Sun God Marvel

Chapter 441


Scott’s heart instantly dropped a thousand zhang in one fall. He had hoped for the appearance of Jean Grey, but he got this kind of answer. This made him simply unacceptable. Once a person cannot accept reality, it is easy to do something extraordinary.

For example now. Scott showed an unbelievable look, and walked towards Jean Grey step by step.

“Jean, what are you talking about? Why can’t I understand a word? You are cracking a joke with me, right?”

He wants to be close to Jean Grey, in front of her, grabbed her hand to ask clearly what she meant. But before he could get close to Jean Grey, a crimson flame had already blocked him.

The fire light caused a chasm to appear immediately above the ground, and when you look at it, you can only see a dark chasm. And just before this dark chasm, Scott was forced to stop his own footsteps. At the same time, Jean Grey’s voice reached his ears again.

“If you come in one step further, I am not sure if you can survive. This time I will remember that I will save you for the sake of the professor. But if you dare If you say this, even the professor can’t save you!”

If you use one sentence to describe Jean Grey’s performance at this moment, it is unfeeling. It can be said that for those Mutant who knew her, Jean at the moment was almost completely different from the woman in their impression. Except for her appearance, they could not see anything familiar from her at all.

If you insist, Jean now and Dark Phoenix, who almost hurt them back then, are more alike. And this recognition immediately caused wild beast to rush up, stopping Scott, who was getting more emotional.

As an experiencer at the time, he knew very well what kind of terrifying existence Dark Phoenix was at that time. And because of this experience, he can be more sure whether what Jean Grey said is true or false.

She said she would kill Scott, so she would never show mercy. And let Scott die like this, he is obviously impossible to let this happen. So he rushed up and hugged him to prevent Scott from doing silly things on impulse.

Watching Scott being pulled directly by the sturdy wild beast, he returned to the Mutant team. An almost imperceptible contempt flashed in Jean Grey’s eyes.

Such a person is also worthy to talk about feelings with her, it is simply irresistible. With such a disdainful sneer on his face, Jean Grey disappeared silently into a light and shadow just like when he came before. And her disappearance immediately caused Scott to break the last fuse in oneself’s mind.

He was almost violent, struggling madly in the arms of the wild beast, trying to break free from his restraint. But the power of wild beast is not what he can match, so his efforts are meaningless. But he obviously didn’t want to give up. At this time, he was tortured by the emotions in his heart and almost collapsed. He couldn’t help turning his head, and aimed his eyes at his partner.

“Wild beast, let me go. Otherwise, don’t blame me for being rude to you!”

“Scott, you guy!” Seeing Scott suddenly revealed this look , Even the wild beast couldn’t help feeling angry in his heart. He was doing his best for this guy in line with the duty of a friend, but he didn’t expect this kind of treatment. No matter from which point of view, this made him feel a pain like betrayal.

The own partner actually does this kind of thing to oneself, as long as the person will not feel comfortable. In this situation, he immediately gritted the fangs in oneself’s mouth, and then silently released his own hand.

As soon as he broke free from the control of the wild beast, Scott immediately rushed towards the direction where Jean Grey had just disappeared. Now he has countless questions and extremely complicated moods. Even if it was death, he didn’t want to watch Jean Grey show this kind of emotion to him. So he must ask an answer.

“Come out, come out. Jean, tell me why, why! Give me an answer, give me an answer!”

He yelled like crazy first, But Jean Grey, who is already not in here, is naturally impossible to give him any answer. In other words, even if she is still in this place, she doesn’t want to pay any attention to him now. They are already creatures of different worlds and classes. Paying attention to him will only make oneself seem even more depreciated.

But Scott didn’t know all this, he was still barking like a mad dog, to the point where his companions could hardly accept it.

“No one of you can calm him down. I mean if you can’t do it, I can help you and knock him out!”

It was Logan, the guy who hadn’t dealt with Scott very much. As soon as he saw his endless mannerism, he immediately said in a tone full of sarcasm and discomfort.

Although before this, he also had different ideas about Jean like Scott. But he retired cleanly and neatly. Never been entangled like this. So for Scott, he is fully qualified to look down on him.

“If you can do it, I don’t oppose you to do it!”

Even if they belong to the same camp, not everyone is on Scott’s side. In truth, Scott doesn’t do much in the own group. Especially after he thought Jean Grey had an accident.

If he was considered a qualified teacher before, then he will not have the sense of responsibility that a Mutant teacher should have. He was addicted to his own feelings, all day long he only knew that he was drinking and muddleheaded. Even if they don’t agree with each other, they think about the people.

If before this, he could still get a little sympathy from a hurt person who has lost his love, then now he gets only the contempt of others. Men entangled with women, and entangled in this way, no matter how you look at it, it is an expression of lack of spine. And this kind of performance, in front of this group of people who rely on power to speak, really lost points to the extreme.

Not only the Mutants, who usually endure resentment against him, but also the Avengers who just shared the joys and sorrows with them, now they also start to look at this guy nicknamed Cyclops with colored eyes. Especially Tony!

He just escaped from the dead, he wouldn’t just shut his own mouth like this. Especially when he learned part of the things about Zhou Yi and Jean Grey, his vicious tongue attacked Scott without the slightest hesitation.

“Mr. Summers, I always thought that being infatuated with men is a great thing. But really, you refreshed my perception. Or, you let me completely change me Thoughts. So, I think I should thank you!”

“What do you mean? Do you laugh at me?”

Scott is now a mad dog, but But it doesn’t mean that he can’t even hear such ridicule. Almost immediately, he led the own evil fire to Tony’s body, without even saying a word, it was a laser beam that shot towards Tony.

The crimson light beam hit Tony’s armor, and immediately rubbed a fairly obvious mark on his red shell, but it was a trivial matter to the people inside. With Nanominium, which has amazing regenerative ability, such small injuries are really not a problem.

But this gave Tony an excuse to mock him again.

“It’s amazing, Mr. Summers. If you were so decisive just now, you might be the one who defeated the alien monster.”

” You…” Tony’s sharp words made Scott feel very harsh, and he was about to say something more. But at this time, an obvious voice stopped him and brought everyone back to the formal level.

“Enough, everyone. I know you are in a complicated mood now, but this is really not the time to talk about this kind of thing. We also have many problems that have not been resolved!”

“Captain , Do you think we still need us in this situation? In the face of the monster-level contest, it seems that we can only sit here and talk about the problems between us. Then wait for them to decide the final victory or defeat. Decide our fate and so on. Isn’t it?”

Tony uncharacteristically began to refute Steve Captain’s words. And from his words, many people have heard different things.

Self-ridicule, sarcasm, and a very special kind of sadness. He was in the same mood as most people present, but heavier than them. Because just now, he learned a piece of news that was nothing but bad news for him.

“Mr. Stark, I know that the news of Mr. Zhou Yi’s death makes you sad. But your current behavior does not help you in any way. You have to know, this war It’s not over yet, and we also have many things left unresolved. Even if we can’t deal with the enemy in the universe, we can still do something other than we can, can’t we?”

“haha, hahaha! You know, Professor Charles!” After a series of laughs that even oneself didn’t know the meaning, Tony said what oneself wanted to say most, regardless of whether it was appropriate or not. “I’m disgusted, what the hell is Superhero!”

“Take your life to save others, and then you have to face this monster? Why, why me? Why are we? What about the army, what about the taxes I pay? Shouldn’t this kind of thing be left to our government? What are we doing here and making fun of my own life.”

“I gave up , Everybody! Let’s play by yourself, I won’t join you anymore. I also have other things to do now!”

“Enough, Tony. Do you know what else you said?”

Captain’s anger cannot stop Tony. At this time, he was completely out of control.

“Enough is you! I don’t want to listen to your nonsense anymore!” Looking at Lilith and Ida who was lying on the ground, Tony’s eyes showed a heavy color again.

“I have lost my best friend, and I don’t want my friend’s child to lose even his mother!”

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