Sun God Marvel

Chapter 459

Seeing that the helicopters have begun to approach these refugee camps organized by Mutant and the Avengers, many people have begun to wave their own hands to send out help signals to the aircraft above.

At this time, they really need help from the government and the military. This is also the right that they should enjoy as citizens of this country. But at this time, the helicopter from the sky has done something that no one can imagine.

Without any notice, they deployed their own airborne weapons, and began to fire indiscriminately against the civilians below and even Mutant. They have only one thing to do, and that is complete extinction. And just such a move immediately set off a foul wind and bloody rain below.

Those civilians who did not suffer any harm in the catastrophe, but survived to the present, suffered heavy losses immediately under such an offensive. Because no one thought that such a thing would happen, neither the Avengers nor Mutant had time to stop everything they did.

They even said that the shock of this moment made them simply do not know what happened. They have been completely stupefied by everything that happened before them.

“Help, who will help me, who will help me!”

“My child, my child!”

“Why , Why is it like this!” This is not the voice of one person, but the voice of thousands of people. At this time, one person after another lay down here, under the gunfire and bullets of the human owner. Looking at all this, Rogue, who has been doing all of oneself’s ability to save these people, immediately became almost crazy. “Stop it for me!”

With her yelling, her power exploded immediately. That was part of the power absorbed by Zhou Yi when she first became God. And as soon as this power broke out, it immediately changed into a blowout brilliance, hiding the sky and covering the earth, spreading the whole city.

Everyone, no matter what kind of serious injury, was saved at this time. The divine force in her body has exactly the same characteristics as Zhou Yi, bringing back to life, changing something rotten into something magical. It can be said that the raids by these helicopters have completely become useless.

Looking at all this, already sitting under the throne of the president, the guy who gave this order immediately shook his head and said to the companions around them.

“This is why we want to eliminate this group of Mutants. They can always use various methods to disrupt all our plans and arrangements. Seriously, I hate this kind of boring Repeat the work. Order to go down, speed up the steps, and destroy them.”

His orders made the actions of those armed helicopters even more rampant. Like a swarm of bees, they flocked to all corners of the city and attacked all the living targets that oneself could see.

At this time, the people who finally spirit slowly recovers immediately began to rush into wolves and fled desperately. They rushed towards the bunker, towards Mutant’s direction, hoping to find protection and rescue there. But far away can’t dissolve near fire. In this case, there are very few people who can rush there.

Rogue, who has repeatedly exploded oneself within the body energy, has gradually reached the point of running out of ammunition and food. After all, the power in her body is not an own thing, but stolen from Zhou Yi. If used cautiously, this energy may be self-sufficient for a long time. But a blowout like this will only quickly squeeze them out.

This can be seen from the pinch of golden in her hair gradually disappearing.

“Hurry up, you have to do something. I have no strength!”

Looking at oneself’s colleagues who were still at a loss, Rogue couldn’t help shouting Cried. Hearing her words, Bobby immediately opened an ice barrier to protect her and the ordinary persons hiding behind them.

But this is not very useful, because the outside artillery and attacks simply never stopped. It is only a matter of time before they break through this layer of protection, and at this time, many people still don’t know what oneself should do.

“What should we do?” Pyro John held a ball of flame, but he didn’t dare to shoot it out. He asked loudly, because he simply didn’t have the courage to attack these military aircraft.

The particularity of Mutant’s identity makes these Mutants simply have no other way except defense in the current situation. They dare not attack these troops because they dare not declare war on this country.

As a special ethnic group, they have learned to think twice before acting. Especially when it comes to this kind of major event that affects their future, they need to be more cautious. And this kind of prudence can only make the form worse and worse, and the lives of those innocent civilians become more critical.

At this time, someone needs to stand up and stop this. Someone needs to take the lead in blowing the counterattack horn. And the first to do this was Hulk, this green fatty who has never been irritated.

After putting in so much effort, he didn’t want to see a group of bastards come and destroy all his achievements. So without anyone stopping him, he immediately rushed towards an airplane.

“Oh, damn it. It’s Hulk!” As soon as a plane turned around, he saw Hulk rushing towards oneself. The pilot subconsciously pressed the fire control button on his hand, and shot Hulk in a round. But the weapon that killed people just now was just like sand trapped in the wind in front of Hulk.

Not even a little spark can be sputtered, bullets ejected from his body one after another. When the pilot wanted to raise his own position and avoid Hulk’s attack, everything was too late.

He has turned into a huge fireball under the blow of Hulk, and this has also become the beginning of damage to these military helicopters.

When Hulk started to take action, the Avengers and some Mutant, who had let go of all consideration, also attacked the helicopters.

In terms of combat effectiveness, they may not be the enemy of these military aircraft. So for a while, the whole city was filled with the sound of explosions and the strong smell of gun smoke.

This reaction and behavior finally gave the civilians a chance to breathe. Some people took out their own cellphone immediately after hiding in the bunker, and turned on the recording mode for everything that happened outside.

As a citizen of a country, after being thrown a nuclear bomb, he has to go through this bloody cleaning. This is something that cannot be tolerated anyway. As an ordinary person without any ability to fight back, the only thing they can do is to record everything in front of them and make them public to the world.

The world needs to know what United States has done, and it needs to know what happened in New York. They want to let free people all over the world see the hypocritical and sordid true face of the United States Government, expose their actions to public knowledge and truth, and accept justice.

This is some naive and beautiful idea, but it is the only thing they can do. With their efforts, the entire world has seen New York after the disaster and the ongoing massacre by US military aircraft in New York.

As soon as I saw these videos, the entire world became an uproar. At this moment, everyone who saw these videos thought that oneself had seen the so-called truth. They immediately began to condemn American’s evil deeds in an own way. To wield a butcher knife on the own citizens is something that anyone who has been educated by the folk bishop cannot accept. Among them, the most unbearable is the other American.

If even New York has to suffer this kind of treatment, how can they be better? If at this time they do not condemn the military’s madness, and do not defend the democracy and justice of this country. Then, when all this happens to them in the future, to whom can they complain?

Preparing for a rainy day is something smart people know to do, so at this moment, the complaint calls of various government departments have been completely blown up.

Whether ordinary citizens of this country, those wealthy and powerful upper-class celebrities, and even the various state governments of this country, they now complain to the President’s White House office for their own opinions. They need an explanation, this country needs an explanation, and even the entire world needs an explanation.

But, will the current president give them an explanation? This is a question that needs to be considered.

Listen to the ringtones that the phone in front of oneself constantly remembers, and the increasingly noisy human voices outside. The counterfeit who had just sat on the presidential throne for a few hours showed a mocking smile on the owner’s face. As long as the thoughts of these people are kept, playing them between the palms is just a matter with no difficulty. If you want public knowledge and justice, you can use the most barbaric war and terror to fight for it.

Thinking of this, the fake president took out a pistol from the own drawer and pointed it at own’s head.

“For Hydra!” After a silent shout, he pulled the own trigger. After the shot, the door of his office was immediately pushed open. As if everything had been rehearsed, these people showed panic and shock in an orderly manner, and after a period of ineffective blocking, they put a large group of reporters into the office.

For a time, the president’s body was brushed over and over again by countless flashlights, and at this time, a sharp-eyed reporter found a suicide note in front of the president. The suicide note was supposed to be kept by the White House security personnel, but soon it was handed over to the vice president, the interim president.

And in the hands of the interim president who took over the mess, this so-called president’s suicide note was published to the entire world soon, and immediately shocked this World. .

The conspiracy that Hydra had been brewing for a long time was finally revealed to the world.

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