Sun God Marvel

Chapter 452

In this life, Thanos, ever since he was blessed by Ms. Death, or cursed by Ms. Death, he has never experienced the feeling of fear again. He once thought that oneself would never have such feelings again. However, until now, under Zhou Yi’s unpredictable and mysterious punch, he was surprised to find out. The existence of also this fear in own body.

And when he discovered this, it was too late.

The power of time is almost the supreme power. In front of this power, whether it is the divine force of Zhou Yi, the power of Phoenix of Jean, or the power of the three Infinity gems of Thanos. It became insignificant. So when this punch condensing the power of time burst out, the so-called Annihilation Light became disintegrated in an instant.

It exploded fiercely in the dark deep space of the universe. Under the scouring of the mighty power of time, this Annihilation Light has been traced back to its roots and directly turned into a singularity of energy. And when unstable energy clashes violently inside, this singularity immediately resembles a planet that was suddenly destroyed, bursting into the deep space with a plane extending longitudinally, which can be called a gorgeous halo.

Incomparably magnificent, but also extremely powerful. When it spreads in the deep sky of the dark universe, the light it releases can almost make the entire galaxy and even the Milky Way be sad.

Even those who are above Earth can see clearly that this is erupting in the solar system in a place not far away from their planet by observing only with their eyes.的明光. They are attracted by all this as it should be by rights, and fear it. Although they don’t understand what this is? But this does not prevent them from developing own associations. Humans have been invaded by aliens, and Earth is about to become a hunting ground for aliens. At this time, no matter what kind of delusions these people have, it can’t be overstated.

However, although this halo has a lot to do with the alien invasion in their imagination, not at all. But one thing they did was not at all too big a mistake, and that was the fear of this halo.

This is not a harmless wonder of the universe. Compared with its brilliant and brilliant light, the destructive power of this halo is the thing that should be most admired and awed. Although the Annihilation Light has lost its original intention under the scouring of the mighty power of time, the destructive power it possesses has not diminished at all. And when it was spread out on such a plane and stretched longitudinally, all the objects that blocked its stretched footsteps deeply felt how powerful this force was.

incomparable, and destroying heaven extinguishing earth. When Earth’s sister planet fire star is so straight in front of it, this radiating halo is like cutting a cake with a knife, forcibly dividing the entire fire star directly into different sizes. Two halves evenly.

The severely hit Star Core at this time can’t even maintain the most basic stability. Under the impact of this terrifying force, it instantly burst out of oneself, containing millions and millions of years. Power, along with the star structures on it, burst into the solar system like a time bomb.

This kind of scene should be very spectacular and terrifying. But in the face of the more terrifying power, it was like a silent wave, and it also quietly continued Oblivion.

In the face of the halo of destruction created by Infinity Gem and Time Power, the destruction of fire star is simply insignificant. The last shout it burst out, and the remains after its Death, were silently swallowed by the entire halo without revealing a little shadow. All this, as if it never existed, and never declared its own death at this time.

If fire star is like this, other planets may not end well. But fortunately, there is only fire star for the unfortunate, and it is the only obstacle on the road to bloom. The other planets, because of their different trajectories, were lucky enough to escape. This naturally also includes Earth, the only planet with life.

Earth was lucky enough to escape the catastrophe, which should make Thanos who targeted Earth feel indignant. But now he doesn’t have this emotion, all he has is fear. It’s not because the most powerful force erupted by oneself was actually disintegrated by Zhou Yi in this strange and unknown way. But because of what is happening to him now.

Time Weili’s backlash is not only applied to Annihilation Light, but his more power is applied to him and Zhou Yi. Strength of Time affects them differently, but in Thanos, the result of time backlash is reflected in aging.

True aging! From strength to body, from body to soul, from soul to every corner of the body. Thanos, who once owned the Time Stone, never thought that oneself would experience this feeling under time. He did not even think that under such time force, his undying body would lose its function.

So he could only watch oneself’s tall and strong body shrink and shrink a little bit, and watch oneself’s full and strong muscles collapse little by little. Watching the layers of folds appear on own skin, and watching oneself’s eyes gradually become muddy. Watching oneself become nothing like oneself, unlike the overlord who almost made the universe tremble.

Yes, now he can’t find the feeling of being strong and powerful. Because it is not only his body and appearance that changes, but also his power. Who can imagine, Thanos! The guy with this name, the guy who almost made the entire universe tremble under his silhouette, will have a day when he can’t even lift his hands. There will be a day when even own armor feels heavy and can hardly breathe. There will be a day when just standing in the void, feeling that all the internal organs of oneself are overloaded, and almost exploding.

No one could have imagined that Thanos oneself did not even think of the coming of this day. So when all this appears when the time comes, all he has is fear, the ultimate fear.

Sometimes compared with Death, this extreme aging is the most desperate thing. Especially for the powerful powerhouse, sometimes they would rather greet the baptism of Death when oneself is the strongest than bear the despair that oneself loses step by step in aging.

Thanos is the same, in this kind of aging that makes him extremely terrified. The first thing he thought of was Death, and Death had become extremely difficult for him now.

His body is so old that he can hardly control himself, and the power he possesses is even more dissipated. In this case, there is not much he can do. However, he also exists in Infinity Gem.

Exhausted full strength and poured the only strength of own into the Infinity Gem. Under his thoughts, Space Stone immediately separated out one after another chaotic void rift, facing him Shaved off immediately. At this moment, the space here is even more mixed than the vortex of the sea. When Thanos does this forcibly, it is actually equivalent to chopped up ten-thousand times by a thousand blades.

But he did it anyway, decisively, and hated people trembling. He thought very simple, that is, being reborn in Death. As long as he undying died once, he will be restored to the most complete state. He has tried this a thousand times, and this time is no exception.

And just as he thought, there are indeed no exceptions. When the chaotic space cracks directly chopped up ten-thousand times by a thousand blades, after dividing it into billions of scattered parts. The curse from Ms. Death once again worked on him, and he began to resurrect, turning from the void to the posture of oneself full of prosperity.

This situation makes Thanos haha ​​laugh, because he believes that oneself once again made Zhou Yi return without success. But soon, he couldn’t laugh anymore. Because he discovered that everything is not at all changed.

Although according to his vision, Death gave him a new life, allowing him to return to the own Peak period again. But the backlash power of time was not at all dissipated from him. It stuck to Thanos like a bone maggot, making him feel the same feeling again. The ultimate horror of aging!

This is something that Thanos never thought of, or he simply didn’t believe that such a thing would happen in the world. Therefore, he could only issue a tragic and feeble call sign at this time.

“This…impossible! Give me back my strength, give me back my time. Give it back to me, give it back to… me!”

The voice started to sink down gradually, not because Thanos no longer wanted to call. It was because he had completely lost the strength of the call sign at this moment. Senescence took away everything from him, and his voice became weak only by he himself.

“I haven’t lost yet, I haven’t lost. I also Infinity Gem, I also the power of gems!”

This is low and thin, almost suppressed from the throat But his voice seemed to give Thanos the last glimmer of hope. He stared at the faintly purple Reality Stone in oneself’s hand with his already muddy eyes, hoping that it would save oneself from this abyss of despair. .

And when he poured the last strength of oneself into the Reality Stone, something unexpected happened again. That is, Reality Stone suddenly began to backlash his master, using its terrible power to wreak havoc on Thanos.

Infinity Gem is never a tame divine object. They each have their own temperament, and they can only be driven by the powerhouse they agree with. Among them, Reality Stone is the most! If the previous Thanos was fully qualified for this, then Thanos at this time was not even qualified to touch it. When the aging Thanos arrogantly poured his own power into the Reality Stone, he was immediately swallowed up by the power of the Reality Stone, who was completely substandard.

The endless reality-distorting power began to erode every corner of his body, which made his body that had aged to the limit immediately suffered great pain. The ultimate pain is Death, and when Death comes, it is the beginning of a new pain for Thanos.

Endless, crazy and desperate. Under such torture, his whole person gave out a roar that made people feel terrible when they heard it.


And this is useless, because everything is still going on.

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