Sun God Marvel

Chapter 449

New York, impolitely said is the most advanced city in this world, and also the most developed city. If nothing happens, he will maintain such a position for many years to come, and he cannot be shaken by any city.

But it is the pride of the American people, this city where the free girl Divine Idol stands, at this moment, it is ushered in its worst blow since its establishment. A blow handed by its owner.

When two nuclear bombs exploded in the center of the city, it actually meant that its history had come to an end.

First of all, the most dazzling light bursts out. It is a radiance that is more dazzling than the sun and can pierce the eyeballs of almost anyone who dares to look directly at it. It is useless to close the eyes, because the flesh and blood body cannot ignore this radiance at all. And this radiance directly exploded the eyes of all mortals.

Not many people have the chance to see what happened next, and this can be said to be lucky from a certain angle. Because they don’t need to see the hell that will happen next.

The earth is shaking, not just because of Zhou Yi and others. More is because of the formidable power exploded by the nuclear bomb. When radiance broke out, a sun had already risen out of thin air. With unrivaled strength, it tore everything that dared to stand in front of oneself. Whether it is the overturned land or the already broken urban buildings, when it begins to stretch oneself’s body, it turns into scorched earth, into ashes and dust in an instant. And this is just the beginning.

When the sun begins to dim and gradually turns into dark red. Mushroom-shaped fire clouds began to rise from the ground, and the hot and destructive shock waves began to fire mercilessly toward all around. Compared to the previous shock wave generated by the confrontation between Zhou Yi and Thanos, this shock wave may be difficult to surpass in formidable power. But in terms of lethality, it must be even stronger.

The nuclear radiation it possesses is enough to greatly affect all life on this land. What’s more terrifying is that within many years to come, this place will become a dead and barren land, where no life will multiply and thrive, or that it will completely become a restricted area of ​​life.

The most prosperous city in the past will become like this. I have to say that this will become a tragedy destined to be remembered in human history. But for the Leader who caused all this, this kind of thing is not what they need to pay attention to now, they are paying attention to other places.

It was the huge God who was swallowed up in the instant the nuclear bomb detonated, and it was also the alien giant who was also targeted by them. What they want is their demise, and only the demise of these two people can make everything they do have meaning and value.

So they stared at Manhattan after the nuclear explosion almost intently, staring at the two most conspicuous life features in there.

The dazzling radiance and the soaring clouds blocked their sight, but through the monitoring on the screen, they could not see the result that oneself wanted. But none of them gave up this futile act. At this moment, these guys showed extraordinary patience.

In silence, they are waiting, waiting for the moment when all the dust settles. This will not be long, because such a huge target is too conspicuous. With just a little patience, they will know the answers they want to know.

And just as they thought, the answer was quickly revealed.

The fighter planes that finished the bombing mission were still hovering over Manhattan. Through the camera lens on the fighter planes, a group of people in Washington could clearly see the current real-time situation of New York. As the fighter jets slowly approached the Central Zone of the nuclear explosion, a big hand suddenly came out of the huge mushroom cloud that had not yet dissipated.

It was a golden hand, and the crimson flames lingering on it were conspicuous enough even in the chaotic and gloomy radiant dust. And when this big flashlight was shot and waved, everyone who looked at it felt a sense of oppression like suffocation.

Although the fighter plane started desperately pulling up oneself position when it saw the big hand immediately, but for this big hand, the small fighter like a mosquito is basically impossible to escape at such an instant.

A blast, a fire. Everything disappeared in front of my eyes, while watching this situation. The conference room in Washington instantly exploded after a short silence.

“How is it possible, how is this possible? No one can survive that kind of explosion, this must be a mistake!”

“Damn it, something must be wrong! What the hell is going on?”

“Are all our nuclear bombs fake? How could it be impossible for even such a guy to solve it?”

Almost one person with one voice , And these sounds immediately caused a mess in the conference room. Even the President has completely lost his opinion now. If he was the most decisive moment in his life before, then he can be said to be flustered that he doesn’t even know who oneself is.

He is like a drowning man trying to catch a straw for life-saving, calling for help to Pierce, who has been standing there and his face has not changed much.

“Mr. Pierce, what shall we do now?”

Pierce’s performance at this time is very calm, as if everything was in his expectation. And his calmness fell in the eyes of the president, and it obviously became a sign that he could be trusted and trusted. He has nowhere to go, so as long as there is a slight possibility of a comeback, he is not willing to give up.

“Don’t panic, sir. We have not lost all hope. We even say this is just the beginning!”

“Mr. Pierce? I still don’t understand you very well. Meaning. Please make it clear, as long as it can make a difference to the current situation, I will cooperate with you no matter what it is!”

This is the so-called trying to find anyone or anything in a crisis. But as a doctor who was turned away, Pierce was not very disgusted with such an idiot. He smiled at the table in front of patted own, and the sound was not very loud, but the whole noisy conference room was instantly quiet.

Compared with that incompetent president, as the chairman of the Security Council, Pierce is obviously more convincing and more prestigious. At least on this occasion, most of the people present are willing to listen to Pierce’s thoughts and opinions.

While looking at the eyes of these people around, Pierce straightened his tie and confidently said with a smile.

“In fact, if you think about it, we are not at a loss. It’s just that you still have some scruples!”

“Considering? Mr. Pierce. We are all on the territory of oneself country. , Threw a nuclear bomb at the citizen of own. You still think that we are scrupulous! Are you cracking a joke with us?” A general from the Ministry of National Defense said with a wide open own voice. His words immediately let Pierce take over, leading to a word that Own wanted to say most.

“Of course there are scruples, gentlemen. Especially the generals from the Ministry of Defense, maybe Mr. President may not understand a bit, but don’t tell me, you don’t know about tactical nuclear bombs and strategic The difference between nuclear bombs. What I mean is very simple, that is, if we cannot solve this enemy with tactical weapons, why not try more powerful strategic weapons?”

“What? You must be crazy Now, Mr. Pierce! How can we do such crazy things in own territory!”

Not everyone is willing to agree with his views unconditionally at this time. Because no matter from which point of view, the consequences of doing so are different. Tactical nuclear bombs can be evaded by various excuses, but once strategic nuclear weapons are used, it almost means that oneself is completely dragged into an irreversible situation.

Even further, if they can’t get the results they want, what awaits all of them will be trials and endless prisons from people all over the world.

As these people showed expressions of hesitation and regret, Pierce suddenly showed a disdainful smile.

“Everyone, do you think you have a chance to also regret it? It has reached the point where you are now, but you are thinking about closing it. Don’t you think it’s too late?”

“Imagine how angry that God is now. Do you think if that guy frees his hands, how long can you live? Don’t tell me at worst, I even doubt if he If you can find us to settle the account, we are dead, and it is impossible to get the so-called peace!”

Influential figures are not something that you can often encounter with influential figures. But now they have to admit that both the benefits after success and Penalty after failure are enough to make them trembling in fear.

In this case, there will always be someone who can’t hold it. Unsurprisingly, the first thing that couldn’t hold it was the Mr. President.

“Everyone, do we also have another choice?”

No one speaks because no one is qualified to speak at this time. Speaking at this time, but you must have the consciousness that has been stinking for thousands of years. Below the two ends of the first mouse, these people are more willing to remain silent. They want to use this method to make oneself look like an innocent, but they are already grasshoppers on a rope.

As the nominally supreme Leader, the final decision power once again falls on the president.

“What else can I say? If that’s the case, let’s do it!”

Sitting down on the chair, the president weakly vomited out the greatest secret that oneself had . That is the nuclear code he has, and once this thing is said, it means that the most powerful country in this world begins to burst out oneself’s most powerful force.

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