Sun God Marvel

Chapter 450

“Jean, how do you feel?”

Zhou Yi, who smashed the fighter jets with a slap, couldn’t help but treat oneself after the nuclear explosion. Jean asked. Although in terms of their strength, the trifling nuclear explosion is no longer a big problem. But now Jean’s burden is not easy, so his worries are justified.

Jean Grey naturally knows what Zhou Yi is caring about. She responded with a smile to this long-lost greeting.

“Don’t worry, these small problems don’t bother me. It’s just a pity that the civilians in the ground still suffered some injuries. I can only stop the shock waves, but I can’t stop the radiance of the nuclear explosion !”

“It’s okay, there will be a way to cure them. Just stay alive!”

When lightly said this, Zhou Yi put his own eyes on just now. On the enemy. Thanos, who put his heart and soul on the offensive, never thought that the indigenous humans in his eyes would actually have such a destructive weapon, and he was directly destroyed by his own figure in a moment. But for him, this is not the worst thing.

In the blink of an eye, his body began to regroup quickly from in the sky. And looking at this situation, the giant Ming Wang without the slightest hesitation stretched out his hand to him.

Although he has a deep aversion to the stupidity and willfulness of human beings, he still wants to solve the enemy in front of him at this moment. After all, he is always a part of humanity anyway. Internal contradictions are internal contradictions, and when external contradictions still exist, there is no turn to put them on the table.

So Thanos became the object of his anger at the moment to vent oneself. Thanks to the human tactical nuclear strike, the situation that was dragged by Thanos until now began to collapse.

Because Thanos once again died, his control of the Infinity Gem’s power has also dropped to a level. The thousands of giant arms that were transformed by energy have also returned to nothingness. This greatly relieved Zhou Yi’s burden and gave him a rare opportunity to breathe. In this case, if you don’t seize the opportunity to reverse this situation, it would be too stupid.

Zhou Yi chose at this time to take action in order not to give Thanos a chance to breathe. The timing he seized was very precise. At the moment Thanos was resurrected, he directly pinched Thanos in the palm of his own hand.

Until now, Thanos relies on his huge body to do what Zhou Yi is doing now. However, he never expected that he would experience the feeling of trivial ant twice in the same person. Zhou Yi gave him too many firsts, so many that he can’t wait for Zhou Yi to frustrate him.

But this is not his own patent. Before these, there was no room for relaxation between them. So Zhou Yi is also ruthless to him.

Once he grasped Thanos’s body tightly, he had no room to move in the palm of his own hand. Zhou Yi immediately urged his own power to quickly condense the formidable power of the sun’s fire in his palm. The condensed solar fire has incredible destructive power. Even compared to the central power of the previous nuclear explosion, the formidable power of the solar fire is only high.

But unlike the previous situation where he was completely unprepared, Thanos now has done enough preparations at the moment of resurrection. The power of the Infinity Gem guarded his body, so that the blazing sun could not hurt him even at all.

So, even if Zhou Yi tried his full strength to agitate the power of the sun’s fire. But Thanos still smiled calmly in the sacred fire, and put on a arrogant attitude that completely ignored everything.

“hahaha, Zhou Yi. You are only this. Now you are no longer my opponent. Your little tricks are of no use to me, also, you think you How long can you keep me trapped?”

Following his words, the horrible energy immediately burst into Zhou Yi’s palm frantically. That feeling, for Zhou Yi, is as painful as an ordinary person detonating a grenade in the palm of his own hand. Although not all split up and in pieces would be blown up, but it also gave him a feeling of broken bones and tendons.

He endured the pain, and smiled at Thanos who was grinning slyly.

“Just a while is enough. As I said, we need a conclusion!”

“What do you want to do?” Hearing this, Thanos instinctively I felt something wrong. He struggled immediately, wanting to break free from Zhou Yi’s hands as soon as possible. But Zhou Yi decisively exceeded his imagination at this time.

Holding Thanos tightly in one hand, he reached into the void with the other. Reaching out, Zhou Yi directly tore the barrier of space with his own divide force, and stepped directly into the endless void.

What he has to do now is to transfer the battlefield between them to a place where he can let him go. And Thanos immediately saw his attempt. He struggled and burst out with a stronger force to escape from his palm. At the same time, he roared at Zhou Yi.

“Zhou Yi, you never want to do this. Don’t forget, Space Stone is in my hands now. You are impossible to transfer me, and the space I can manipulate is not something you can match!”

“Let’s try it, try Infinity Gem and me, who is the king of space!”

Feeling oneself from the ubiquitous space Repulsive force, Zhou Yi roared and forcibly broke the barrier in front of oneself. The door of the space began to shatter in front of his eyes, and when his body stepped into the void, the endless turbulence instantly enveloped him and Thanos.

Whether it is the division force of the space he controls, or the space power of the Infinity Gem, they are desperately opposed in endless void, and the effect of this on the void is that the entire void immediately becomes chaotic. . Their power completely destroyed the stability here, and what this caused was that one after another void cracks began to appear around them.

These void rifts allow them to appear anywhere in the universe at any time. And this is obviously within Zhou Yi’s plan. No matter what kind of power Infinity Gem has, it is also impossible to have a decisive suppressing power on oneself. Just as Time Stone is also impossible to completely cut off his time, Space Stone is also impossible to completely cut off his influence on the void.

He knows that it is impossible to bring Thanos into the depths of the universe. But as long as he can stay away from Earth, it is acceptable to him.

Although Thanos’s repelling power at this time was a bit beyond his imagination, Zhou Yi took him out of Earth as planned by oneself.

Looking at the space fissures around oneself, and feeling the coordinates of oneself in space. Thanos’s face is always cloudy and sunny, changing. After a while, he showed Zhou Yi a oneself evil smile as always.

“I have to say, Zhou Yi. You are a good opponent!”

“Strong power, keen judgment, and also your ridiculous principles. I have been for a long time. I have never encountered an opponent like you. I have to admit that you are the most noble enemy I have encountered in my life! And the best enemy!”

“hmph, what do you want to say Do you want me to recognize your value?” Coldly snorted, already not in Zhou Yi and Jean Grey, who maintained the body of King Ming, revealed their original form together. He first pulled Jean Grey behind the owner, and then said to Thanos who was standing there with his chest. “You are not worthy, Thanos. A guy like you is never worthy of the respect of others. You are just a mean fellow, and a mean person, no matter how strong it is, it is meaningless!”

“hmph hum , Hmph hmph hmph!” Hearing Zhou Yi’s answer, Thanos immediately sneered like this. “Do you think I need your respect? Do I need you to recognize my worth? Also, do you think I am complimenting you?”

“No, it is fundamentally different from what you think. I want What I’m telling you is that a guy like you can make me feel more and more destroyed. Your power has the value of being conquered, and your so-called principles make me want to trample it into the dirt. . You are the best opponent I have encountered, and only an opponent like you is qualified to be completely destroyed by me.”

“I have already figured it out clearly, killing you is no longer enough I am. What I want now is to completely defeat you, time and time again. Deprive you of the power you are proud of, and ruin your ridiculous and stupid principle. Watching you sinking little by little into the weakest The worm. I want you to watch you lose everything oneself has, and at that time. When you are completely desperate, I will take off your head and embed it on my throne. As I have the greatest respect for you, this most respectable opponent!”

Laughing Thanos, vividly and thoroughly showed his domineering, crazy and despicable. He is so incomparable now, just like his identity, a well-deserved overlord of the universe. He carried through the madness in oneself’s heart and showed it in front of Zhou Yi indifferently.

That’s what he wants, which is to let Zhou Yi see what kind of guy he was completely defeated.

On the other side of Thanos like this, Zhou Yi just sneered, responding to him in the same confident way.

“Do you want to do this? Then try it and see who of us can really have the last laugh!”

“Do you still think about it? Zhou Yi, remind One thing about you. That is, you have not taken me out of an absolutely safe distance.”

Suddenly said such a sentence, Thanos rushed into the distance. oneself in the nearest void rift. He seems to be differently determined, believing that this rift will have a special meaning to Zhou Yi. So he left without the slightest hesitation. And seeing him so decisive, Zhou Yi immediately followed along.

He has not forgotten that Space Stone is still with Thanos. If he loses his interference, Thanos wants to return to Earth is a simple matter. So in any case, he would not give Thanos a chance to do so.

And when he took Jean Grey into the rift, he was surprised to find out. Now they just left the house just now.

Earth is at their feet, and Thanos is in the outer space of Earth, facing the Earth under him, and releasing Annihilation Light with a grinning smile.

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