Sun God Marvel

Chapter 387

The little spider feels that oneself has seen through the selfish nature of these teammates. Most of them don’t have the consciousness of being a Superhero at all. In the face of real danger, they simply can’t bear to own interests. .

This made the young spider look down on these guys in mind’s eye, and he even started to regret that oneself would join this organization.

At this time, he has already thought about it, even if he is found to settle accounts by spelling when the time comes, he has to act alone and do something oneself can do.

And just when he was about to move, Captain’s voice suddenly came over.

“Wait, Parker! We have a way to stop them.”

As soon as the words came out, more than one person looked towards them and was brought back to them by Quicksilver. Captain by your side. They both felt that the battle between Hulk and Iron Man was meaningless and dangerous. In this kind of battle, the most correct decision is only to be called to stop.

“I said I have a way to end the battle, but now we must stop them first.”

Captain raised his head and watched the battle become more intense Tony and Hulk of, deeply blamed themselves in their eyes. This battle is actually completely unnecessary, if they can be more thorough.

“Captain, you don’t want oneself to send it home. If that’s the case, I really don’t think it would be a good idea!”

Barton said with an open mouth There was an unacceptable sentence. After hearing this, Natasha and Wanda, who had disappeared from nowhere, walked over. replied.

“Of course not, the truth is that we have some key things.”

“Okay, but how to stop them?” Patton glanced at the two monsters. Draw an arrow. “You said that if I shoot them like this, it will make them feel a little jealous?”

I ignored this joke, Captain held the shield and walked up.

“Quicksilver, help me. Find a chance to cut in!”

“This is not a good idea, Captain! But if you insist!” Quicksilver glanced at because The aftermath of the battle between the two guys said so after swallowing a little.

“Wanda, go to Jennifer. Let her help us. Also I know you may be tired now, but it only takes two or three seconds. Help me control them.”

“Don’t worry, I still have no problem at this point.”

Wanda’s face is a bit pale, but she is still confident. Seeing this, Captain nodded.

“Please, everyone. Now we must end this.”

The temporary Avengers moved under Captain’s orders, and Tony and Hulk at this time The battle has evolved to a fierce degree.

In their hands, an entire building was simply turned into rubble, and many floors collapsed completely. Even from the outside, more than half of this building has been completely destroyed.

In a mansion like this, Hulk and Tony are still continuing the terrifying destruction.

He smashed open the load-bearing wall of the building with a punch, and Hulk slapped Tony against the layers of gravel. The radial arc made a very deep burn mark on his hand. But his powerful recovery ability repaired this small wound in a flash.

In contrast, Tony, who was pumped away by him, would be much miserable.

His body shot through an unknown number of walls uncontrollably, and the escaping temperature directly caused a raging fire in the building. And when he finally stopped owning his body, he shot out not even think and pounced at Hulk.

At this time, his speed is amazing, and the basic power that broke out from the 4th generation of Mark alone has exceeded the limit of sound speed. Although this speed is not comparable to some guys, for Hulk, it is absolutely rapid.

Hulk’s strength is great, and its explosive speed is amazing. But when dealing with such a flexible little enemy, he is always a little weak.

This made him always be hit by Tony a few times before his brain reacted, and it was enough to make him painful.

Tony’s full-body energy burst nowadays, even a simple boxing, the Nanominium full of energy can burst out formidable power like a large explosive. So each of his attacks can be called explosive strikes. It was this kind of attack that caused the entire building to suffer.

But even with this kind of attack, if you want to defeat Hulk, the gap is still too big. Hulk’s resilience alone is a problem without Fak clothes. On the other hand, Tony was not so resistant to beatings. The Mark 4 on him was already almost reaching its limit.

But this is already a question of whether he can continue, but a question of whether he is willing to give up. And obviously, Tony was not willing to give up at all.

He continues to attack in vain. In this burst mode, although his attack is powerful, he suffers every minute and every second.

And the most regrettable thing is that his enemy is really too strong. Hulk, this wild giant who fights with anger, is not a guy he can fight against.

Tony has attacked many times, every time he made Hulk roar, and then attacked more fiercely. Every time, Tony dodged in a thrilling manner with Jarvis’ assistance. However, he was impossible to be so lucky forever, and Jarvis could not be so accurate every time.

Just when he walked around Hulk’s side, ready to attack his weakness again. Hulk, who had been slow to react, suddenly stretched out his hand like an electric switch, and violently grabbed him in his hand.

The super high temperature made his palm make a zi zi sound like a barbecue, but he smiled grinningly and remained unmoved at all.

“I caught you, small insect. Hulk is going to shoot small insect to death!”

Kneeling down, he slammed Tony to death on the floor. Hulk raised his own fist and summoned his strength to give the final blow.

Going on this fist, the 4th generation Mark, who is on the verge of collapse, has absolutely no probability of being defended. In the same way, Tony definitely only has a dead end. Everything will end, no matter what. Stark’s death in Hulk’s hands will inevitably become a shock to the entire world.

The impact it will have will be huge, no matter for that aspect. And this is definitely the last thing Captain wants to see.

So, he appeared in the position where he should appear the most when he should appear the most.

Hulk’s heavy punch did not fall on Tony’s body, but on Captain’s star shield. His heavy punch, which was enough to penetrate everything, not at all smashed this small shield, but was played the most incredible role by this magical shield.

It absorbed all the kinetic energy from the physical level, making this huge punch of formidable power completely lose its strength. With one punch, there was no sound of wind, as if nothing happened.

This made Quicksilver, who had been hiding behind Captain and suffering from the heat of Tony’s body, finally showed a little joy. But he couldn’t hold on for long, so after this fist failed, he immediately took Captain and withdrew a safe distance.

“Enough, stop. All this is Loki’s conspiracy!”

The next heavy blow, Captain roared and ordered the two to calm down. But neither Tony who was unable to move even a little bit nor Hulk in rage was very willing to listen to his orders.

Especially Hulk, after a fruitless punch, his anger raged, almost without thinking, he once again smashed oneself’s huge fist at Tony.

And this time, it is not waiting for Captain and Quicksilver to cooperate again to take the attack. The chaotic fog has surged wildly, spreading from the shadow on the ground, and quickly entangled Hulk.

The mist and black shadow entangled, turning into chains, ribbons and claws, hooking his bones, entangled his muscles, and jammed his limbs, making him instantly A statue bound to death.

At this time, Wanda, which appeared from the mist, came step by step. She stretched her hand straight in the direction of Hulk, and as her fingers quivered, the things that bound him on Hulk’s body became tighter and tighter.

“Fortunately, you came in time, Wanda!” With a sigh of relief, Captain finally let go of the boulder in his heart. But he was obviously optimistic, because Hulk screamed again at this moment.

As he roared, the strange fog and shadows on his body became fuzzy under his terrifying power. As if they are somewhere between the real and the illusion, they are obviously being counterattacked by the most real power into the emptiness they should be in.

As the initiator of everything, Wanda obviously felt the heavy pressure. Hulk’s power was almost equivalent to acting on her body, which made her body tremble. She is trying her best to deal with this difficult problem, but the results obtained are really limited.

Because she has already begun to be a little unable to restrain the angry Hulk.

All the illusory things were crushed little by little by Hulk’s power. His huge body was struggling, and his anger became more and more horrible. With this look, he had obviously exceeded the limit that Wanda could control.

“Whatever you want to do, Captain. Hurry up, I can’t control him anymore!”

She tone barely fell, Hulk broke in the angry roar It came out, with a violent imposing manner, and rushed towards Wanda. Obviously, for this controlling own woman, he has developed a violent desire for destruction.

But at this time, another support came over. Green’s silhouette rushed over from the side, and rushed out of the window of the building with Hulk.

After a while, there was a loud noise of heavy objects falling outside. And hearing this voice, Wanda’s sister and brother and Captain were sighed in relief.

In the face of such a Hulk, the pressure is really great and a bit surprising. It just made them breathless.

“Finally solved!”

“No, also one.” Captain interrupted Wanda’s words, and looked towards Tony who had just stood up hard. “Listen, Tony, you were tricked by Loki. He simply didn’t catch your lover!”

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