Sun God Marvel

Chapter 388

“What?” Tony was taken aback when he heard this. Then he looked up at Captain tightly. “What the hell is going on?”

“Listen, Tony. Pepper is not in New York at all. She is on a company inspection, and she is in Los Angeles now. So Loki shows you All of them are fake, all of them are illusions created by him!”

“How is this possible?” He took a closer look at Loki, who was always smiling and staring at oneself without saying a word. The image, and the Pepper beside him lying on the ground who only knows how to tremble. Tony had an almost crazy expression in his eyes. “These all are fake?”

“Guess what?” Loki, who had been watching Tony’s performance, had never cut off the communication at all, gave an inexplicable smile. “Know that it is not me who needs you to stop the most now, and true or false, won’t you judge yourself?”

“Captain?” Tony looked towards Captain America with difficulty, hoping to Get the most real news. And this time Captain not at all disappointed him.

He made a call directly using own internal communication, and through their internal communication device in the Avengers, Tony soon heard a familiar voice.

“Hey, this is Pepper. Poz, may I ask you?”

“Pepper?” Hearing this voice, Tony couldn’t help the great fluctuations in his heart and sent out A sound almost trembling.

“Tony, what’s wrong with you? Your voice sounds weird!”

Pepper heard Tony’s voice and felt his current abnormality. She asked quickly, but Tony gave her such an answer.

“I’m just to see if you have a rest. Okay, my signal here is not very good. I will contact you tomorrow.”

After falling, Tony’s face immediately turned into the deepest anger. He didn’t dare to expose oneself’s true feelings to Pepper, but he didn’t hide a little bit from Loki.

He has hated him, and it is the deepest kind. However, before that, he must figure out some things.

“How the hell did you do it, why I can’t contact Pepper. Also, how do you know that Pepper exists?”

“It couldn’t be easier to see your heart The question is, Tony Stark. Your heart is like yours, there is no obstruction at all. Besides, why can’t you reach your little girlfriend? This is really interesting, what makes you think I will connect this There are no small tricks. Do you really think that I am the Old Antique who knows nothing?”

Loki said nonchalantly to make Tony to get really angry. Hearing what he said, Tony’s mood was overwhelmed with excitement, and he couldn’t help it. He just sprayed blood on his visor.

“Oh. You are really fragile, Tony Stark. But that’s it, thank you for allowing me to enjoy a wonderful farce. I look forward to seeing you next time, if we also download Next time!”

Seeing Tony vomiting blood, Loki smiled brighter. He broke the connection with Tony, and left Tony here alone.

He can see clearly and hear clearly. Tony, this guy has already exhausted his life to the limit. As a mortal, it is obviously beyond his expectation that he can have such a willpower. But when all the beliefs that support him collapse, will he also be able to sustain it?

Loki is very unoptimistic about this.

And also Captain them who are not optimistic about Tony’s status quo. After all, everyone is aware of Tony’s performance just now, and his mental state is obviously very abnormal.

“Tony, are you okay?”

Captain asked worriedly, but couldn’t step forward to help him. Because the temperature of Tony’s body at this time is too high. It was so high that it was inaccessible at all.

“Ah…” Tony didn’t speak, but let out a howl of pain that didn’t sound like a human voice.

Lost his conviction support, he finally felt the pain in his body. And this pain instantly tortured him to death.

“Jarvis, stop the power furnace. Hurry up and stop this damn power furnace!”

“Sir, the power furnace is overloaded. Nanominium has invaded the power furnace. We can’t To prevent Nanominium’s self-saturating absorption, it’s too late to stop the power stove.”

“Damn it!”

Tony cursed, wants to manually unlock the mark on oneself The 4th generation, but the metal parts that have completed nano-activation have completely changed their appearance.

He can’t open the armor that he designed in the basic structure, so he can only continue to endure more and more powerful pain.

At this time, others also discovered something wrong with Tony. Strictly speaking, the armor on his body is very wrong.

Starting from Mark 4th generation power furnace, almost every part and every metal particle on his body has become more dazzling. The billowing heat waves, the entangled flames, and the special radiance, seemed to be about to explode. It was not safe at all.

Mankind has suffered countless technological accidents, so no one will be surprised if they happen again.

“Tony, quickly turn off your power stove. It looks like it’s about to explode!”

“I can’t turn it off, it’s out of control. Damn it, get out of here, hurry up . I don’t know what the damn change will happen to it now!”


When Captain heard this, he immediately wanted to rush forward. But the heat on Tony’s body made him unable to move forward at all. Even the reinforced concrete under his feet began to melt, and Captain’s body naturally couldn’t bear such a temperature anyway.

“Can’t you do something?”

He yelled, hoping Tony could oneself think of something. But Tony had nothing to do now. Nanominiums are evolving too fast. With sufficient energy supply, they have become something beyond Tony’s expectations. And these things are exactly what he is studying, but he has not yet achieved results.

If it were in the laboratory, he might be happy to see this change. But in oneself, he can only treat it with the most desperate mood.

Hulk’s attack destroyed a lot of key things, and these key things made him unable to stop everything that happened on the Mark 4th generation. And this evolution can be predicted, it is definitely a tragedy.

“There is no way, the power stove is completely out of control. Captain, let you go. If you stay with me, I think we might be finished together!”

“We can’t throw you here at this time, Wanda, do you have a way?”

Glancing at the power stove that is so fierce that people can’t look directly at it, Wanda gritted his teeth. Out of own hand. The mist spread in Tony’s direction, but before it touched the power furnace on his body, it was completely turned into nothingness.

“No, I can’t do it. The energy of Arc Reactor is too powerful, and I’m impossible to distort such a powerful energy.”

After some hard work, Wanda gave this sentence words. And this is tantamount to extinguishing Tony’s last hope. He stood up reluctantly and said to Captain and them.

“Don’t waste any more energy, there is no time. Once the power furnace is overloaded in the reverse direction, then everything is over. I developed Arc Reactor and I know exactly what formidable power it has. At the last moment, it can directly turn this city into ruins. And now, it is already not far from that moment!”


“Let me Do the last thing I can. I will wait for the last moment in space and try my best to reduce the loss here. This is my compensation for everything that oneself has caused! In addition, Captain. Tell Natasha for me, don’t let her tell Pepper what’s here. Make up a reason for me!”

As he said, he forced his own body and flew toward the sky. Captain wanted to stop him, but was immediately stopped by the heat on his body. He could only watch Tony lift off like this, and then disappear in front of own’s eyes so little by little.

“Damn, damn bastard!”

Before the war started, oneself lost a teammate. And also a very special teammate. This immediately filled Captain’s heart with anger and frustration. This was the first time he felt despair. In this war that he didn’t know how to proceed, he found that oneself had no hope of victory at all.

Tony is gone forever. So who is next? With a cunning opponent like Loki, how useful can their eccentric and small team play? Seriously, he has no hope at all now.

Captain America is a special beacon, it represents many things. This is true whether people admit it or not. And now, his frustration has also infected his teammates. Each of them was caught in a dark mood.

They are no longer optimistic about the future. And this battle is the same.

The sound of the siren is getting closer, and the Avengers can no longer stay here. They must leave if they don’t want to go to court. But now, no one has raised this point, because everyone is shrouded in suffocating silence.

Until someone saw a strange scene.

“What is that?”

Hawkeye, with the sharpest eyes, found a natural phenomenon from the air, a fiery red light with a long tail, flying towards their position Come here. It looks like a shooting star, but how can a shooting star fall at this time, and it is still coming towards them?

“Be careful, maybe it’s the enemy!”

With years of experience, Captain immediately returned to a tense combat readiness. He shouted to his teammates, and then directly raised his own shield. . And just when he finished speaking, the fiery spot of light had appeared in front of them.

That is Tony, or Tony who was caught. A figure flew from the sky holding him, and fell straight in front of them. Looking at this person, Captain immediately walked to the forefront, erected his shield and assumed a defensive posture.

“Who are you, let me go!”

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