to. In order to prevent such a powerful enemy from continuing to appear and cause more terrifying disasters, he closely follows Zhou Yi. After they walked out of the ward, he said to him impatiently.

“You heard, Buddy. Now we need you, and you are our only hope at the moment.”

I took out a cigarette from my pocket and silently Point to oneself. Zhou Yi was silent for a while before giving Coulson such a reply.

“I’m sorry, Buddy, I’m afraid I can’t help you this time!”

“What, what did you say?” Upon hearing this suddenly, Coulson even thought he was own The ear is wrong. He asked quickly, wanting to ask for proof. “Are you joking with me? Buddy, it’s not funny to say this kind of joke at this time?”

“This is not a joke, Coulson.” After a deep breath, Zhou Yi raised his eyebrows. The wrinkles are deep. “I have promised that I will never do this kind of thing again. The identity of Dawn Knight has disappeared from in this world, do you understand? He is impossible to reappear and will never reappear!”

“Damn, what the hell are you thinking about? This is not something that can be messed up, it’s a matter of life, do you understand? This is a major event that could kill hundreds of innocents a second later For the sake of this, can’t you let your damn promise go to hell?”

Zhou Yi’s attitude caused Coulson’s emotional outburst, and his outburst also made until Now Zhou Yi, whose emotions are not very right, also broke out.

“Damn promise? This is really ridiculous! Who forced me to quit this World, who shouted all over the world that I don’t need me? All my efforts have been denied, they would rather I believe some people’s advocacy and I don’t want to believe what I have given. In this case, why didn’t I follow their wishes and live my own life?”

“Please, Zhou Yi. You yourself know it too, They are all deceived, and they are also motivated by others. They don’t even know that oneself needs you. And if you really just leave, don’t you say what those people like? You’re so happy to watch Do those guys who secretly play crafty plots and machinations laugh smugly?”

“I don’t want them to be smug, but Coulson. Is it so cheap that I can come with my call by them like this? Go now?”

“Buddy, this is not right! Your idea is wrong, completely wrong?” Coulson waved his own arm excitedly. He felt that his own friend had already taken a path he least wanted to see, so he had to bring him back in time before he could go further.

“You are our hero, the hero who saved countless people. Your value is unquestionable, and you don’t need anyone to recognize it. You don’t need to care about anyone’s vision, you just do Good you yourself. Believe me, everything you do will be remembered in the future. Now those ordinary persons who are against you and denounce you will all be ashamed of their choices now.”

“But if you choose to stand by, how do you let those people see you? How do you let people in the future see you? At that time, all your hard work is completely lost.”

Squeezed out the cigarette butt in oneself’s hand, Zhou Yi shook his head and closed his eyes.

“Coulson, you are right about one thing. I really don’t need to care what others think of me. I’m tired and I don’t want to fight for those people anymore. And I don’t I need all the comments from those people also in the future. Whether it’s praising me or slandering me. Everything is over!”

“You bastard, you are evading .You are evading your responsibility, your destiny. Do you really want to see this World destroyed? Do you really want to see those who have always supported you completely disappointed in you?”

Coulson, who was stimulated by Zhou Yi’s words to the limit of his senses, could no longer suppress oneself’s inner anger. He ignored the gap between oneself and Zhou Yi, so he rushed up and grabbed Zhou Yi’s collar. Yelled at him.

His roar attracted the attention of many people, and many people were curious or surprised. However, Zhou Yi as the party concerned is calm and strange.

He didn’t say a word, but silently took Coulson’s hand, and then lightly tore him off his own collar.

Even though Coulson tried all of oneself’s strength, he wanted to maintain this kind of action. But under Zhou Yi’s actions, he is basically impossible to do all this.

“Sorry, Coulson. Just think of me as an escape, just as a cowardly bastard. I can’t help you with this. You should think of another way!”

He gave a slight push after he said this, and the tremendous power made Coulson retreat involuntarily.

When he finally took hold of his body and allowed oneself to stand firm again. Zhou Yi has completely disappeared from his eyes.

He has determined not to do such things again. And once he made such a decision, no one could influence him and stop him.

Coulson knows and understands this very well. So he could only vent all his anger on the wall behind oneself, which was just a round of punches and kicks.

The body of an ordinary person is naturally not an opponent of a hard wall, he is completely venting his anger, he let oneself fist torn skin and gaping flesh in a few clicks, blood flowed.

Such a situation scared many to-and-fro nurses. No one has ever seen Coulson like this before. Many people want to stop his self-harm, but in the current atmosphere, they can’t take this step.

So until the end, Coulson oneself eased over. This scary situation is considered to disappear in the gaze of these people.

First, looking around all around the crowd of onlookers, Coulson put on an extremely nasty tone for the first time and shouted at these people.

“What are you looking at? What’s so beautiful. Let me do all of my own things. The things here have nothing to do with you!”

Coulson, who has always been a good person, is like this Many people have realized that the situation has become very serious. And they, who didn’t want to get involved in this kind of big trouble, walked clean in a short time.

And until this time, Coulson was very weak and sighed. He squatted down, then leaned softly against the wall, and slid down the wall and sat on the ground little by little.

The dirty blood stained his clothes, but he didn’t care about the situation at all. He took out the cellphone, and immediately contacted the Chief-In-Charge of all current events.

“Sorry, sir. Zhou Yi refused, he is not willing to participate in this kind of thing anymore.”

This is very bad news, even if it has been Nick Fury, who is very disgusted and hostile, thinks so too. And like Coulson, when he heard the news, his reaction was oneself whether he heard it wrong.

“Phil, did you make a mistake. You said he refused, how is this possible?”

until now, Zhou Yi does not ask for anything in return, almost completely dedicated heroic deeds Fascinated everyone’s eyes. Including Nick Fury believes that he will stand up in this kind of crisis and continue to stay at the forefront of the crisis as before. Even after he suffered so many unfair treatment.

However, reality has told them. They are really thinking too good.

Dawn Knight is not a tireless machine. He has his own thoughts and emotions. After experiencing these, he can no longer do the same things as before.

For those who have never thought about this, after getting the most accurate answer, the only reaction is regret and unspeakable upset and irritability.

A punch on the table in front of oneself, Nick Fury showed an unprecedented anger. This is for Zhou Yi, for some people, and for his own. However, it is too late. In the face of the current crisis, they have lost the most powerful barrier.

How to deal with what may happen next will be the most serious test they will face.

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