Sun God Marvel

Chapter 397

Trading, a topic that has been repeatedly repeated in Ronan the Accuser’s repeated tolerance, increasingly highlights Ronan the Accuser’s importance to it. This does not seem to be a temporary motive, but a long-planned plan. It is precisely because of the tremendous energy and planning that Ronan the Accuser is willing to bear so much in order to realize this transaction.

As for such a plan, Zhou Yi is becoming more and more curious. The more Ronan the Accuser tolerated, the more he would get in return. This return is almost impossible to obtain on Earth, so only Thanos can bear his return.

So what price does Thanos have to pay to fill the so-called Ronan the Accuser deal? With such a question, Zhou Yi asked.

“Well, since you want to talk about trading, let’s talk about it. Let’s talk about what you call a transaction.”

“I know Thanos well. Guy, he is the kind of supercilious monster. There are very few guys that can be seen in his eyes. You are one, so you are eligible to be traded. And the trade I want to make with you is that I can help you beat Thanos!”

Ronan the Accuser in a low, muffled voice said, his words were full of dissatisfaction and hatred towards Thanos. This hatred seems to be long-standing and deeply rooted. It definitely cannot be formed in one or two days.

Zhou Yi has seen so much, but he doesn’t care much about the exploration. Thanos’s tactics are not what he should care about. What he cares about is Ronan the Accuser’s plan.

“Sounds very exciting, let’s talk about it. How are you going to help me defeat Thanos?”

“It’s very simple! The reason why Thanos makes countless people fear and fear. Completely It’s because of his unmatched power. Most of this power comes from the Infinity Gem he has. There are only seven gems in the entire universe, and Thanos has three in his hands.”

“And now in order to get the fourth gem, he took the risk and made a decision that had a huge impact on him. He gave the gem in his hand to me and another guy. Although he is still incomparable now Being strong, we dare not question his power at all. But it is undeniable that now is when he is weakest. And this is our only opportunity.”

Said here, Ronan the Accuser’s face became excited and enthusiastic, and a transparent flame ignited in his eyes. That is the flame of ambition, something that can burn everything or even his own.

“You are the opponent recognized by Thanos, and he has repeatedly told us to pay attention to the powerhouse. I have seen your past, you do have the qualifications to fight Thanos. And at this special time , As long as we work together, there is a great opportunity to eliminate the cancer of Thanos for the universe. And then, your planet will be safe and we can also get relief.”

“Listen It seems pretty good, but don’t you think yours is a little too ridiculous?” After hearing Ronan the Accuser’s words, Zhou Yi’s face immediately showed a sneer. “Save my planet? Should I thank you for being magnanimous? From start to finish, you didn’t give anything. But you can get the most benefit. Do you treat others as fools? Or do you think the entire universe should be around? Are you going to turn?”

“What do you want? With your Earth people’s bargaining chips, what do you think you can get?” Zhou Yi’s words made Ronan the Accuser also show a disdainful expression. “It is the greatest luck to let you leave a small life in the hands of Thanos’s destruction, and not to embark on the new star. Do you still want to be greedy for more things?”

“Insatiable, it was after we got what we deserved. But in what you said, I didn’t see anything we could get.”

“It’s really ridiculous, What do you deserve? Maybe when I drive the own fleet over your world and let you original people who can’t even get out of the own planet feel what is awe-inspiring cosmic civilization, you will know What is it that you deserve!”

Ronan the Accuser, who was unsuccessful in temptation, immediately used threats, but this method is not at all too big for Zhou Yi The role of.

“You can try this to see if you have a chance to drive your fleet over. Or, are you sure to leave from here!”

I feel like you have seen enough Zhou Yi, who gave Ronan the Accuser’s botched speech, said that if they can talk about cooperation, it is better to start the war more easily.

But Ronan the Accuser obviously didn’t have this kind of preparation. He quickly reached out his hand to stop Zhou Yi’s movements and said to him quickly.

“Wait a minute, what do you want, we might not be able to talk about it.”

“What do you want? What I want is you destroyers and Destroyer from me Roll away completely in front of my planet, far away from my planet, can you do this?”

“If you need, as long as you can eliminate Thanos. Then I can guarantee that we will never I will not step into this galaxy. Even I can ask my soldiers to protect your galaxy so that other cosmic civilizations will not step into this space. Until you have the ability to own and fly out of that remote planet!”

“Very good, and then? Even if this planet has accepted your protection and your rule. That’s how you Kerry people negotiate terms and deals with others?”

“This It is the tradition of our Kerry people and should be respected.”

“weak are prey to the strong, a tradition that never compromises with the weak. Even if it’s the transaction request you make, you don’t Are you willing to let races weaker than you get the benefits they deserve?”

“Weak races can only get what they want when they become stronger. This is the truth of the universe, and the truth No need to question!”

Ronan the Accuser’s voice was deep and solemn, as if everything he said was his dogma of life. For such life dogma, Zhou Yi sneered.

“Your truth needs to be shattered before you can understand what the true truth is. You are no different from the guy like Thanos, you are just a guy who is not as strong as him, but has the same ambitions as him. that’s all!”

“Shut up, full of nonsense. I’m absolutely different from that guy.” Ronan the Accuser groaned out with his teeth. But this roar can’t hide his essence at all. He is an ambitious, a dictator, a guy who wants to use violence to rule something like Thanos.

The only difference between him and Thanos is that he is not as strong as Thanos.

“I’m not in the mood to talk to you about your so-called deal. Take your arrogance and believe oneself infallible with you. Go to hell!” End all the negotiations, Zhou The golden light on Yi’s body once again arrogant and domineering, soaring. “Be prepared, Ronan the Accuser. Your life ends here!”

“That’s not necessarily, Earth people!” Ronan the Accuser, who already felt that he could no longer talk about it, also shouted When he got up, he raised the hammer in his hand, and the terrifying purple light burst out of his hammer again. “My hand is Infinity Gem, I have infinite power. You can’t beat me, neither can Thanos. I will take Kerry to the Peak of the universe!”

Kerry tradition The belief that is being molded is so pure that it seems to have inspired some kind of switch of Infinity Gem, which immediately makes the power of this Infinity Gem more powerful.

The dark purple mask became denser with the support of Infinity Gem’s power, and it even looked like a crystal with purple radiance shining all over it at first glance. And this also means that the destructive power it possesses is getting stronger.

The island can no longer withstand the devastation of this terrifying force. It disassembles, shatters, sinks, and countless sea water floods the island, and then it is swallowed and evaporated by two huge masks. , Was erased from this World as quickly as possible.

The speed of the sea disappearing is too fast, coupled with the subsidence of the islands and land, a huge vortex appeared directly above the sea. Everything in the nearby ocean rushed in towards this vortex, and was then directly taken by the vortex into the abyss of destruction.

In this case, Zhou Yi once again felt the formidable power of Infinity Gem. Only one has such terrifying power, and even allows Ronan the Accuser to hold it and fight against oneself. So if there are more Infinity gems in hand, will he be able to defeat oneself with no difficulty?

As soon as this idea arises, it can hardly be buried. And for the first time, Zhou Yi had an unimaginable desire to occupy Infinity Gem this thing. This made him act immediately.

The golden light fire almost turned into a cone-shaped drill bit, madly rushing into the purple mask under the urge of Zhou Yi. Although the power of Infinity Gem is strong, it is not enough to give Zhou Yi an overwhelming advantage. In this crazy rush, Zhou Yi had already rushed into Ronan the Accuser in the blink of an eye.

Facing Zhou Yi who appeared in front of oneself, Ronan the Accuser swung a hammer without even thinking about it. The huge sledgehammer was swung, and the radiant purple energy exuded terrifying power fluctuations that could destroy everything. This fluctuation made Zhou Yi feel threatened, but this time, he did not have any dodge ideas.

Condensing the own divine force, Zhou Yi used his own fist and Ronan the Accuser’s hammer to directly compete with each other. In a bang, the divine force from the sun and the terrifying power from the Infinity Gem also began to engage in a real clash.

The sky was shining brightly, and the sea made ten thousand zhang waves. The wanton violent gale split the entire sea surface into two entirely different pieces. The sea is being separated, and the deep ravine appears in the field of vision with the separated sea little by little. The ravine is getting deeper and deeper, even Even the seabed in the depths of the sea began to show up.

And this is far from the end, because the fluctuation of power is still deepening. The seabed has also begun to split, the rock layers below the surface have begun to be overturned, and the lava deeper underground has also sprayed out with the excitement of the power.

Water and Fire, Heaven and Earth. In the face of the power beyond imagination, they have completely lost the separation of boundaries. And the battle of this power continues.

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