Sun God Marvel

Chapter 448

God bless United States. Lincoln said this when he was determined to end the Civil War. Ross Fook also said this when he announced his entry into the Second World War. Bush also said the same when he launched the Afghanistan War. It can almost be said that when every president of the United States makes a major decision, the most familiar thing is to put this sentence on his lips.

Will God bless them? No one knows the answer. But what is certain is that when they make such a decision, they are almost doomed, and thousands of people will die as a result.

No one has ever asked the wishes of the victims they identified. They have unilaterally decided to exchange their lives for the benefits needed by oneself. It was the same in the past, and it is the same today. The so-called sacrifices have always started with unarmed civilians and innocents. As Leaders, they are all impossible to become part of the victims.

This is the cruel truth of this World, it has never changed, even impossible has changed. Because to some extent, humans have become accustomed to all this.

As innocent civilians at the bottom, all you can expect is the mercy of the upper-level people. But now, almost no one has such an idea. Except for Nick. Fury.

This one-eyed black-faced big man put on a very blunt face at this moment, even through the holographic image, everyone present could feel his bad mood at the moment. And when he stood up fiercely regardless of the occasion, they could even feel how angry he was now.

But this is not a place to let him go. In any case, he is a nominal subordinate of the council. And this means that even he must accept their orders.

“Director Fury, where do you want to go. This is not a place where you can want to walk to walk!”

“Do I still want to be here, watching you Do you issue maddening orders? Forgive me, SHIELD will never participate in your mischief!”

With his back facing the so-called leader, Nick Fury simply and completely refused . But when he tone barely fell, someone called him directly.

“You can’t leave right now, Director Fury. If I remember correctly. The closest organization to New York with nuclear strike capability is your SHIELD Helicarrier. Without you, we want Attacking those guys requires wasting more time. Now, time can’t be wasted!”

“Am I not clear enough? I said, SHIELD will not participate in you During this operation. This is my decision as the director of SHIELD, don’t you understand?”

“SHIELD is not your word, Director Fury. You can’t represent everything about SHIELD. In addition, do you really think that without you, we can’t control SHIELD?”

People on the board obviously have a deep resentment for Nick Fury’s non-cooperation. At this critical moment, one of them immediately sneered at him and started talking. Hearing his words, Director Fury’s only one-eyed eyes shrank ran to the outside of the conference room without saying a word.

He already knew that some hands and feet were inserted by the council in own SHIELD. But he did not expect that they would expose this dark thread at this time. And this exposed dark thread brought him huge problems.

If the nuclear bomb is dropped, no matter what the result is, his SHIELD will be completely divided into this side of the council. Because people will only remember who issued this order and who acted as the last used killer. No one will remember that he will be the only opponent in this resolution. The result determines everything, and in the heaviest history, all objections will be completely swept into the trash.

Fury has decided not to intervene in this kind of thing. The reason is that if there are other abnormalities in the result, he can get away calmly. Because really, he really didn’t believe that trifling nuclear bombs could threaten a guy like Zhou Yi. No one knows the power of Zhou Yi better than him. Dawn Knight, Ming Wang, when these identities overlapped together, he almost surpassed everyone’s imagination.

Sometimes he even wonders, also what he can’t do.

But because of this uncertainty, he never submitted the information that oneself has. This put it now, but it made him rejoice. Because he maintains a basic sobriety when everyone starts to dream. But this soberness made him choose to stay out of the matter very simply.

No matter what the result is, he doesn’t want to blend into it. But now, these bastards have almost made it clear that they want to drag him into the water.

“Commander Hill, blockade the deck. All unauthorized takeoffs are forbidden!”

“Sir, are all takeoff commands forbidden?”

“Just Without my consent, no plane is allowed to leave the carrier, understand?”

Fury further emphasized, but Commander Hill quickly gave him a bad answer.

“Sorry, sir. Two unreported aircraft have left the carrier. It is an order of the board of directors, and I have no right to stop them!”

This sentence is simply Let Fury feel desperate. Because at this time, whatever he does is already too late. The situation began to develop in the worst direction, especially for him.

And just after he left the meeting, the people in the council began to chuckle like whispers. Someone started to complain to Pierce.

“Pierce, is it a bit too good to expose our most important dark line at this time. You know, Nick Fury will definitely investigate his men after this. Our people are likely to be Exposed to him.”

“Don’t worry, by that time, he will be on the same boat as us. Even if he finds out there is nothing at worst. However, just People on SHIELD are not insured. President, I think you also need to put more effort on your side!”

After a faint response, Pierce turned his attention to the president. . Faced with this somewhat aggressive look, the president immediately changed color.

“Mr. Pierce, don’t you think this is not enough? I really don’t think it is necessary for us to put so many nuclear weapons on New York, even in the spirit of destroying the enemy, this action is too It’s a little bit past, isn’t it?”

“Perhaps, but sir. If you don’t kill the snake once, chances are you will have a backlash from the snake. That’s deadly enough. Ah! So, even just in case, I think it’s necessary to prepare more, don’t you?”

Compared with the powerful Pierce, the incompetent president can’t come up with the corresponding imposing manner. And he, who had already bowed his head congenitally, could only agree to him at this time.

“What you said makes sense, since that’s the case. I know, I will ********. The Ministry of Defense will send aircraft carrying nuclear weapons into the sky over New York, in order to guard against the unexpected.”

Everything is proceeding as oneself envisioned, and watching this development, Pierce Calm and Composed finally showed a slight smile on his face.

“Very well, in order to guard against the unexpected. We really need to do more preparation!”

In the control of these people, humans finally revealed their sharpest Minions. What is ridiculous is that these sharp minions not only show their enemies, but also show them the guardian god of until now.

They were never gentle guys. It can even be said that human genes are born with the seeds of rebellion. This characteristic is particularly obvious in these guys who are at the top of the human class to some extent. They are almost impossible to accept the so-called protection from others, and even more impossible to accept that someone can override them. If someone does this, then there is ample reason for them to do anything to them.

This is a mockery, a mockery of people like Zhou Yi. If he knew that some of the human beings had such an abacus, he wouldn’t know what expression he would show. But even as God, he does not have the ability to see through people’s hearts and see through the future. At this moment, he is still trying his best to oneself full strength, fighting for the life of this World.

Thanos’s heavy blow can be said to be getting heavier and heavier, and the pressure on him is getting heavier. Compared with his huge body of King Ming, the first thing he couldn’t bear was the land under his feet.

Standing on the earth, it is inevitable to bear each other’s strength with the earth. The body of King Ming is almost an Indestructible Diamond, but the land under his feet and the land blessed by heaven does not have such power. When Zhou Yi couldn’t help venting part of oneself’s endurance to the earth. The whole land began to make a sound almost wailing.

It’s like the sound of a skeleton cracking that is magnified by countless times. In such a sound, the entire Manhattan begins to tremble, making irregular movements of ups and downs. The land was overturned in plates, and tall buildings collapsed one by one in this tremor. The horizon is descending, and the turbulent sea at this time is like a rare beast just released from the cage, rushing towards this already broken city.

This can be said to be the end, because what is impossible is worse than now. For this city, it has come to an end. Even Zhou Yi and Jean Grey have no other way at this time, because all their power is used elsewhere.

It is already the result of Jean Grey’s full strength to protect the ordinary civilians so that they can survive this kind of disaster. And Zhou Yi is operating under overload.

If he had not endured most of the strength, the situation would definitely be far worse than it is now. And the worst thing is that all the bad things happened one after another at this time.

When the Hong Long Long fighter plane pierced the sky, everyone ushered in the most unbearable blow. Because in the sight of these people, one after another strikes ruthlessly towards the city with a dazzling tail flame missile. When the most dazzling brilliance is accompanied by the soaring mushroom cloud blooming in this world, for many people here, everything is over.

They know that oneself has been abandoned.

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