Sun God Marvel

Chapter 442

Watching Tony walk step by step to the two women lying on the ground, they are, to some extent, the widows of his best friend. Almost everyone present closed their own mouths.

They all survived this battle, which is extremely lucky. Unfortunately, one of them died. That is the person who should not die and the most impossible person to die. But now, he just died in front of everyone. This has to be reminiscent of more.

Think about it, if the person who died in front of them did not join them. Instead, he continued to maintain his reclusive style and continued to be his rich man, instead of being a Superhero. What will their situation be like at this moment? Can they still live in this world safely and keep their own lives in the repeated fluke?

Everyone can think of what the answer is, and this answer makes them all unable to help but shut their mouths. They could only watch Tony lift the two women on the ground, and then disappear into the air in a flame.

“Captain, is it really okay to let him go like this?”

Quicksilver’s problem caused Captain, who has been silent, to open his mouth, but even he can’t at this time has any accusations against Tony.

“This is what we owe to that person. Moreover, it doesn’t matter whether he has him or not. The situation is already not in our control, and all we can do is win by them. Before losing, just finish some things we can do!”


Quicksilver yelled and fell silent. At this time, they all felt the kind of involuntarily pain. Just like the last moment before the deathbed, all they can do now is to let oneself leave no more regrets.

“Ha, you people, it’s ridiculous to the extreme. What did that guy do, let you treat him as a hero. Did he kill the monster? He stopped the war Is it? He is just a loser, a total loser. Don’t you understand?”

At this moment, a person’s shout made everyone hold their own breath. Not because what he said is reasonable and convincing. It was what he said that caused an explosive flame to burn in everyone’s heart. It was anger. It was the reaction that made the anger that could hardly be restrained burst into the own chest.

Faced with such words, anger is already a feeling shared by everyone present. But because of the identity of the person who said this sentence, they are still trying their best to exercise restraint. However, even if it is an owner person, they have to stop him from such useless words at this time. And it was not someone else who said this first, it was his Teacher and the true leader of this group of Mutants, Professor Charles.

“Enough, Scott. Your performance today is too much. Stop it, don’t let your emotions control you and make you an unreasonable lunatic!”

“Teacher? What are you talking about!” At this time, Scott is impossible to listen to anyone’s opinions. He stubbornly and madly vented the anger, jealousy and deepest resentment that was in full swing in oneself’s heart. “Am I wrong? Isn’t it because of his incompetence that we have to endure what we have encountered today? If he was more useful, all of this could be over long ago, right?”

“Or, can any of you be sure that the last monster was not caused by his actions? You have also heard, what shame he gave to that guy, and he came for revenge. We are now Everything that happened was actually the result of that guy’s willful behavior, isn’t it?”

“Enough, bastard!” Silver light flashed, and Scott, who was still talking nonsense, was immediately hit. Fell to the ground. It was an attack from Quicksilver, and only he could completely stop such a guy from chattering in such a short time.

“What else do you think you fucking say? Who do you think you are, what qualifications do you have to say? He is a man who fought desperately for us. You say this It’s his fault. Have you ever thought about where you bastard is now without him? Where are all of us here now?”

“get out of my sight, ignorant guy. You You dare to hit me. You are courting death, you know?”

Being knocked to the ground by a punch immediately made Scott go crazy. He looked at Quicksilver standing next to oneself, and roared that he would use the own laser to give him a shot. But before he had time to make such a move, a harder fist fell on his face again.

That was from Logan’s fist. This grumpy guy could no longer bear anything that this disgusting guy did that would damage their reputation. He stretched out his own fist and gave him a heavy blow that made his entire face twisted and swollen.

“Shut up, you hear no. If you don’t shut up again, you don’t need to use your mouth to say any nonsense. I will put that nasty tongue inside Cut it off!”

Logan’s words caused the resentment in Scott’s heart to explode. He looked at Logan, who showed steel claws to oneself, and directly launched the biggest one without saying anything. Power laser beam.

Faced with such a laser beam, Luo Gen grinned and stretched out his own sharp claw.

Adamantium’s sharp claw easily splits the entire laser beam into countless pieces of light chips. Although this light chip also has a certain lethality, it is for Steel Muscles Iron Bones like Logan. For the guys, simply is the same thing as a house.

He allowed these shavings to burn owner’s body, and at the same time, he let his own sharp claw scratch his face without stopping.

This paw goes down, and nothing else, it can definitely cut his face that oneself hates. But just when his paw was about to cut into his face, all the movements of the two of them stopped.

This is certainly not their own will. Because according to their wishes, at least one person must lie down at this moment to put an end to all disputes. So they stopped at this moment entirely because of the wishes of others. And this person is a professor, and can only be Professor Charles.

As one of Mutant’s chiefs, he naturally cannot watch two Mutants fighting each other. As an elder, a Teacher. He can’t watch the own student and his own companion do such siblings. So he forcibly intervened in their hearts, took over their bodies, and stopped their movements.

This action of his is obviously not thought of by these two people. Logan did not expect that Charles would break the rules set by himself and intervene in own without the consent of oneself. But Scott did not expect that his mentor, his closest people would stop him at this time.

He just wanted to question the own Teacher, and at this time, this old man who had been respected for a lifetime had already begun to speak to him in his heart.

“Enough, Scott. You did too much, don’t you think oneself is not enough to be ashamed?”

“Teacher, I…”

“Enough, you disappointed me too much. Scott!” Professor Charles didn’t want to listen to any explanation from him at this time, under his control. Scott directly lost his own consciousness and fell into a coma. And this is a good thing for everyone present.

Except Logan.

“Charles, you are too partial to this bastard. You think he is your best student, but it’s not the same thing at all.”

“I know, So I know exactly what I should do!”

Charles replied, with a disappointment that could not be concealed in his words. For Scott, he had great hopes. I even thought of entrusting the future of own business and Mutant to Scott’s hands in a hundred years. However, the facts have repeatedly told him that his expectations are all unrealistic fantasy.

Since he returned to Canada, Scott has become decadent. He has fallen from a successor who can be entrusted with important tasks to a useless alcoholic. At that time, he thought it was just a temporary pain, and one day, he would be able to come out of this pain and cheer up again.

But everything that happened today told him that Scott had changed, and he became a guy he didn’t know at all. A guy who has fallen into the mud and can’t help it anymore. He is impossible to take over everything from own, because he no longer has this ability, this qualification.

A qualified successor has become like this. For the professor who has been in his late years, it is definitely a heavy blow. Fortunately, he was strong enough not to be devastated by such a blow.

“Do you know how to do it, can you let me go now?”

Rogan’s words let the professor clean up his own emotions, and he loosened his control over Rogan. At the same time, I also sent a sentence of sorry. Logan had heard this many times, so he just hummed and closed his own mouth.

There are not many Mutants who can criticize the professor, because he is indeed someone they cannot ask for more. This may be something that professors rarely find comforting.

He got understanding from these Mutants, and then he began to seek such things from those Superheros.

“I’m so sorry, Steve Captain. You saw such an unbearable thing?”

“Everyone has something hard to say, I understand that. And, you guys Enough has been done.” Turning the page lightly, Captain put his gaze on Loki, who had been standing by and watching the whole scene without saying a word.

For this enemy, Captain motioned to the teammates next to own and surrounded him.

“You still dare to stay here, are you so confident? Or do you think your boss has been won?”

“My boss? Haven’t you seen it clearly? That guy doesn’t care about my life or death at all!”

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