Sun God Marvel

Chapter 398

Infinity Gem, one of the most magical treasures in the universe. Some people say that its birth is closely related to the birth of the universe. It is also said that it is a treasure incarnation of the Supreme God of the universe. Regardless of which point of view, it reflects its absolute mysterious and supreme power.

Almost all the people holding it have become Legendary. Whether it’s good or bad, they are all Rulers in the universe. But this does not mean that anyone can become the Owner of Infinity Gem.

To get it, to own it, not only needs to be lucky, but also strong.

Because Infinity Gem will also choose its Owner. If you want to drive its formidable strength, you must have an absolutely powerful foundation. There are not many people who can have this foundation in this universe. Even the highest military commander of the Cree, Ronan the Accuser, the accuser, has just gotten a sideline. And this, in the current confrontation of their power, immediately became his deadly weak spot.

Abandoned all the skills, even gave up the physical advantage. What Zhou Yi and Ronan the Accuser compete is the depth and intensity of energy. This is the most straightforward way, and the most letting down the enemy. And this approach has achieved results.

At this moment, Ronan the Accuser’s face has a difficult expression. Although the Infinity Gem is still supplying him with infinite power, it does not allow him to defeat the enemy in front of oneself in one fell swoop. And when the form stalemate reached this point, his body was already a little unbearable.

Infinity Gem is something that requires a carrier to function. As for its use, Ronan the Accuser has to withstand the washing of this power every time it is activated. For a cosmic powerhouse like Thanos, the erosion of this power may not be a problem, and there may even be no feeling at all.

But this is not the case for Ronan the Accuser. Infinity Gem is still too powerful for him, so powerful that he can’t control it at all. Therefore, he can only embed the Infinity Gem on the own weapon, and use this weapon that represents the identity of the accuser to control the power of the gem.

This tricky method allows him to use the power of the gem without being backlashed by the power of the gem. But it was also destined that he could not fully use the power of Infinity Gem. Even said that he could not insist on using it for too long.

He began to want to retreat. But seeing how Zhou Yi, who was already out of support, could give him a chance to retreat, he immediately increased his own power output, and the sudden expansion of the golden light fire even completely swallowed the purple mask supported by the Infinity Gem.

At the same time, the energy in his fist has become sharper, and his power has become heavier. Even if Ronan the Accuser’s sledgehammer is a buff with the power of Infinity Gem, it can hardly resist this growing power. Although Ronan the Accuser is still holding on, the fine cracks constantly appearing on the sledgehammer in his hand have shown that he can’t hold on.

With a very crisp cracking sound, an unusually large gap immediately appeared in the middle of the sledgehammer. The radiance of faint purple surged in the gap, and then burst out suddenly in an instant.

This shot immediately blasted the long-handled sledgehammer that had been riddled with scars to pieces. And this explosion immediately caused the power of Infinity Gem to produce an unprecedented explosion.

Ronan the Accuser, who himself is protected by gem power, is fine, but Zhou Yi, who was greedy for a while and wanted to overwhelm Infinity Gem divine force with absolute power, could eat in this sudden explosion. A big loss. In this outbreak, he bears the brunt of all the impact. And the divine force he wrapped Infinity Gem was also in this terrifying impact, it was torn and torn in an instant, destroying almost everything.

This caused his Divine Spark to suffer a huge impact, and the scattered and collapsing power blasted him out. But this is not entirely without benefits. For Earth, it has been spared a catastrophe this time.

How terrifying the bursting power of Infinity Gem is, there is no doubt about it. With the tragic experience of the new star before, there is no need for a second fantasy to exist. Even if the power of this outbreak is not comparable to Thanos’ full strength output, it is definitely a heavy blow for Earth.

But Zhou Yi’s divine force shield allows it to avoid such a heavy blow. Almost all the power of Infinity Gem was vented to Zhou Yi’s body, which caused him to be hurt like never before since becoming a god. But it also caused Earth to suffer only a small amount of power. Although the influence of this power is still terrifying, it is no longer as terrible as imagined.

However, Zhou Yi, who accidentally did another major event, is not in a good state at this time, because at this moment he can’t control oneself’s injured body, so he can only fall straight to the point just now. In the ravines opened up by them. Losing the separation of the two terrifying powers just now, the sea also began to engulf the huge wound that appeared on oneself.

The endless sea water almost filled this huge scar in the shortest time, and that means Zhou Yi was submerged into the depths of the earth almost in an instant. under. The scene was so shocking, it was like the rare beast of the devil who was dragged into the seal step by step in the is legend, which made people wonder if he would never seen the daylight ever since.

Seeing Zhou Yi falling to such a situation in an instant, Ronan the Accuser not only didn’t have any surprises, but was full of panic. Because in front of him, the Infinity Gem was falling down little by little under the action of universal gravitation.

The characteristics of this Infinity Gem are hugely different from other Infinity Gem. Once it comes into contact with any lifeform, it will use this medium to burst out of the horrible power within the body. Those who are not qualified to bear its power will only become the carrier of its one-time use of power burst. And once that power bursts out, let alone Earth, even he may be completely wiped out by the bursting power of Infinity Gem.

Although oneself has always thought that oneself has completely abandoned the meaningless thing like fear, but between life and death, if you want to completely abandon fear and face Death, why is it so simple?

Not to mention the Cree’s dream of unifying the universe, even his own ambition does not allow him to die in such a remote corner of the universe as Earth.

So at this time he dashed on bravely with no thought of personal safety, and directly reached out and grabbed the falling Infinity Gem. As a result of this, the power of Infinity Gem surged in his body immediately.

This made his body almost collapsed immediately. One after another The trace of the crack appeared on his body surface almost instantly. The radiance of purple burned on his body like a flame. This is not true combustion, but more terrifying than the burning of flames. Because this flame ignited his body, and destroyed his soul.

In Ronan the Accuser’s senses, he almost felt that even time had begun to stop. And in this time of pause, he could do nothing, he could only watch the owner’s body turn into pieces of burning debris, detaching little by little from his already broken body.

This is the most terrifying despair. Without the hammer, he can’t bear the Destruction Strength of Infinity Gem at all. If you don’t let go of Infinity Gem, then all he can do is wait for death, and watch oneself turn to ashes and be wiped from the world by such a cruel method of death.

This is naturally not the ending he wants, but there is not much he can do.

And at this time, the sea, which had not stopped fluctuating, surged again, and there was a terrifying whistling sound like a rare beast in the sea. That is naturally not the sound of rare beast, but the loud noise of billions of tons of sea water being stirred and overturned. This situation will only mean one thing, and that is the return of Zhou Yi.

The power of Infinity Gem can only hurt him, but it can’t completely defeat him. In a short period of time, he recovered his basic combat effectiveness. As soon as he regained his strength, he immediately broke out from the depths of the earth.

He had a desire for Infinity Gem already in his heart, and he couldn’t accept the possibility of Ronan the Accuser running away from oneself with Infinity Gem, so he rushed back as fast as he could. And yelled at Ronan the Accuser as soon as he came back.

“Hand over the Infinity Gem!”

After shouting, he attacked Ronan the Accuser without saying a word.

This time he did not use own divine force, because his Divine Spark needs to be repaired, and using divine force will only make it worse. But just by relying on physical power, he was sure to kill Ronan the Accuser into scum.

Of course, this also has a premise, that is, the field that the breakthrough Infinity Gem is now creating.

It would be a little difficult to break through purely with the body, for Zhou Yi, who is now injured. But it was not to the level of impossible, so he quickly approached Ronan the Accuser.

Seeing that Zhou Yi can still rush to the Infinity Gem domain at a fast speed, Ronan the Accuser immediately made a decisive decision.

He summoned all his strength and threw the Infinity Gem in his hand into the outer space. The power of the Infinity Gem surged in his body, making him almost possess the power of Infinity at this moment, so this throw immediately turned the Infinity Gem into a radiance, and it broke through the boundaries of Earth in the blink of an eye.

Whether the life of Infinity Gem or Ronan the Accuser is more important, Zhou Yi has a very clear judgment at this time. So after hitting Ronan the Accuser with a punch, he didn’t care about his life or death at all, but turned around and immediately chased him towards Infinity Gem.

Infinity Gem turned into a streamer and disappeared on Earth, he also rushed out of Earth at a speed that was not slow, and followed closely along.

Infinity Gem has become his obsession, so he cannot give up. And at this time Ronan the Accuser, no one cares about his life or death.

Zhou Yi’s punch almost killed him, and his body even split a new trench in the ocean again. But he still didn’t die, or when someone found him, he also struggling on whilst at death’s door, there was still a glimmer of survival.

“It’s so bleak, how did you become like this. Could it be that you did something extra?”

“Don’t worry about it, Loki!” Ronan the Accuser not even think directly swallowed something that Loki handed over. As soon as he swallowed, his body immediately began to recover at a speed visible to naked eye. Although I don’t know what the specific situation is, at least the dying look just now disappears.

“I don’t want to take care of your business, but did our plan succeed?” Loki smiled slightly as he looked at the recovered Ronan the Accuser and asked.

“I did what you said. As for the rest, I can only rely on you yourself.”

“Very well, rest assured. I have done almost everything. Seed It has been buried, the rest is waiting for him to take root.”

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