Sun God Marvel

Chapter 437

In order to keep a little life from Zhou Yi’s hands, the twin star girl Laura Lolo obviously has no intention of hiding any secrets. I directly took out oneself’s biggest trump card.

As a rare and special Gemini. Being one twin, living together and dying together is magical, but it does not represent the greatest characteristic of their race. Their race also has the most peculiar ability, that is, the ability to locate the mind.

As the substantive existence of information lifeform, they can determine an existing target through their two-way mental positioning, and this distance is Infinity from the point of view of data.

Even if they are at this end of the universe and their target is at the end of the universe, they can also determine the location of oneself’s target through this two-way mental positioning.

This makes the Gemini people become the best hunters in the universe, and there is almost nothing that can escape their tracking. At this moment, this ability gave Laura Sister Lolo the biggest cost of life.

“I can locate the existence of Quill. If the Earth he is now in and the Earth you said are a planet, I think I can help you!”

Luo Luo hurriedly talked about the ability of owning, and her statement was not at all opposed by Laura. Obviously, they really have a way to do this. After hearing what they said, Zhou Yi asked immediately.

“Quail? The one from Guardians of the Galaxy?”

“Yes, if you know him. Then I think the Earth you are talking about is the one I talking about !” Taking a breath, Lolo knew that oneself this time was finally a bet. As long as the goal is correct, the rest is not a problem for her. And only if he can please this devilish guy and let her let her go oneself, then whatever it is is easy to say.

She is right. Because when he heard the name Quill, Zhou Yi had already put her down. It is not difficult to tell the relationship between her and Star Lord from her words. Zhou Yi oneself is also a person here, he still knows what the girl Huaichun looks like. And with this relationship, Zhou Yi wouldn’t kill her very much.

After all, Star Lord is a bit asshole, but he and oneself are in the same camp anyway. Zhou Yi still has a different treatment of own person. But now is not the time to deal with Zhou Yi, and Zhou Yi has no idea of ​​dealing. He just put the twin girls down and said to them.

“What preparations do you have to do, do it right away. I don’t have much time!”

“I rely on my own mindset and don’t need any preparation. It’s just that spaceship needs to be warmed up You can enter the Space Jump state just now!”

The twin sisters didn’t know that oneself had been inexplicably assigned to Zhou Yi’s camp. She immediately got busy for her own life, and began to work hard on oneself’s old and broken spaceship.

But Zhou Yi was not willing to wait for spaceship’s warm-up work. He directly caught the twin girls, used own divine force to directly intrude into her mind, and asked her.

“Where is the location? Guide me!”

And without saying anything, he tore the void directly and walked into the void world of Infinity. Rather than waiting for an old spaceship, oneself can do it a little faster. As long as there is a coordinate, he will be able to return to that world soon. Soon they will return to Ada.

Just faster, faster. They will definitely be fine. With this belief, Zhou Yi broke through countless distances and started oneself’s journey across the entire galaxy. And when he did this, Thanos and Ada were already fighting.

Although one hand is controlling Hulk, the other hand is controlling the Avengers and Mutant. But just relying on the idea of ​​own to mobilize the power from the Infinity Gem makes Thanos fully capable of confronting an ancient god like Lilith plus an Ada. Even, firmly gain the upper hand.

This is not cracking a joke, but Thanos itself has such a powerful force. Mind Stone and Reality Stone are present, he is on this planet now, and he has almost no rivals.

In reality, he holds the main force in the Avengers and Mutant in one hand, while at the same time fighting against the ancient gods like Lilith and Ada. And mentally, he is suppressing Professor Charles who has the strongest Psychic Ability, preparing to conquer his defense in one fell swoop, and completely control the powerful monster like Hulk in the hands of own.

These three fronts, no matter which one is displayed in front of the world, is enough to shock everyone who knows. And now, when these three fronts are at the same time and at the same place. What it means and represents can no longer be described as shock. Because a person’s heart can never respond adequately to this kind of thing. In essence, this is beyond the limit of what they can feel.

The power of Thanos has never been imaginable by ordinary people. A mortal guesses God at best, and he is already above the average God. And still far above it.

Being in the present also means that whether it is the ancient Goddess of Lilith or Demi-God, who has not taken the last step, it is impossible to be his opponent. Not even if it’s just that he only makes three points!

So they lost, and they lost the ground. This is not unexpected by Thanos, because from the very beginning he does not think that these two women will be own opponents.

His opponent is only Zhou Yi, and Zhou Yi has been defeated. So now he is unmatched, which he completely believes. And because it was unmatched, Thanos had enough patience and interest to torture the two prisoners of war that oneself had just acquired.

Originally, with their strength, they were not qualified to attract such special care as Thanos. But their identity gave Thanos another idea.

Zhou Yi’s woman, this identity is already special enough for Thanos. Although Zhou Yi is dead, at least he is dead in Thanos’s eyes. But Thanos’ hatred and resentment towards him has never diminished even a single cent. The shame Zhou Yi imposed on him, he has never forgotten the little bit. And it was because of this shame that he remembered in his heart that his resentment against a dead man increased.

But there is no way he can take dead people. The body of undying gave him the greatest support, but it also prevented him from stepping into the Kingdom of Death. Therefore, he can only vent this resentment to others. The person Zhou Yi is closest to is obviously the best target in his eyes.

The intangible illusory power turned into reality, breaking through Lilith’s sea of ​​scarlet blood, and also defeating Ada’s ice shield. After that, the two women were like lambs to be slaughtered, completely falling into the control of Thanos.

Thanos, who had taken control of the whole situation, immediately brought the two women to the owner, and looked at their pale, but undiminished pretty faces, showing an unusually evil smile.

“Are you Zhou Yi’s woman? I have to say, his vision is really good. You do have the capital to indulge!”

“What do you want to do? Monster! With ability, you kill me directly!”

Even in the face of Thanos, Ada did not show any surrender. In other words, when she heard that Zhou Yi had left this World, her heart had already germinated death. So she can now be said to be actively seeking death.

Actively attacking Thanos, or stimulating him with words at this time, is nothing more than a way of seeking death. And this way of her approach, in Thanos’s eyes, naturally the intention couldn’t be more obvious.

“Do you want to die? Want to go to another world to be with Zhou Yi?” Thanos looked at the expression on Ada’s face that he could not wait to eat his own, and couldn’t help showing a wild and malicious smile. . “I just didn’t let you do what you wanted. My resentment towards Zhou Yi is not so simple that it can dissipate with his Death. So, without asking you enough compensation, how could I let you die so easily? !”

“What do you want to do to us?”

At this time, the question is no longer the silver teeth clenched Ada, but Lily, who has reached the brink of despair. wire. Falling into Thanos’s hands, the best she could think of was just death. But obviously, she thought too simple.

Thanos doesn’t want to kill them at all. What he has to do must be more painful than trifling’s death.

“What do I want to do, let me think about it. What can I do to make Zhou Yi’s soul restless, how can I wash away the shame I got from Zhou Yi?”


Thanos said, leaning on Lilith’s body and sniffing her body. Then showed a weird smile.

“Are you still a virgin? Zhou Yi hasn’t touched you yet! It’s ridiculous. It seems that your status is not as important as I thought. At least compared to the one next to you, you are in Zhou. I am afraid that Yi’s position in her heart will be much worse!”

The anger in Lilith’s heart was suddenly uncontrollable, and anger and jealousy were already uncontrollable. She was jealous of Ada, because Ada got something she had never gotten before. Even if he died, oneself would also die, and it never changed. But when she thought that that person was dead, all the jealousy in her heart had disappeared.

This is already here, what can she say? Moreover, what can she do to this point today? Seeing the sadness on Lilith’s face, Thanos’s smile became more malicious.

“In fact, you may not be able to live. As long as you do something. For example, kill the woman next to you. Or, kill all the people related to Zhou Yi! As long as you do If you do, I think it’s enough to prove your sincerity. Moreover, I don’t have any reason to do anything to you!”

This request is excessive, but it is not impossible. However, Lilith remained unmoved at all. She just closed her eyes and raised her head. Just like she had treated Jehovah’s judgment, she chose this way to express her unyielding to everything.

She was never a woman who would compromise and be oppressed. She hasn’t changed for thousands of years, and naturally there will be no more changes now.

For her choice, Thanos’ expression froze immediately. The sorrow on his face grew deeper, and that definitely meant. What they will face is more cruel treatment.

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