Sun God Marvel

Chapter 379

“What on earth do you want to say?”

Being unscrupulously accused in this way, Ada naturally couldn’t bear this. But from a certain rational point of view, Ada has to admit that this seemingly disgusting woman does have her reason.

No one can guarantee that there will never be conflicts in getting along with a partner. And when contradictions arise, all the forbearance between them in the past will become the biggest trigger for the intensification of contradictions.

Precaution is something that every smart person understands. As a Chinese, Ida knows an allusion. Mi Zixia, who is divided into peach love, has not been able to enjoy the favor of Wei Linggong. The goodness of dividing the peaches at the beginning became the reason for being punished in the end.

So she resisted this moment of resentment and asked what Commander Hill meant.

“What do I want to say? What I want to say is, madam! If you cherish your life now, I suggest you better understand what he thinks. Don’t let him stay Unfortunately, otherwise, your future life will be full of regrets!” Commander Hill said in a suggestive tone, but what Ida heard was a metaphorical threat. She is threatening she herself with Ada’s future, and for this threat. Although there is nothing on Ada’s face, there is already a certain touch in her heart.

However, this does not mean that she has been persuaded. In fact, at her level, it is difficult to be persuaded by others. Unless she changes in her self-perception, it will be useless for others to say anything.

“I understand what you mean, but now I think you should also leave!”

There is no change in the expression, and Ada issued the Expulsion Order. She didn’t want to continue talking to them, so letting them leave became the most reserved option.

“Ada, you can’t do this!”

Before Coulson gave a specific reason, Ida blocked what he was going to say next.

“It’s up to myself to judge what to do, but if you still don’t want to make the relationship more rigid, we won’t even have to do with friends. Then I suggest you better leave here!”

Commander Hill stopped and wanted to say something and so on Coulson, and pulled him to his feet.

“Then we will leave, but I hope you can think carefully about what I have said!”

“I will think about it clearly, then I will not send it Now.”

Watching Coulson and the others leave coldly, Ada’s face was gloomy and almost dripping. It wasn’t until they completely disappeared before Own’s eyes that she slowly let go of Own’s frowning brows.

At this time, the two cups of coffee in front of her had frozen through from the inside to the outside, and even just now, a layer of frost had spread quietly on the floor where Coulson and them were. Ada has been restraining oneself, but it has almost reached the limit. If Coulson and the others continue to stay in this place, it is difficult to say clearly what Aidade will do.

Fortunately, they left in time.

Rubbed the corners of own eyebrows, so that the entangled heart of own was slightly relieved, Ida said to the corner of the room.

“You said, do they make sense?”

“Ada, this requires your own judgment. You should know that I have never done anything like this What do you think?” Selana’s voice came from the corner. She has been hiding in the corner silently, without letting anyone discover her existence. And it wasn’t until Ida started to ask her that she started to express her own opinions. “But I think they have some truth in what they said. Although I don’t know if we are doing it right or not, but I know that he was not happy at all recently.”

“He is not happy, I still I’m not happy!” With a suffocated breath, Ada asked Serana again. “That said, you also think what they said is reasonable. I really shouldn’t restrict him like this. Instead, I should let him continue to **** that damn job?”

“Really, At least it’s better than it is now.” Selana shrugged, expressing oneself’s final meaning. “Our lives are already in a mess. So anyway, we’d better solve this problem as soon as possible!”

This problem has given their special family a little bit Instability, even for this, it is time to solve this problem.

“Okay, okay. We should definitely solve this problem. However, you go and tell him, or I will go.”

“Of course it is you, but I People who don’t know anything, don’t understand anything. And this family can count on talking, isn’t it you?”

“Damn it, why I think I really want to be sold by you “

“This is all your illusion, Ada. In short, now you should go to him and make it clear. I don’t want any cracks in our home.”

Instigated by the always confused little Vampire, Ada reluctantly walks towards Zhou Yi’s hiding place. His underground laboratory is also the only place in this home that is not suitable for them to set foot in.

There is a woman who is still asleep, who doesn’t even know if she can wake up. She has a very special identity, and almost has an unshakable position in Zhou Yi’s heart. So under normal circumstances, Ada is reluctant to go to that place. But this time is different, and she has a lot to overcome this time. So I don’t care about this little estrangement.

The sturdy barrier is being cracked little by little, but it is completely falling apart, also a long distance away. Therefore, the Superhero who are already far away in Germany at this time are afraid they can’t wait.

In fact, they really can’t wait. Because the target has already appeared. When their goal is reduced to a country or even a region. The wireless camera that was monitored all the way finally came into play.

Loki, this guy who is no stranger to many people was easily spotted. Or to put it another way, this Evil God from Asgard didn’t mean to cover up oneself’s whereabouts at all. He just appeared on the street in a suit and leather suit. And it doesn’t care about possible surveillance.

This kind of contempt and provocative behavior naturally made the monitors angry, but at the same time they also felt a special kind of luck. Because in any case, the enemy’s underestimation is their chance. And SHIELD, who was already fully prepared, did not waste this rare opportunity at all. In the shortest time, they sent Loki’s coordinates to the plane where the Captain group was.

And Tony, who knew the news earlier through Jarvis, had already rushed to where the target appeared. Of course, when he arrived at the place, he was still a little late.

Even though Loki is still there, he has already done some heinous things. In the presence of a group of celebrities from all walks of life who attended the banquet, he took off one person’s eyes on the spot, and announced something somewhat ridiculous to this group of celebrities with an unbelievable attitude.

He asked them to make a choice, whether it was Death or the acknowledge allegiance to him. As a subject under his rule.

In this World today, how many people would servilely serve as slaves to others is something that cannot be verified. But what is certain is that in this case, among the celebrities who are highly educated and until now expert, there will definitely be one or two hard bones. And hard bones, never accept threats, even Death.

So when Loki threatened everyone here with terror, when he bowed most of them to the ground. An old man who seemed to be very determined stood up and said to him without fear.

“I have seen countless idiots like you. And people like you often have only one end, and that is to become a bone under the wheel of history. Although I am old, I am not old yet. Confused to the point of acknowledging allegiance to a shelf of bones that is destined to decay!”

“It’s an ignition is a bliss, you don’t seem to realize what kind of existence you are facing!” With a strangely shaped scepter, Loki smiled slightly on his face and stretched out his hand to the old man. “I am a god and your destined king. You mortals should be ruled by existences like me. Now you want to defy your own destiny. Haven’t you ever thought about what price you will pay? ?”

“At worst is death. At my age, will you still be afraid of this?” The old man is still tough, just like what he said, once people of his age look at Death, There is really nothing to fear anymore.

“I admire your courage, sir! But, I always need to teach others a lesson, killing the chicken to warn the monkey. Chicken undying, how can monkeys know to be afraid?”

With a weird grin on his face, Loki directly waved the scepter in his hand at the old man. Suddenly, a peculiar blue radiance came out, and the target was the straight old man.

The old man is no longer afraid of life and death, but others are not. Seeing Loki’s fierce take action, many people exclaimed. Many people think that old people must die or not. But the situation is always unexpected.

Because at this time, a galloping silhouette suddenly appeared in midair and forcibly blocked the attack.

The formidable power of the scepter is very limited. What a devastating blow to this sudden appearance of silhouette not at all. So just after a few laps in the air, the guy who appeared suddenly stabilized his body.

Needless to say, the only thing that can appear at this time is Tony who has left everyone alone.

Checked the Mark 4th generation on oneself, the Nanominium shell that has just been upgraded successfully at this time shows an extraordinary amount of defensive power. Except for some loss of balance just now, it simply caused no harm. This made Tony’s inner self-confidence immediately burst into growth.

At the moment, he is standing in midair. Shouted at Loki below.

“Hey, it’s you, a silly-looking guy. You want to be the king of mankind. Do you know what will happen to someone who wants to be a king without a public recommendation?”

“What’s the end?” Looking at the humans who had stood up because of the appearance of Iron Man, Loki smiled evilly.

“Of course, plunge into the ocean of the people, and then taste the iron fist of the people. Believe me, you will be miserable. Because now you are surrounded by the people, if I were In your case, surrendering obediently and honestly is the better choice!”

Tony stretched out his palm while talking. The light-speed cannon with full power radiated bright radiance in his palm, and only after he gave an order, it would shred the enemy in front of him.

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