Sun God Marvel

Chapter 389

Captain’s righteous reprimand made the teammates who knew someone around him roll their eyes. Natasha even took his arm directly and whispered to him.

“Don’t get excited, Captain. It’s from our side!”

When I heard this, Captain was immediately confused. As the commander, he simply does not know what other support exists. Especially such a guy who seems incompatible with them.

The dressing of suits and shoes makes the visitor feel more like attending a meeting of some company, rather than coming to support them.

And also with this question, also little spider Peter Parker.

As soon as he saw the man flying down with Tony, the little spider almost dropped his jaw to the ground. If it weren’t for the hood, maybe he would really yell.

He really didn’t expect Zhou Yi to be a guy with super powers. In the usual contact with him, he simply didn’t notice even a little trace.

Is he hiding too deep, or is oneself too stupid? Little Spider asked himself in the heart of own.

When he was reviewing that oneself made this mistake because it was too young, Natasha had already asked Zhou Yi on behalf of all of them.

“Didn’t you reject Fury, why did you show up in this place at this time?”

“Coulson and Commander Hill persuaded Ada, she talked to me For a long time. Then I was convinced by her!” After briefly saying the reason for oneself’s appearance, Zhou Yi glanced at Tony who was held by oneself and asked. “What’s the matter with Tony, he doesn’t seem to be very good. When I found him, he was flying upwards desperately. If I hadn’t stopped him, he would have rushed into the outer space.” “

At this time, Tony had already fainted in the torture of severe pain, so naturally he could not answer Zhou Yi’s question. So Zhou Yi can only ask other people.

And hearing his question, the group of people who were desperate about Tony’s affairs immediately had new hope. Those guys who know Zhou Yi’s identity naturally understand how powerful he is, and whether this power can make things turn for the better at this time is something no one can say.

“Stark’s power furnace is about to explode. We can’t help him. He has decided to detonate the uncontrolled power furnace in the sky at the last moment. If you can save him, hurry up! If not Way, then please do what he wants and don’t let him hurt this city!”

As soon as he heard this, Zhou Yi couldn’t help but frown. He already felt that Tony and his group of teammates didn’t seem to get along very well. Because at this time, compared with his life and death, they obviously care more about the safety of this city.

But I don’t know what happened before and so on Zhou Yi, not at all what right to assert. Before he knew everything, he didn’t want to make any judgments easily.

So he just remained silent and laid Tony flat on the ground in a coma. Then he rolled up his sleeves and reached out to the power stove on his chest.

The Ark’s power furnace and the activated Nanominiums around it spewed hot temperatures, which melted anything they touched. But for the hand that Zhou Yi stretched over, they were obviously powerless.

And Zhou Yi just stretched out his hand and pressed it straight against the power stove on Tony’s chest.

His five fingertips easily pierced into the Nanominium shell, and Tony’s so-called strong defense was nothing in front of Zhou Yi. Even those Nanominiums are still surging madly in the direction torn apart by Zhou Yi’s fingers, trying to fill the torn gap. But they have no strength to resist Zhou Yi’s deeper and deeper fingers.

Soon, Zhou Yi’s five fingers firmly grasped the power furnace on Tony’s chest, and when he was about to pull it up by the roots. The Nanominium on Tony’s body suddenly agitated.

Nanominium, which is madly absorbing the powerful energy provided by the power furnace, cannot accept the option of the sudden disappearance of the energy source under the thinking of oneself’s simple smart program. They instinctively prevented all of this from happening, so at this time they very offensively launched an own attack on Zhou Yi who caused all this.

As the extremely small unit size Nanominium at this time, although they cannot control the weapons on the Mark 4th generation, they have own means. That is intrusion.

In terms of volume, they are smaller than the gaps in clothes, armor, and even human skin pores. Therefore, they can penetrate into their body from the leaky body without fear. Within the body, stir the wind and rain in their bodies, and even directly attack the most basic things within the body.

If all of this really happened to humans, it would definitely be a terrifying thing. Human beings can’t stop the nano-level attack. Under the invasion of Nanominium, they only have a dead end. But in Zhou Yi’s body, this kind of thing is impossible to happen.

His body is already God’s body, so the so-called nano attack is simply a joke for his body. No matter how surging, twitching, and entangled these metal particles, they can’t stop Zhou Yi from doing what they are doing. With a fierce force of his five fingers, he directly tore the entire Ark reactor from the Mark 4th generation chest armor plate.

This made all the Nanominiums violently move, but they have completely lost their movement before any disturbances have occurred.

Without the energy support of the Ark Reactor, they soon lost their own life force and became lifeless again.

And Zhou Yi held the Arc Reactor, which was full of molten gold and red, and squashed it with little by little force and crushed it in the palm of his own hand.

Looking at him doing this, everyone present was a little worried. Because the power furnace that shines like molten gold has been escaping very violent power, especially as his movements proceed, this feeling of violent out of control becomes more obvious. They are really worried at this time that this huge formidable power will be completely exploded at this time because of Zhou Yi’s recklessness.

How much formidable power will be exploded if something called Infinity energy is produced by nuclear fusion, this is something everyone can guess, but they dare not think about it. They don’t want to see anything like that.

And thankfully, all this not at all happened. Zhou Yi easily smashed the reactor, and after he did so, the violent energy disappeared, not knowing where it was vented. Everything was calm and tranquil, and this made everyone present breathe.

The exception is Zhou Yi! Because at this time, his work is not over yet.

Like tearing open the outer packaging made of paper, Zhou Yi directly tore off the Mark 4, which has changed and lost its original appearance, from Tony’s body, and until now is hidden in Mark 4. At this time, Tony of Derry really showed up to his teammates.

And the way he is now, really, is not optimistic.

His body has a large area of ​​burn marks, which are not burns from flames, but burns from high temperature. The scars covered almost the entire body of Tony, making him look terrifying, almost like a ghost.

But he is still alive, which is already good news. As long as he is still alive, Zhou Yi has absolute certainty to save him.

Raising his hand, Tony was directly infused with divine force. Under the perfusion of this power. Tony, who had already entered the edge of dying, returned to his normal appearance at a speed visible to naked eye, and soon sat up abruptly with a violent gasp.

“Damn, am I dead?”

Come together, and Tony said such things. He first glanced at the tattered scene all around, and then he continued after seeing oneself’s dumbfounded teammates.

“Did you guys hang up with me? What a bad luck, I mean you guys! I ran so far with all my energy, why are you still GAMEOVER!”

“Stop playing tricks, Tony! I know you saw me!” Zhou Yi, who had been squatting next to Tony, made a sound at this time. And hearing him say that, Tony gave up those dazed-looking teammates and spoke to Zhou Yi instead.

“Hey, Buddy. Can’t you let me finish this cold joke?”

While he asked this, he gave Zhou Yi a warm hug.

“But forget it! Thank you, Buddy. You saved my life again! I am so glad you are here. I know you will not abandon your best friend.”


“This time you are just a little lucky, Tony!” Zhou Yi pushed him away and warned seriously at the same time. “You won’t be so lucky every time, so you’d better pay attention to your own safety. By the way, I haven’t asked you how you made this ghost look!”

Zhou Yi did not say Fortunately, as soon as Tony said it, he was angry and almost broke his teeth.

“Damn Loki, it’s better not to let him fall into my hands. Otherwise I will make him die ugly.”

This guy, Tony, never How to tune, but never said such vicious words. Zhou Yi could see that he was really offended this time.

But revenge is something you can only do by yourself. Compared to Tony’s angry complaints, Zhou Yi cares more about the current situation.

“Can you tell me how you are doing? What about the Loki people?”

Several people looked at each other silently, and then Captain took the lead to replied.

“He ran, we lost his trail!”

“Run?” Looking at the mess all around, Zhou Yi’s face showed a strange expression . “You guys made such a big movement and actually let him run away. This is not cracking a joke with me!”

As soon as I said that, including Tony, there are some ashamed and unable to show one’s face get up. They really don’t have the courage to say that most of the disasters in this city are caused by their internal strife.

So at this time, people can only play the round.

“Now is not the time to talk about this, we must have a plan, a plan for the future!”

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