Sun God Marvel

Chapter 460

As the interim president of United States, also the former vice president. Mr. Wilson Plato is naturally no longer the original him. Now he is a pretender, a conspiracy perpetrator. Therefore, while standing on the podium of the urgent press conference, the pretender expressed a very sad feeling of condolences, and he did not have the joy of taking over power.

This is unreasonable thing, because as everyone knows. The vice president and the deceased Mr. President are notorious opponents, and they are also enemies in the current election. When they represent the oneself party, they have never talked happily, and they have been restrained enough not to take action. And now, this interim president actually keeps on saying, calling the deceased president oneself the best friend of his life. Even if it is acting, it is a bit too much.

However, no one noticed this problem, because everyone, all the media were attracted by the president’s suicide and the suicide note before his suicide. Why did the president of United States commit suicide? Is it fear of sin? Or is it another reason? What is written in the suicide note, these all are questions they desperately want to know.

In response to the urgent gazes below, the temporary Mr. President sneered in his heart and said in a deep mourning tone.

“I believe you have understood the reasons for this press conference. On the one hand, it is to make public announcements about the cause of Mr. President’s death, and at the same time announce his suicide note in accordance with his will. An explanation of what happened in New York. Now, let’s start with the first question.”

“First of all, about Duncan’s death. According to our inspections and the video record of the President’s Office, it’s certain. The President. My husband died by suicide. And why he committed suicide, all the reasons are in this suicide note. Please forgive me, because it involves national security reasons, I have read this suicide note with the staff of White House. .According to the requirements in this suicide note, it is necessary for me to announce the contents of the suicide note to the whole society. Now, I swear by myself and in the name of God, I guarantee that what oneself reads is the original suicide note without adding a word or changing it. One word. At this point, all the gentlemen who have read this suicide note with me can supervise my behavior. In addition, I will also publish the original content of the suicide note later, allowing professionals to verify the authenticity of the suicide note through its handwriting! “

Speaking of this, the interim president raised his own hand and swore in front of all reporters and the media.

“Then, this is the content of this suicide note. Please forgive my Ji Yue, and I will read this suicide note as Duncan. I hope you can understand!”

Speaking of which, the vice president looked around all around and took out the so-called suicide note from his own pocket. After clearing his throat, he read the contents in front of this World.

“When you see this suicide note, believe that I am already not in the world. Here, I first say to all the victims, and also to the people who have been hurt by my orders I’m sorry. All this is my fault, my dereliction of duty. If I can, I really hope I have never issued such an order, whether it is to drop a nuclear bomb on New York, or a hero who intends to murder humans, and after all Clean up the citizens of New York. If possible, I really hope this is just a nightmare, a nightmare that never happens as soon as I wake up.”

I just read the suicide note here, the whole press conference The scene is already noisy with human voices, it is almost boiling like a boiling fryer. Almost everyone does not believe that the former president who has passed away confessed his own crimes and confessed everything he committed.

Some outspoken reporters have yelled at them, and even some excited crowds have begun to attack the security line of the press conference. They are all like this. I believe that the emotions of the people who monitor everything happening here through the media are even more uncontrollable.

However, the interim president is still calm as usual, and even continues own chanting without any change in the speed of speech. But as he chanted, the entire venue fell strangely silent.

“Since a few days ago, I have felt an indescribable strange feeling. A psychic impulse that people can’t ignore. I know that since I became the President of the United States, I have been I have not made any contribution to this country, or even provided any benefits to the citizens of this country. I thought I would attempt nothing and accomplish nothing until the end of my term. But in the past few days , I changed my mind. I eagerly want to do something, no matter what it is, whether it’s good or bad, whether it’s good for this country or not, I hope I can do something in my last presidential career What, make some changes in this country.”

“I know this is ridiculous, but I do think so. And when this impulse gets stronger and stronger, I can’t control my own will at all. When I was alive, a voice rang in my ears.”

“Yes, a strange voice. I know that if I tell every fellow human being in the world this way when I am alive, you must Unwilling to believe everything I said, you must think this is my excuse. So I chose to prove my innocence by the way of Death, to prove the truthfulness of everything I said. Please believe me, All of this, this voice that bewitches me really exists.”

“Bewitched! Yes, I used such words. But please trust me, this kind of words is far from describing this voice. The evil and terrifying. He is not so much a devil who deceives me and made me commit such guilt. Rather, he completely kidnapped my will, almost treating me like a mention. The string puppet is controlled in my hand. Let me act exactly as he wants to do all the terrifying things.”

“That is really a long and desperate thing, because you It is absolutely impossible to imagine how terrifying and crazy it would be to watch oneself do terrifying things one after another like a stranger. I have tried to struggle, I have tried to resist. But please forgive me I. I am an incompetent coward. Under the control of this power, my struggle and resistance have no meaning at all. I can only watch all these disasters happen with my own eyes, and watch the oneself controlled by others. Sign the terrifying and evil orders.”

“Thank God for mercy, I finally found myself with the help of Mr. Teslak. However, everything is too late. The big mistake has been As a result, I have no power to stop all the sins I have committed.”

“I say this, not hoping that I can be forgiven by you. Because I know very well that no matter what I do elf excuses me, whether I am being manipulated or not. Everything that has happened and is happening in New York has nothing to do with me. Those tragedies happened only under my orders. I failed the people of New York, failed the heroes who fought there, failed this country and this World. So I am pretty sure that hell is the home of sinners like me. “

“However, I must declare to the world. Even in the form of suicide, it should sound the alarm for the humans of this World. I hope you all remember everything that happened to me and take a warning. An Evil Power is secretly beginning to stir, he even has the ability to conquer the tightest line of defense in this country, and give this country the heaviest blow. America is already like this. My colleagues in the world and heads of state, should you also be on guard? “

“Although I don’t know the true identity of this evil force, I don’t know what their true purpose is. But I can be sure that this is definitely not their only action. For the peace of the world, for the peace of our planet. I sincerely hope that everyone will pay attention to this issue. “

“In addition, I sincerely say sorry to everyone in New York. All this happened is my fault, my guilt. If possible, I hope I can win your forgiveness by the way you spurn my own grave. Duncan Slaughter is a masterpiece! “

The long suicide note finally came to an end in the heavy tone of the interim president. But when this end appeared, the whole venue was gone without the boiling hustle and bustle of the previous one. The atmosphere of horror. Some are just silence, weird silence.

President Duncan’s suicide note made everyone at the press conference plunge into contemplation, and they all fell into thinking about the conspiracy he described. In. They seem to have never thought about it. This is just a conspiracy, a conspiracy to lead them all into a trap.

Because no one simply thought that the supreme leader of the most powerful country in the world would commit suicide. The way to prove that everything about own is a lie made up by others. No one doubts that this is just a crazy move by Mr. President to shirk responsibility and give oneself a good reputation.

The death of man, The words are also good. They instinctively believed the president’s so-called dying words. And everything in his suicide note can indeed explain well why he did that many crazy things.

If the previous behavior of throwing nuclear bombs can be said to be to combat alien invasion forces, and the action of the strong man breaking his wrist, then the subsequent act of dispatching the army to massacre the refugees who survived New York is fundamental There is no reason at all.

Only conspiracy can explain all this well, and the president’s suicide note clearly gave them a very good framework to fill their conspiracy theories.

Seeing everyone at the scene almost fell into contemplation. The interim president knew that their plan went one step further.

So now, he cleared his throat and continued. .

“I know you have a lot of questions, and I also have such questions. Because I was by his side when the president gave this order, I regret not discovering his abnormality. I have not been able to stop him, and even said that I cannot stop the troops who are conducting military operations against humanitarian in New York. I can tell you very clearly that those troops are out of control. They do not accept orders from White House at all, and they simply do not listen to any commands. This is unreasonable. So after reading his suicide note, I immediately found the Mr. Teslak mentioned by Duncan, and I believe he will give us a reasonable explanation. “

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