Sun God Marvel

Chapter 466

“Don’t come here, stay away from me, stay away from me!” Shirley said as she stepped back in horror. Even she herself doesn’t know why oneself is so scared. But under the light of the dim radiance, she really had a terrifying hallucination to the soldiers walking towards oneself.

It’s like returning to the terrifying night in Laken City. In her eyes, these people in front of her were completely transformed into monsters of human flesh and blood, approaching oneself little by little. come.

There is no reason for this fear, although Shirley told oneself that these people are not worth fearing. But she still couldn’t help but fantasize these people as what oneself fears most. In this terrifying fantasy, she began to step back. Until she retreated to a small safe that had been turned on due to a malfunction.

In that safe, a faint yellow gem is exuding a strange radiance. This radiance is the only light in this dim underground laboratory. Shirley had already involuntarily retreated to the only light source. And it seemed that Shirley’s presence was felt, and the radiance of this gem began to become brighter. It’s like it’s calling this girl.

“Shirley, what are you doing?” Looking at Shirley at this time, she still stretched out her hand to the jewel and kept in front of her, as the elder sister Aretha, who was behind her protection, couldn’t help but asked her.

But Shirley didn’t pay any attention to her, or she was no longer controlled by own. The faint yellow gem tempted her, so she directly stretched out her hand and held the gem tightly in her hand, and then something strange happened.

A burning thing, like a huge dim yellow vertical pupil, suddenly appeared behind Shirley, and then suddenly swallowed her young body. In just an instant, Shirley’s trail completely disappeared from this dark underground laboratory. And all this happened directly made the invading Armored Soldiers look dumbfounded.

The goal of their mission is these two important girls, and now one of them just disappeared before their eyes in an unimaginable way. This makes them immediately become not knowing what to do.

At this time, some soldiers even raised their own guns at the dim vertical pupil that had begun to fade away. He seemed to want to use his own weapon to open this magical and unbelievable thing, and see if he could release the disappearing girl from here.

But when he was about to shoot, the leader had already beaten his head and face, preventing his stupid behavior.

“Are you crazy? What if you hurt them?”

“But sir, what should I do if that disappeared?”

Someone asked This very serious question came up, and for this question, the leader was taken aback and said with a smile.

“Is that the other one? As long as we hold one in our hands, the plan is considered successful. As long as we don’t let her escape from our palms, then our mission is not considered Failure, understand?”

This statement gave them hope, hope of living. And when they looked towards Aretha standing there alone, their eyes were already full of crazy desire.

Although Aretha couldn’t see their eyes, she could feel their morbid desire for own right now. This made her feel a real sense of fear at this moment. At this moment, she was alone facing these evil-hearted villains. No one would bear all this with her, and no one would rescue her at this time and take her out of all this. She could only watch them approaching oneself step by step, watching them stretch their evil claws towards oneself little by little.

At this time, the tremendous pressure finally broke her mind.

She screamed and sobbed. And from deep in one’s heart aroused the existence that she thinks can best protect own.

“Father, where are you? Father, come and save me. I’m so scared, I’m so scared!”

Just like most girls falling into the claws Similarly, Aretha can only vent oneself’s inner fear in this way. But unlike those other girls, Aretha is a Mutant. A Mutant with special ability.

Even since she was brought back to this home by Zhou Yi, she has not shown her own special ability. But this does not mean that her ability has disappeared.

In fact, her abilities have always been there, but she was sealed in the deepest part of her heart. The obscured past is a distant memory she doesn’t want to touch, and her special and magical ability is also blocked with this memory. The special ability called Soul Descent.

Aressa can communicate with the soul through this ability, and even bring some special soul power to the owner. Such a trait makes her arguably the existence that the devil and Evil Spirit covet the most. It is precisely because of these that her childhood tragedy was brewed.

But when Zhou Yi is by her side, her ability is not at all very useful. On the one hand, she herself is afraid of the existence of this power and is unwilling to drive it. On the other hand, it is because of Zhou Yi.

He is the True God walking in the Human World, and his residence can also be said to be his sanctuary in this world. No Evil Spirit would dare to enter a True God sanctuary with eyesight, and no devil would dare to provoke such a powerful True God. It can be said that he provided Aretha with the most special layer of protection, allowing her once nightmare to completely leave with the past.

But now, with all this happening, with the collapse of Aretha’s inner world. Her long-living abilities within the body finally broke out at this time, and this burst immediately made a special and powerful existence, responding to her call, and descended on her from endless void.

And all this is only in the blink of an eye.

In an instant, there was a layer of extremely dark black flame around Aretha’s body, as if it could swallow all the light. These flames lingered around her body, like a spherical surface, completely enveloping her.

This makes Aretha fall into absolute protection, but relatively, outside the sphere composed of black flame, everything is being madly destroyed.

Whether it is metal or soil, air or even more intangible space, as long as it is touched by this black flame, it will be wiped out and destroyed immediately, leaving no trace. Even the light seems to be unable to escape its swallowing and destruction. At a glance, all you can see is the flame-like darkness. In this dark basement, deeper colors are diffused in an indescribable way.

And looking at all this, the leader finally realized that everything was beyond his control. The destructive power produced by this flame-like darkness is beyond his imagination, and what worries him even more is the trace of Aretha.

They have lost the trace of Shirley, if even Aretha lost, then their mission can only be said to be completely finished. As for what it means to fail in a mission, it is self-evident.

This is a fact that he and his men will never accept. So facing the terrifying black flame beyond oneself’s understanding, he clenched the teeth and ordered.

“Go to a few people, pass through this thing, and bring out the child in there!”

This order is simply for people to die, but there is always more order than death People are afraid of things. For the members of Hydra, the result of disobedience is obviously more terrifying than death, so even if they knew the result of doing so, two guys still stood up without hesitation.

They increased their horsepower and rushed towards the center of the black flame. Obviously, they want to use the fastest time to complete this order to see if they can make oneself hopeful of survival. But the result is not satisfactory.

They rushed over, and then disappeared completely into the black flame like moths fighting fire. Even more miserable than moths fighting the fire, they didn’t even leave a so-called corpse. Almost in an instant, they turned into dust, and then they were swallowed up and cleaned by the black flame.

This situation made everyone who saw it point fingers, but when the leader hesitated what to do, the black flame violently rioted.

Like a dark sun, it exploded with almost Infinity power in this small underground space. Along the sphere that protects Aretha, an endless black flame spews, hurricaneously dancing, almost overwhelming everything in this small space.

And this naturally includes those invaders.

In front of the black flame, they disappeared completely without making any sound. But the black flame is still rushing, devouring everything they can touch.

A huge, like a vacuum, and like an endless world unfolding in this underground space. The reason for saying this is because the volume of this World has far exceeded the original space of the underground laboratory. It’s much bigger than that, it’s too big to imagine.

The reason why it becomes like this is because the black flame swallows everything up. It is expanding endlessly towards the void, almost opening up a new void world. And this is just its unconscious action.

It’s hard to say what kind of existence Aretha brought to own, but it has to be said that such an existence is really powerful to the point of terrifying. Even compared to Zhou Yi in the Peak period, it is not much better, and may even be stronger.

Who is this guy? Aretha didn’t know, she could only feel a very special feeling, an indescribable warmth. It’s as if this unknown being is oneself the closest person. She hesitated and hesitated whether she should have some necessary communication with him.

And at this time, a gentle radiance suddenly shone into the darkness, into the dark deep space where Aretha was. Soon after, Aretha heard Serana’s anxious and panicking voice.

“Aressa, Shirley. Where are you? Answer me, dear! Please, answer me quickly!”

It’s not just that she heard this voice, Even the being that had descended on her heard Selana’s cry. And in such a shout, Aretha suddenly felt a kind of unspeakable regret and pain spreading from own deep in one’s heart, at the same time, a hoarse, unfamiliar and familiar voice came in. In her mind.


Just a call, and after the call, the darkness began to fade. When Aretha opened her eyes again, she found that oneself had returned to that dark laboratory.

There is only her, and Serana with an anxious look, but there is no other silhouette here. Whether it was Shirley, or the unknown existence that had descended.

Who is he? A deep question printed on her deep in one’s heart, which made her unable to calm down for a long time.

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