Sun God Marvel

Chapter 378

The complicated relationship and serious consequences make the super-powerful people summoned by SHIELD have to seriously consider Nick Fury’s suggestions.

Should they unite to fight against this already exaggerated terrorist opponent like Demon King?

Some people have already moved, but some people remain unmoved. Teammates always need to be trusted, but these people inside obviously have no basis for mutual trust. Everyone is watching me and I watching him. The common identity between them not at all allows them to have the expected trust between them.

And the least gregarious among them is Tony, the narcissistic guy.

The consistent self-confidence for own made him care about the strength of the enemy at all, so at this time, he didn’t mention the so-called unity, but asked directly.

“Do you know where those guys are now? I think we should act as soon as possible and don’t waste time.”

“Stark, we need to plan. Even if we know Their position, you rushing up like this is also bring about one’s own destruction!” Captain has always had a problem with Stark’s natural escape, Tony is so, Tony’s father Howard is the same. So as soon as Tony finished speaking, he immediately said to him with a strong attitude.

“Don’t crack a joke, Mr. Captain. We are not an army. Obeying orders and commands has nothing to do with us. And really, I want to be with you. I think my danger is even greater. Besides, I don’t have much time to save others when I protect my own.”

“Do you really think that oneself can save the world? This is not a Hollywood movie script!” For Tony’s statement, someone stood on Captain’s side with a clear-cut stand. That’s SHIELD’s agents, Natasha and the others must be on Captain’s side.

“However, we have never had the so-called cooperation. It is even more nonsense to say that we are united and so on. Moreover, there are only two enemies! Instead of wasting time here, we might as well just rush to them. Surprisingly. Even if he is strong, there is no hope for two people against a group of people.”

Dr. Banner also expressed his own attitude, he did not trust the official, so here he chose Tony’s statement .

Before seeing the enemy, these guys had a huge conflict of ideas. Although also people did not express their own attitude, Director Fury felt that even if they expressed their position, the situation would only get worse, not better. So he immediately stopped them from continuing to speak, but directly said everything that oneself knew.

“We have scanned all the wirelessly readable cameras that can be scanned in the world, and we have the most sophisticated analysts in our hands set up a special investigation team. Finally we came to the conclusion that they have It may appear in this place.”

“Germany, a private laboratory here has the most abundant iridium reserves in the world, and we analyzed according to the data left by Selvig Court Academecian, if they want to use If the universe magic cube does something, it must get these things.”

“So, what we have to do is to wait and see? What are you waiting for, wait for them to get everything they want? ?” Hearing Fury reveals where the target might appear, Tony, who had already been waiting impatiently, pushed his chair away and walked outside the door.

And before he could walk out the door, Captain was already in front of him.

“Stark, don’t you think your behavior like this is too arrogant and reckless?”

“Please, I really can’t talk about going with you Old Antique You call it reckless. I think it’s a tactical assault. Since we can’t talk about going together, then I think it’s better for me to act alone!”

Tony pressed Captain’s shoulder, Wei Wei With a smile, he pushed him aside.

“Stark, you are cracking a joke with your own life.”

“That’s also a matter of myself, but thank you for your concern.”

Having said this, Tony had already walked out the door. The Iron Man Suit, which was renewed for another generation, was instantly worn on his body, and his whole person also left SHIELD’s Helicarrier in the jet of tail flames, and galloped towards Europe.

Looking at Tony who just started acting alone, Captain scolded. Then immediately shouted to Fury.

“Arrange for a plane, I need to get to Germany as soon as possible.”

“The plane can take off at any time, but is it okay for you to go alone?”


Tony alone is enough to make Fury feel bad. If you add a Captain, the loss is really too great. Losing two special characters in a row, even in his identity will feel tremendous pressure.

“Plus, can I do it, I think if I go with me, there should be some safety guarantee!”

Banner also said at this time, with him and With Jennifer’s joining, the situation has improved a lot anyway. And then Barton and Natasha followed his words.

“Also we, at least we must have someone who drives a plane.”

“If you don’t mind, you can count me as one. This is my first trip abroad. Yeah!” The little spider also raised his hand. As for the Mutant siblings, they stood directly behind Captain.

“So what are you still worried about? It’s not the first time I went to Germany!”

Seeing this, Captain suddenly had some confidence in his heart. He gestured to Fury like this, his whole person looked vigorous.

And hearing this, Fury finally showed some smiles on his face, which was as dark as the bottom of the pot.

“Then I beg you, besides. I’ll make a bet with you, Captain. I’ll bet ten dollars, and you can come back more than one person.”

“I bet We can at least bring one more back!”

High-five with Director Fury, Captain took such a team that had just gathered on the plane, chased Tony, and flew in the direction of Germany. past.

And looking at the plane that quickly disappeared in front of oneself, Fury’s face was meaningful. This plane is not only full of Superhero, but also full of their hopes.

To entrust the future of mankind to these people is just a helpless act. But at this time, they have no more choices. So they can only pray, pray that these Superheros can live up to their trust.

But the result is such that it really doesn’t make people feel optimistic. Therefore, Fury is still making his best efforts. And this last effort will only depend on whether Coulson and Commander Hill can achieve effective breakthroughs.

For insurance, SHIELD also has another and final plan. That is to continue the work of persuading Zhou Yi before. Nick Fury’s right-hand man and arms were dispatched together, hoping to persuade Zhou Yi to reappears as Dawn Knight before everything has deteriorated to the worst situation, to bear his own responsibility.

But this time is worse than last time, because they can’t even find Zhou Yi’s person this time. Just connect with them, and Ada did it for him.

But they didn’t give up at all, but they could indirectly influence Zhou Yi by persuading Ada, the closest people around Zhou Yi, to change his own decision.

As for their thoughts, Ada, who has received some news, has already guessed almost, so seeing their immediately, she made her own attitude.

“If you come to him, I’m sorry, he is not here, and I don’t know where he went.”

“Ada, we are here Yours. Some things may need your help!” Coulson said, thanks to some friendship between oneself and Ada.

But Ada shook the head immediately.

“Sorry, if you want me to persuade him to do that kind of dangerous work again. I’m sorry, I won’t do this kind of thing.”

“Why?” Coulson, who didn’t understand Ada’s answer, called out immediately. “Do you know what his responsibility is? Ada, if he doesn’t show up anymore, do you know how many innocent people will die in this world?”

“Really, that’s with me It doesn’t matter!” Flicking his own fingers, Ada showed a completely indifferent attitude. “Even in today’s world, I don’t know how many people will die inexplicably every day. Accidents, murders, wars, almost every second will die. So there is him without him, in fact, the impact on this World is not great. , Isn’t it?”

“No, of course not!” Feeling Ada’s contempt for life, Coulson immediately retorted loudly. “With him in one day, countless innocent people can be saved in this World. More people will be able to enjoy a beautiful life because of him. The value of his existence is Infinity, it is impossible to estimate, you know? Ada, help us, and sympathize with those poor innocents. This World really needs him!”

“I help you, then who will help me?” Ada fiercely at this time Sneered. “I really want to ask you to stop destroying our family’s Perfection. He finally got rid of this burden. Why did you push him to such a dangerous situation again and again.”

“Don’t you know that he is risking his life every time? You want him to die, you want our family to be fragmented. Coulson, my friend did you This level is really rare.”

Her rebuttal made Coulson blush for a while, not even knowing what to say. Because from a friend’s point of view, encouraging others to do dangerous things is already a disqualification enough. Moreover, he himself is not clear about how much utilization is involved in his request.

But Coulson has nothing to say, it doesn’t mean Commander Hill has nothing to say.

“Ada Wang, don’t you think your behavior is too selfish? For you alone, you tied him tightly to the owner. Then watch him give up oneself part of his life?”

“What do you want to say, Ms. Maria?” Ada’s expression hardened as she narrowed her eyes. “As a woman, is there any mistake in maintaining the integrity of my own family?”

“But you did this at the cost of the broken families of countless people. Maybe you are happy, but do you think Through his feelings. When countless families are displaced because of his relationship, countless wives lose their husbands, and children lose their parents, have you ever thought about how he will suffer as a result.”

“Maybe he doesn’t say anything now, but what about in the future? When he is cursed and cast aside by countless people, will he still be as indifferent as he is now?”

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