Sun God Marvel

Chapter 399

“Take roots and sprout? Loki, you are always doing strange things. Sometimes I wonder if I am also a part of what you plot against!”

Ronan the Accuser, who had almost recovered, stood up and asked the handsome man who was always smiling in front of oneself.

Listening to his question, Loki played with the scepter in his hand, then lightly glanced at him.

“Does it count as a plot against you, is there anything at worst in our plan?”

“Loki, working with you is too dangerous. I don’t even know oneself Will you die in your plot against at any time.”

“Don’t worry, we are people on the same boat. If you die, I won’t be any better. I’m not that stupid yet !” Shaking his head laughed, Loki motioned to Ronan the Accuser to relax. “Otherwise I won’t bother to come and rescue you. Wouldn’t it be better to let you die in a place like this?”

“hmph! I hope so!” Coldly snorted, Ronan the Accuser put his own eyes on Put it above the sky. “You really think it would be a good thing to put Infinity Gem in his hands in this way, I don’t think he will be better than Thanos!”

“It’s just because it’s not easy to deal with, He is a sword that we can use. Otherwise, what do you think we can rely on to defeat Thanos and take everything from him.” It seems that after seeing the fear in Ronan the Accuser’s heart, Loki sneered, just Say so. “Rely on your Kerry fleets that are not enough for Thanos to wave?”

“You have no right to slander our Kerry people. You are just a villain who relies on cunning means for temporary benefits, why? We are qualified to evaluate the glory of the great Great Empire built by our own hands over countless years by our Kerry people.”

When Ronan the Accuser heard this, he suddenly added to the own volume. But this only makes the expression on Loki’s face even more disdainful.

But he finally held it back and didn’t continue to tease his partner. It was shrugged, condensed all the bad expressions on oneself’s face, and said.

“Well, I apologize. I don’t want to lose a solid and reliable ally like you. After all, without you, my plan can only be as impossible as moon reflected in the water. It’s a real thing. So, Ronan the Accuser. Let’s shake hands and make peace, don’t ruin our harmony because of such a small matter!”

As Loki said, he reached out to Ronan the Accuser Hands up. As for this, Ronan the Accuser was immediately puzzled. He didn’t understand what Loki was doing at all, so much so that his expression was very blank now.

“Why are you here?”

“Handshake and make peace, a friendly way of expressing on this planet!”

Ronan the Accuser seems to be at a loss Infected Loki. He looked at oneself’s hand suspiciously, and explained to Ronan the Accuser after not finding anything wrong.

“This is a provocative way on our planet!”

Ronan the Accuser complexion sank, also explained.

“Ha, that’s a coincidence.” Loki said with a smile, and Loki retracted his hand in embarrassment. At this time, Ronan the Accuser also said to him indifferently.

“There is no need to do so many wasteful things, Loki. We are just pure partners, and we will only stop at this relationship. You are using me, I know. I am using you too! Everyone I know that making so many fancy things is not a good thing for you or me!”

“Don’t be so mean, Ronan the Accuser. We are partners now, maybe we will be in the future. Build one A good relationship is a good thing for us!”

“That’s just for you. Loki, you are a Viper, and a person with Viper. There will never be a good end!”

Ronan the Accuser’s cold words made Loki put away his own smile, he is not the kind of guy who likes hot faces and cold ass. Since Ronan the Accuser treated him this way, he would not act until he continued to be nice to him.

“Since you said that, so be it. But don’t forget, everything we have agreed upon. If you dare to regret it, trust me. It will definitely make you regret it. .”

“We Kerry people never do anything that violates oneself’s promise. Of course, you have to do what you say. If everything in your plan does not happen, then The agreement we are talking about is naturally impossible.”

“Relax, you have seen the power of Infinity Gem. Then you should have confidence in it. Everything is proceeding as expected, not Is it?”

Flicking the scepter in his hand, Loki smiled confidently. And his self-confidence, in Ronan the Accuser’s view, is what it should be. They have all witnessed the power of Infinity Gem, it is a power that should not be doubted.

But I don’t know why, Ronan the Accuser is always a little worried. In other words, there is always some anxiety in his heart. This is a hunch that even he himself can’t say clearly, and it is precisely because he can’t explain it clearly, so he can only hold it in his heart. He can only hope that this is just an own illusion. But whether it is an illusion, it can only be verified by time.

At this time, in outer space, Zhou Yi, who had flown out of Earth and didn’t know how far, finally caught the Infinity Gem that ran like light.

As soon as Infinity Gem started, the terrifying force immediately swarmed towards Zhou Yi’s within the body. The scene that happened to Ronan the Accuser followed Zhou Yi, but compared with Ronan the Accuser, there is an essential difference between them.

The most essential difference is that he is much stronger than Ronan the Accuser. The erosion of Infinity Gem can’t hurt his body at all, but can only be used as a supplement to his strength.

His power has been recognized by Infinity Gem, and as a result, the power of Infinity Gem began to perfuse his body, making his power stronger.

Power Stone, this is the name of this Infinity Gem. From the moment he endured the erosion of the gem’s power, he learned everything about the gem through the information carried by the gem itself. It is a gem of power, and its power is to give users more powerful power.

The weak can only use their own power, but the powerhouse recognized by it can feel its true power. That is the power increase of terror. The user can perfectly control all power and energy through it, and can also copy all the physical abilities to enhance the user’s attack ability and defensive ability.

This means that when using Power Stone, one hundred points of power can burst out one hundred and twenty points, or even more. In the process of entering into a battle with a strong enemy, this increase in power will only be stronger.

Infinity Gem, not at all let Zhou Yi down. Even gave him a huge surprise. While holding this Power Stone, feeling his surging power surging within the body, Zhou Yi shrouded in a purple gloomy face with a somewhat arbitrary smile.

“Finally got you, Infinity Gem! haha, hahahaha!”

The expression on his face changed several times, but in the end it turned into this crazy laugh. This laughter is easy to make people feel flustered, but in this empty universe, no one can hear his laughter.

On SHIELD’s Helicarrier, the aircraft carrier, which finally escaped from the previous danger, returned to its previous calm again. But everyone knows that this is just an appearance, under this tranquility are extremely dangerous waves, dark waves and turbid currents. This is the tranquility before the rainstorm, and this tranquility weighs everyone’s heart down so hard to breathe.

However, some people were breathless in depression. And some people are out of breath in anger, and the leader among them is probably Coulson.

No one feels more complicated than when he sees Button suddenly thrown back on the aircraft carrier. You know until now, his relationship with Button is very good. The taciturn Button is one of his few friends on SHIELD. And the kind of true friends.

For this reason, when he knew that Button had betrayed them, his mood immediately became uncomplicated. This complicated mood may not be very obvious under the circumstances at the time, but now it is enough to turn him into an erupting volcano.

“Tell me, Barton. Why did you betray, and what benefits did they give you!”

A hand holding down Barton who was tied to a chair, Coulson Staring into his eyes, he shouted and asked.

He thought that Patton, who had done such a bad thing, did not have the courage to look directly into his eyes, but that was not the case. Patton, as always, stared at him with those superb eyes, and said in a calm tone as if he were stagnant.

“Why is that many? I have already chosen this path, so I have to go on it.”

“You have never thought of anything else, Barton. You Isn’t there a reason? The reason for betraying us, the bargaining chip for us. You tell me!”

Barton’s answer made Coulson to get really angry, and he slapped Barton in the face. Above, the loud sound made the people in this room tremble all over.

But after receiving such a slap, Button didn’t even change a little bit. He still resembles stagnant water, replied.

“I don’t know, there is no reason. I just know I should do this!”

“Damn it!” The angry Coulson was about to give him a few more shots , See if you can wake him up. But Fury’s voice came in suddenly.

“Enough, Coulson. Don’t waste your efforts on this issue. The most important thing now is the whereabouts of Iridium, let him tell him, who is his associate also?”

This sentence forced Coulson to stop. He panted and put down his own hand, and then asked him again hoarsely.

“Tell me, Barton. Who did you give Iridium to. Who made you do this illusion to avoid our sight, who is your partner?”

Button didn’t even bother to speak this time, he just glanced at Coulson and then lowered his head in silence.

This left Coulson at a loss, or the extent to which he was forced to use special methods. He could only glance at Button, and then cruelly pressed the button in oneself’s hand.

The current began to surge, and Button began to scream. In the face of cruel punishments, there are times when the tough guys can’t stand it. SHIELD is an agent blocking after all, they have countless ways to pry out what they want to know from others’ mouths. This is a good thing, but if it will be like this this time, no one knows.

In short, this time. SHIELD lost again, and the form has changed sharply, falling into the most critical situation.

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