Sun God Marvel

Chapter 438

“Do you think that if you do not say anything, I will give you a happy one? No one can refuse my opinion. Such people will always have one end. They will be tortured. , Died in pain in torture. No one has ever been an exception. Do you think you will be this exception?”

Thanos’s face is full of brutality and horror to choose from. Facing Lilith and Ada’s inconsistency and arrogance, he was already burning with anger. And in his anger, it is entirely possible for him to do anything! And even if his behavior is terrifying, no one here can stop him. Because his power crushed the audience, no one had the qualifications to stop him from doing anything.

However, facing this dual threat of military force and verbal. Ada and Lilith remained unchanged. One glared at each other, asking for death. One closed his eyes and remained silent. It can be said that these two women have practically implemented the principle of non-violence and non-cooperation.

Looking at their reaction, Thanos smiled. The smile was triumphant and frantic.

“Strong will, admirable spirit and heart. But do you think that you can survive this way? Or do you think that my means can’t handle even a so-called little mind? You underestimate me!”

“In front of me, no matter how strong the psychological line of defense is, it will eventually be breached. Do you think your love for Zhou Yi can surpass everything? It’s ridiculous, I want to know When you are willing to fall in love with an ugly, vulgar or even mean mortal, when you become the best man. Can you still have this kind of persistence, also have no face to face Zhou Yi in another world Guy!”

As he said, he launched an extremely cruel psychic attack on the two women. He wants to use the power of Mind Stone to completely destroy their consciousness and turn them into slaves under his control. Then let them experience the cruelest things in this world.

The resentment towards Zhou Yi made him act like this without guilt. Although he can be regarded as a seed of infatuation, it is only for him. As a person who is extremely selfish, he will never have any extra feelings about anyone other than oneself.

No matter how beautiful the love is, as long as it is not pleasing to his eyes. He has a good reason to destroy it. And now, his reasons are more than sufficient. In order to retaliate against Zhou Yi, he can even do anything. Destroying a trifling relationship is nothing to him.

In almost an instant, the turbulent and terrifying malice turned into substantial spiritual fluctuations and rushed into the hearts of Ada and Lilith. Like Thanos said, their spiritual defense is indeed impossible to withstand a single blow under the power of Infinity Gem. Only one step away, he can completely wipe out their consciousness and their emotions. Turn them into a toy in oneself’s hands.

Looking at the faint light of the soul, Thanos didn’t think it would be a long process at all.

When he did this, he was far away in his villa on Long Island. A woman who has been sleeping for a long time is gradually waking up from the world of her soul.

Jean Grey’s body suddenly burned with extremely bright red flames. The flames were burning and lingering on Jean Grey’s body, but in an instant, the life-sustaining cabin that had maintained her life until now turned into countless fine dust. And she is like a Phoenix reborn from the ashes, gaining new life here.

A totally intolerable life.

In theory, her new life is a very important piece of good news. Because if Zhou Yi knew all this, he would definitely celebrate her awakening in the grandest way. But now, not at all people come to meet her. In other words, there was no living person to greet her. What greeted her was a cold computer synthesized voice.

“Hello, Ms. Jean Grey. Congratulations on waking up. I think if your husband knows about this, he will be very happy!”

“You mean Yi? Wait, who are you?” Jean Grey, who had just woke up, was obviously in a daze. She asked the source of the sound, and with her words, the flames lingering around her began to restlessly. The earth leaped. And this is very dangerous.

Because the flame on her body is not a real flame, it is the appearance of a magical power. And this power manifested as flames has extremely terrifying destructive power. Compared with the destructive power where flames turn everything into fly ashes, its destructive power is even more terrifying. It directly transforms everything oneself touches into countless tiny existences.

That is something smaller than a molecule or even an atom, and it is almost impossible to distinguish. And the most terrifying thing is that there is almost nothing to withstand its destruction. The life-sustaining capsule is just the beginning, and it moves with it. One thing after another began to be destroyed, the equipment, the floor, and even some things Zhou Yi had stored in this laboratory.

Most of them are ordinary things, but one is very special. That is the Adamantium spear tip that Zhou Yi stored here. It is said to be indestructible. But under the destruction of this kind of flame, even what is known as indestructible has begun to lose its own form.

The destruction at the most microscopic level is almost impossible to defend. It’s the same with Adamantium. And watching the destruction intensify in the Infinity system. Computer-synthesized sound has become anxious.

“Madam, please control your power. The things here are very precious and special, if you can. Please don’t cause such unnecessary damage. In addition, my identity is Mr. Zhou Yi You can call me Medusa!”

“Medusa!” Upon hearing this, the flame on Jean Grey’s body shrank fiercely. Without feeling any threat from here, she subconsciously reduced her own power. She didn’t want to destroy anything related to Zhou Yi, not at all.

And when she reacted this way instinctively, she immediately glanced. It’s like looking for the trace of Zhou Yi. Regardless of whether she sees it with her eyes or perceives with her own power, it is impossible to find any trace of Zhou Yi. He is not in this World, so naturally it is impossible to be discovered by her.

“Where is Zhou Yi? Where is he?” After searching and searching, there was no trace of Zhou Yi, Jean Grey’s mood suddenly became irritable. She felt something very bad in her deep sleep. This made her break through layers of obstacles and returned to this World. And the first thing she woke up was to ask Zhou Yi’s trace.

For her, only Zhou Yi can make her feel this way. And this feeling made her very scared, afraid that something would happen to Zhou Yi.

“I don’t know, ma’am. All I know now is that Mr. Zhou Yi used to fight a group of alien invaders over Manhattan, New York, and then he disappeared in a Space Crack. According to The information I have, he went to fight with a group of aliens in the universe. But I don’t know what the situation is!”

“He has something wrong, I can feel it. Not just him , Also some people have had an accident. They need me now!” Holding his own temple involuntarily, Jean Grey felt a very mysterious perception, the power of this perception is very magical, as if he wanted to tell her something same. She can’t be sure more. The only thing that can be certain is that this need is very urgent, and it is so urgent that if she does not go, she will definitely regret it.

“According to my satellite monitoring, an alien who appeared suddenly launched an attack on the Guardian in our world. Although I do not want to say, these Guardians do not seem to be their opponents. Among them, Ms. Wang is among them!”

“Ms. Wang, you mean Ida Wang?” Upon hearing Medusa’s title, Jean Grey immediately called out Ida Wang’s name. And this immediately made Medusa strange.

“Very strange, madam. According to my information, the husband met Ms. Wang after you were in a coma. As usual, you should not know Ms. Wang!”

“I have heard what Yi said! Every time I heard it clearly. I just, I just can’t respond!”

In response to this, the flame on Jean’s body is not Stabilized. Her mood is very unstable, not only because Zhou Yi is not safe, but also because someone took the opportunity to take her things and share everything she precious. This is something she cannot tolerate, but now she must tolerate it all.

She even said that she must save them. Just because of the existence of that man.

When she fell asleep, some things had inevitably changed. Although this change is the last thing she wants to see, but at this time, she can only accept it.

For Zhou Yi, her feelings are extremely fierce. And this fierce feeling made her unable to do anything that might hurt him. Just like now, after learning about Ada Wang’s danger, even if she doesn’t want to, she can only prepare to leave and save her.

This is ridiculous, but it has already come true. She has already begun to act, step by step, as if crossing time and space, walking towards the outside.

And just as her silhouette gradually faded and she was about to leave here, a sudden discovery made her stand still.

It was a woman she had met once and two girls she had never seen. If she remembers correctly, this is Zhou Yi’s closest little maid, Serana. An existence that also threatened her. And if she guessed correctly, these two girls are the two children adopted by Zhou Yi.

The current Serana is behaving strangely. She is holding the two children of Zhou Yi. Sitting on a chair silently, then staring hollowly at the distant sky with his own eyes. She has no feeling towards the outside world, even Jean Grey has appeared next to her, and there is no major Spiritual Fluctuation. It’s as if she had already felt like water in her heart.

“He was in an accident!” Looking at Selana and two children with weird expressions, Jean walked to her and said to her.

While looking at Jean Grey who suddenly appeared next to oneself, Serrana smiled silently, nodded.

“I know!”

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