Sun God Marvel

Chapter 451

Without any hindrance, not many people know how much Thanos can do better than Zhou Yi. In this universe, there are few planets that can withstand the full strength explosion of Thanos, but the existence of Earth is absolutely not included in these planets.

Under the Annihilation Light he released, Earth can only have one end, and that is to be completely destroyed by him. From the life above to the planet itself, everything is impossible to preserve. And this is what Zhou Yi absolutely cannot allow.

He has too many things on this planet that cannot be given up. His beloved woman, his dearest mother, younger sister also child, his friends, also those human beings who have been guarded by him for a long time, and have never wavered in him. In any case, he would not allow Thanos to do such a thing to the own planet.

So he rushed toward Thanos almost immediately, not toward him, but toward the Annihilation Light that was launched toward him, the radiance that was entangled in everything by three Infinity Gems.

He must intercept Annihilation Light before it descends on Earth, only in this way can the people on Earth who care about him be saved. But no matter how he increased his own speed, or even said that oneself had reached the speed of light, he couldn’t catch up with the radiance that had already shot out at this time.

The space has long been chaotic, and now he can’t even intercept in front of the Annihilation Light through Space Jump. So he can only hope for time. Time, and only time, at this time can give him the last little hope.

Be faster, faster. At this time, Zhou Yi was thinking of only this kind of thing. Time began to slow down under his control, began to stand still, and began to change in an unpredictable direction. Just like a long flowing river, Zhou Yi now has to not only slide on this river, but to stop or even reverse the river.

This is something he has never done before, but at this time, he can only choose to do it. He must turn this time around, and he must truly save those people he cares about. To achieve this, time can only be fundamentally changed.

However, I want to change the flow of time, even the long river itself. Thinking alone is basically useless. This kind of thing can only be done by taking action, and once acting, what Zhou Yi can feel is great resistance.

It is as if the entire world is repelling oneself, time, space, and even all the rules in this universe are all against him at this time. They are using own power to accuse Zhou Yi of perverse behavior, let him use own body to feel the tremendous repulsion from the entire universe against him.

And this is manifested in Zhou Yi’s body, that is, when he reversed time, he was immediately destroyed by the sudden explosion of external pressure to destroy all the defensive power in his body. His body was directly forced to endure huge damage from the entire Universe Rule. This almost immediately caused his body to fall apart.


Being protected by the power of Phoenix, Jean Grey can clearly see what Zhou Yi is doing now. And when the scene of Zhou Yi’s body breakdown appeared before her eyes, her whole person was going crazy.

“Don’t come here, Jean. I’m fine, trust me!” However. Even if the body has begun to collapse, Zhou Yi not at all stop owning. From his body that had begun to collapse, a light fluid appeared, and his body was indeed disassembled, collapsing. But after the collapse of Disassemble, his Divine Soul began to appear in place in the form of light, and continued his crazy behavior.

Even if the entire universe is on the opposite side of own, Zhou Yi has no regrets about own’s decision. He resolutely implemented the own action thoroughly to the end. Because to him, all on this planet is own. If you lose them, it means that oneself has lost everything, lost everything. If everything really becomes like that, Zhou Yi can’t imagine what oneself will become. Therefore, he must not let this happen.

The human will can often burst out the most incredible power in the most urgent time. It is the existence that is called a miracle. And now, Zhou Yi has begun to create miracles.

His divine force has become more powerful than what he had done before, and the power of time also shines with the light of ten thousand zhang at this moment. When his divine force was entangled with the lingering Phoenix power, driven by him, and attacked the concept of time itself, a real miracle was born.

It was as if something was broken by the own ear. Zhou Yi, who was still under the boundless weight, suddenly felt a special sense of detachment. It’s as if oneself has jumped out to another completely different world, everything has been unable to cause any restriction and restriction on him.

At this moment, Time Changhe himself seemed to have begun to follow his orders. As the most incredible, even indescribable, conceptual creation, it finally accepted Zhou Yi’s ideas and moved according to his ideas. At this moment, Zhou Yi has only one idea, and only this one idea. That is…….

“Go back, time. Let this all start to flow back!”

It seems that everything has become ash-gray, Everything came to a standstill and became a freeze frame that could be manipulated at will. Except Zhou Yi! At this moment, he seemed to have completely escaped the constraints of time itself and became the person outside of time. When he steps forward, he moves forward with time itself. He looked back and looked back in time and brought everything back to the past. This has almost become a great force that is hard to speak and express. It can almost be said that he has become the Ruler of time. However, this is not a matter without cost, but Zhou Yi at this time does not care about any cost at all.

At this time, Zhou Yi looked back without hesitation, and took his own step toward the past that has passed away. The already formed now began to turn into fragmented pictures with his departure, and even as his footsteps got farther and farther, these pictures became more and more blurred, until they completely disappeared in time itself.

And this is not what Zhou Yi should care about. This kind of present may lose all of the present. Not as good as non-existent! What he wanted was to change the damn past, to change the reality of that short moment. When he made up his mind, it meant that he had decided to make a choice.

Now it has completely disappeared under his will, and his footsteps are still moving. In the long river, the moment almost turned into Eternity. When you are retrograde in time, you don’t even know how long oneself has traveled. Reversing time is not something that a normal life should do. All people who want to do this need to have great courage and perseverance. Because you don’t even know whether you can keep going in this process. People who retrospect time are originally as rare as phoenix feathers and unicorn horns, and even among these people, not everyone can persist until the end. In many cases, emptiness will swallow a person’s mind. But Zhou Yi did not become one of these people. His belief supported him and made him have to accomplish everything oneself had to do.

And in the end, he did it. When he plunges into the long river of time like a standing rock, and allows time to show its diversion in his own identity, it means that he has intervened at the most critical point. The moment before that Thanos launched Annihilation Light towards Earth.

Time began to change at this moment, and everything began to change at this moment.

Thanos, who just withdrew from space turbulence, just raised his own hand and merged the power of the Infinity Gem into the established trajectory. In front of him, time and space have already begun to twist. And when the Annihilation Light came down suddenly, a light steadily appeared in front of the Annihilation Light under the lead of time and space.

This situation surprised Thanos, but suddenly became pleasantly surprised. Because he saw clearly, this radiance shot everywhere, almost missing the figure of True Form, it was precisely the existence he regarded as the enemy of his life. To put him and the damn native planet behind him under the destructive power erupted by oneself, Thanos naturally has no hesitation. Although I don’t understand why Zhou Yi appeared in this way, this form appeared in front of own. But this does not prevent him from carrying out destruction.

Infinity’s Annihilation Light is coming as scheduled, and this time, between Earth and Thanos, there is Zhou Yi. All his efforts are for this moment! Seeing that the ruined radiance pounced towards oneself in this way, Zhou Yi was already shouted and slammed oneself unreservedly at the light.

This fist does not have any gorgeous sound and light effects, nor does it have any heaven-shaking, earth-shattering horror. But at this time, at this location, this fist burst out unimaginable, indescribable terrifying power. That is Strength of Time, it is the majestic force produced after the whole time flows.

And this is the price Zhou Yi has to pay for reversing time! Time itself is the most magical creation in this world, and it is the basic structure of true Eternity. And because it is the foundation, it is even more unshakable. Think about what it would be like to be in a building with its foundation removed. The consequences of reversing time will only be more serious for the person who committed this crime.

He will be subject to the backlash of time itself, an erosion of time that is almost irreversible. It is aging, death, and even more serious consequences. This is the inevitable result, Zhou Yi had already had this kind of consciousness when he turned back time. But if he were to bear all this alone, it would be too unfair for him. Therefore, relying on the divine force of own time, Zhou Yi forcibly extended this backlash from the long river of time to Thanos. Just use such a punch!

And just under such a punch, Thanos, the almost undefeated universe overlord, immediately experienced the most terrifying encounter in oneself’s long life.

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